Roddick injured at World Team Cup.. - 網球

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2006-05-24T21:29

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Roddick's French Open hopes hit by foot injury

DUESSELDORF, Germany, May 24 (Reuters) - Andy Roddick's participation
in the French Open was thrown into doubt on Wednesday after he retired
with a foot injury from his match against Chile's Nicolas Massu at the
World Team Cup.

"I don't know how bad it is yet," said Roddick. "It's not responding to
movement very well when you try to flex it. It hurts pretty good. Only
time's going to tell."

The American landed heavily on his left foot at 2-2 in the first set
and went on to drop serve for the first time in the match.

He then received lengthy treatment from ATP trainer Bill Norris,
flinching with pain as Norris pressed the top of his foot.

Although Roddick, the world number five, continued after having his
ankle and foot heavily bandaged, he barely tried to compete and retired
at 2-4.

"I slid and kind of went over on it and felt something clip or pop,"
Roddick told reporters.

"It was just getting progressively worse. I wasn't able to really step
on it, much less move, so it was pointless just going through the motions
out there."

The French Open starts on Sunday in Paris.

"I just hope I wake up tomorrow and it resembles an ankle and not a balloon,"
Roddick said.

"It's just annoying. It's disappointing. I feel like every time there's
progress being made something happens and there's a little bit of a setback.

"I've been hitting the ball great in practice since I've been over here
and I was really excited. I felt like I started serving well again. I'm
just a little unlucky right now."

Roddick's injury comes two days after Australian Lleyton Hewitt suffered
an ankle injury at a tournament in Austria, in his first match after a
seven-week injury lay-off.

Updated on Wednesday, May 24, 2006



Tags: 網球

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William avatar
By William
at 2006-05-29T04:10
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2006-06-02T22:55
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2006-06-04T01:15
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2006-06-07T09:24

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Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2006-05-24T07:40
感謝熱心Steffi迷提供比賽錄像,全部英文解說,這是第二部分錄像,(三月份我們已 經做過第一批了,可是那時候我還不會用ptt,所以無法上來通知各位) 請用bt下載,種子地址其他 唯一要注意的 是,87年法網決賽有兩個種子,請下載 ...

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By Kumar
at 2006-05-23T23:05
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