recap after G2 - 波士頓塞爾提克 Boston Celtics

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2008-05-24T10:22

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"It is even," forward Rasheed Wallace said. "We don't sit back and say,
'Oh, look. They are undefeated at home,' or 'They didn't win a game on the
road.' ... A lot of the teams they played in the postseason and the regular
season were scared of them, as far as KG and Ray and Paul. They are good
players, but we have good players, also."

-Rasheed的話真酸.還oh oh 哩.明天起在客場一定要討回來

The atmosphere's going to be crazy," Hamilton said. "We're geeked
about getting back to our home court. The fans are excited, and
now it's our job to take care of home court."

"I would rather be sitting here saying I can't make a shot but
we won the game," Allen said. "I knew at some point my shot had to drop."

One thing I told Chaunce, you ain't got to be overaggressive out there,"
Hamilton said. "You can take your time and be the captain of our ship,
and we'll try to do a good job of helping you out."


It's sometimes the basketball gods," Rivers said. "Things are going
well and then he picks up his fourth and fifth. I took the gamble on
it and actually lost."

Tags: NBA

All Comments

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2008-05-27T17:56
哼 走著瞧

A Truly Thoughtless Loss

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2008-05-24T02:23
CelticsBlog Written by Steve Weinman At the risk of stating the patently obvious, the Celtics let one get away last night. 冒著被”輸給自己魂”噓的危險,賽爾提克昨晚讓勝利從自己的手中 ...

艾倫復活 變悲劇英雄

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2008-05-24T00:20
[聯合晚報/記者李炎權/綜合報導] 艾倫今天身陷犯規麻煩,第三節還3分9秒就5犯,只打29分半鐘16投中9得25分,是三個月 來最佳演出,含最後追分期2記不可思議的三分球,但綠衫軍給他的回應卻是主場吞敗, 且可能是阻斷他冠軍夢的最致命的一敗。 艾倫前兩輪徹底低潮,被罵得臭頭,第二輪對騎士平均降到9.3分、 ...

王朝推手--Paul Pierce

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2008-05-23T19:22
王朝推手--Paul Pierce 在塞爾蒂克隊的球場天花板,掛著20幾件球衣,這些球衣屬於當初建構綠色王朝英 雄們,32號是最佳第六人代表麥克海爾(Kevin McHale)、33號是塞爾蒂克永遠驕傲 大鳥柏德(Larry Bird)、34號球衣仍未掛上,不過只是時間早晚而已 無三不成禮 「3」是 ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2008-05-23T18:49
※ 引述《ptorbflqru ()》之銘言: : Perkins 感覺這系列都沒有打的特別好 : 苦工型球員分數得多不多就不提了 但他籃板真的沒有很多阿 : 雖說有個KG在幫忙強籃板 : 而且Perkins感覺不是那種會傳球的中鋒 : 所以往往搶到籃板也無法傳球到外圍給射手群 : 雖然很多人說我們開外掛.. ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2008-05-23T18:16
Perkins 感覺這系列都沒有打的特別好 苦工型球員分數得多不多就不提了 但他籃板真的沒有很多阿 雖說有個KG在幫忙強籃板 而且Perkins感覺不是那種會傳球的中鋒 所以往往搶到籃板也無法傳球到外圍給射手群 雖然很多人說我們開外掛...但中鋒部份真的是個隱憂! 而且我們的中鋒類型都差不多 Da ...