Andy Murray 2010溫網第一輪賽後訪問 - 美網 Tennis

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2010-06-24T01:51

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Q. As a whole, how close is that to a perfect start to the tournament?

ANDY MURRAY: Yeah, it was good. I mean, the start of the match was tricky. I
haven't seen him play that much. He started very well. But once I got back
into the first set, I did start to feel a lot more comfortable. Served well
and didn't give him many chances.

Definitely got better as the match went on.

Q. Is that as good as you've felt since Melbourne?

ANDY MURRAY: I don't know. I felt I was definitely in the right frame of mind
for the match. You know, I felt when I went behind, I mean, it's not the best
start, but I felt calm, you know. Just, you know, found a way to get myself
back into the match.

So I wouldn't say it's the best that I've felt since Melbourne, but it's a
good start.

Q. You've spoken about how you haven't felt as confident in the last couple
of months. Is that the kind of win that brings that kind of confidence back
to you again?

ANDY MURRAY: Yeah, I mean, obviously coming here helps. It's obviously a
great place to play. You know, I've had good results here the last few years.

You know, when you play well in a place beforehand, you tend to play well
there and it makes you feel more comfortable when you come back.

So it was a good start. You know, I feel, uhm, confident.

Q. Twelve months ago you said that it was -- I think you used the term
'unacceptable' to describe the performances with so many British losses.
It's even worse this year. What's your reaction to that?

ANDY MURRAY: Yeah, it's not great, is it? I mean, you know, I said obviously
I'd like to see more British players playing in the tournament and more
British win.

Yeah, it's not ideal. You know, everybody that will be working at the LTA
will be disappointed, as well. You know, a few of the girls had a chance to
win. Didn't take quite them. Obviously, it was only me and Jamie that were in
the boys.

Yeah, it's not a great start.

Q. Do you feel it's getting worse? The results this year are worse. Do you
feel there's any progress?

ANDY MURRAY: I don't know, to be honest. I mean, I don't know, you know
I'm not around it that much. But, I mean, if you get a look at the rankings
and the actual facts of, you know, where the players are and how they're
doing in the bigger tournaments, the big junior tournaments, the results
haven't been great.

Q. How much of that pressure that's being obviously heaped on you as the lone
carrier, how much of that are you actually feeling?

ANDY MURRAY: I actually don't mind it. There's definitely pressure on me to
play well. But, you know, I think that, uhm, the few months since Melbourne,
it's something I needed to refocus me to make sure that I perform well. Today
was a good start. Hopefully I can continue that in the next match.

Q. Given that you already have that pressure heaped on you, looking ahead to
Thursday, the Queen being here, how is that going to affect you?

ANDY MURRAY: I hope it doesn't affect me in the match. You know, I think it's
one of those things when you get out there, you know, you're aware of it, but
then, you know, it is our job to be able to concentrate and to focus, not let
things that are going on off the court distract you.

So, you know, I've been doing it for the last five, six years, getting used
to playing in big stadiums with people watching and various distractions. You
just need to stay focused.

Q. You've learnt to deal with the pressure. Do you feel there's things the
other British players can do to learn that? Obviously, a lot of them had
chances, but they didn't take them.

ANDY MURRAY: Well, I don't know. It's something that I've always enjoyed
playing in the big tournaments because that was why I always played tennis. I
mean, obviously you want to enjoy it, but surely when you start playing a
sport, you want to compete in the biggest events against the best players.

When you get there, there's definitely a pressure that comes with it, but
something you should be able to enjoy as well. That's it for me. I enjoy
playing the big events. If there's extra pressure, I don't think it affects
the way that I play. You just got to get your head 'round it and deal with
the pressure.

I don't know if it's something that you have when you're growing up or
something that you can be taught. But for me, I've enjoyed playing in the big
events since I was young.

Q. Did you feel more comfortable going to the net today?

ANDY MURRAY: Yeah, I didn't get to net too often. But, yeah, when I was
there, I felt good. I practiced a lot the last sort of five, six days, just
hitting a lot of volleys.

You know, if you pick, you know, the right moments to go into the net on
grass, you get a lot of pretty easy volleys.

You know, they're the ones that you need to make sure you're focused on so,
you know, you're able to shorten points. Especially against the best players,
you need to be able to do that.

Q. Thursday will probably change all this. Hitherto, who is the most famous
person you've been introduced to or met?

ANDY MURRAY: I would probably say David Beckham. He's probably up there, I
would have thought, yup.

Q. What has the Club said to you about Thursday?

ANDY MURRAY: I haven't actually spoken to anybody about it yet. But I think
there's a good chance I'll play the first match on the Centre Court, so I'll
get a chance to play in front of the Queen. Then maybe after the match I'll
get the chance to meet her.

But I haven't spoken to anybody about it yet.

Q. What impact is the World Cup going to have? You said there's less pressure
or attention.

ANDY MURRAY: It's not less pressure. I'm still trying to win the event. But,
yeah, just, you know, less people here. There's some empty seats. Then around
the practice courts, it's just a bit quieter. A few less distractions.

Q. You posted some messages on Twitter before the game. Do you think that
helps you relax and take your mind off things?

ANDY MURRAY: I think it's just something nice. I mean, obviously the people
that are following me, you know, are supporters. I think it's good if you can
communicate with them as much as possible.

You know, yeah, I mean, I enjoy the Twittering. I think it's a good thing.

Q. Were you surprised to be on Court 1 today rather than Centre?

ANDY MURRAY: Actually, I wasn't that bothered which court I played on. I
mean, I played -- I was probably due not to play on Centre Court. I played
the last four or five years, since I played Stepanek, I hadn't played off
Centre Court.

It was actually nice in a way. You know, I'll probably be back on Centre
Court for the next round.

But, you know, it was a little bit of a surprise because I hadn't played on
any other court for the last few years.

Q. You played Jarkko twice. You haven't played since '07. He's not going to
turn up as a sacrificial lamb on Thursday. What are you expecting from him?

ANDY MURRAY: He has a lot of experience. He had a really good chance to beat
Roddick at the French Open a few weeks ago. He's a tough player. He's
obviously a lefty, which can make it tricky. You know, he's a very solid
player. He doesn't hand matches to you. You have to go out and beat him. He's
not going to make many mistakes.

So I have to play well.

Q. I'm from Finland. You toyed with Nieminen, playing the lines and
dropshots. Are you capable of such a show here on the grass?

ANDY MURRAY: Where was that?

Q. I can't say, but it was a few years ago.

ANDY MURRAY: Yeah, I can't remember the match. I remember playing him in
Toronto quite a few years ago.

Yeah, no, he's a tough player. I hope I play well. If I do, I'll have a
chance to win. If not, he's a very difficult player to beat.

Q. How important is it to conserve energy? You had a few sort of knee niggles
at the French.

ANDY MURRAY: Well, it's important in any tournament to try to come through
the matches as quickly as possible. Yeah, today was a good start. You know,
in the slams, more than the other tournaments, you want to conserve as much
energy as possible.

It's definitely, definitely important.

Q. How was the knee today?

ANDY MURRAY: No, the knee is fine. I mean, it's just sore every week. But
just something that I need to learn to deal with.

Q. Going back to the Queen, quite a lot made of a suggestion you might not
bow to her on Thursday. Can you tell us about how you're feeling meeting her,
if you will bow, and what you might say if you meet her?

ANDY MURRAY: I don't know what I'll say exactly. I'll probably be a little
bit nervous, understandably. I guess I don't want to mess up at all.

But, yeah, the plan was to bow to the Queen, as everybody would. It's just
you wanted to get the right etiquette for what we were doing on the court. A
few years back it definitely changed. Both players, when you went on Centre
Court bowed, and they went out together. When they left the court, they left
together, bowed again. Obviously, it's changed.

What I was trying to say, which I think was unfairly reported, was I wanted
to make sure what the etiquette was before we went out on the court.

Q. You talked about coming back here kind of helping you, giving you a lift.
You've gone one round further each time here. Does that similarly inspire
you, give you confidence?

ANDY MURRAY: No, I mean, you can't look into those things too much because
they really don't make any difference. Every year is always going to be
different. Every tournament is going to be different.

But obviously each year I have played better. I improved a lot from when I
lost to Rafa, I think it was in 2008, I improved a lot since then, to the
following year where last year I felt I had a chance to win the tournament.
This year I feel like I have a chance again, but I'll need to play well.

Q. Any plans for tomorrow? Will you be watching the World Cup

ANDY MURRAY: I'm practicing at 1:00. I don't know exactly when the matches
are. But, yeah, I mean, I'll definitely match the 7:30 game. I was told that
they banned the England match from the grounds here. So if I'm home in time,
I'll watch it.


最後一題 Andy是搞錯英格蘭出賽時間嗎? XDDD

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2010-06-26T10:46
George avatar
By George
at 2010-06-28T19:41
沒有記錯啦 他下午要練球所以可能趕不上看英格蘭 但是會看
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2010-07-01T04:36
晚上那場(Ghana vs Germany) 這樣:)
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2010-07-03T13:31
喔 我誤會了 以為他有一絲毫的想看英格蘭比賽 XD
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2010-07-05T22:27
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2010-07-08T07:22
結果他大概也沒看德國那場 在看Mahut/Isner XD
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2010-07-10T16:17
樓上誤會了啊XD 16強還沒開打呢 我指得是16強德國打英格蘭
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2010-07-13T01:12
我的意思是到時Murray會為德國加油 昨天德國打迦納 他幹麻看XD
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2010-07-15T10:08
我沒誤會啊 我是回原po XXD
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2010-07-17T19:03
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2010-07-20T03:58
Andy登場了 跟Jarkko一起很呆的行禮了 哈哈哈
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2010-07-22T12:53
行禮很可愛 XD 今天到目前為止應該沒有讓女王失望阿 XD
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2010-07-24T21:49
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2010-07-27T06:44
行禮真的好可愛 >///////< 好有趣!!!
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2010-07-29T15:39
後來還接見兩位球員! 女王很開心啊 XDDDDDD
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2010-08-01T00:34
全英俱樂部禁止播放英格蘭的比賽好好笑 XDDDD
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2010-08-03T09:30
我沒看到 Q__Q (崩潰)
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2010-08-05T18:25
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2010-08-08T03:20
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2010-08-10T12:15
沒關係啦! 對手在旁邊也是叉腰 XDDDD
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2010-08-12T21:10 在女王面前丟拍 皮在癢XD不過女王笑了XD
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2010-08-15T06:06
喔買尬 Andy官網換了!? 啥時的事情 還不賴的感覺
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2010-08-17T15:01
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2010-08-19T23:56
新官網很溫布頓 XD 是說以後都要這樣配合應景嗎!?
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2010-08-22T08:51
新官網是跟溫布頓同時登場的XD 感覺很華麗~
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2010-08-24T17:47 行禮
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2010-08-27T02:42
我強烈懷疑昨天兩個人握手時講的話就是在討論怎麼敬禮 XDD


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2010-06-24T01:42
這兩場發球真威 不知道測出來最快多少 從來從來就沒聽過亞洲出過大砲啊~ 小盧如果變成大砲好不習慣喔...... 話說小盧有點年紀了 這個年齡已經不是靠雙腿吃飯就可以混很久 盧彥勳如果轉型變成大砲 或許在球員生涯還有德拼喔 - ...

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Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2010-06-24T00:15 (有三個可以選) Nole的第二場溫布頓,希望可以有品質一點~~~~~ - ...

[新聞] 溫網/張凱貞練球 順便賺到女雙資格

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2010-06-24T00:12
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at 2010-06-24T00:12
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