A Truly Thoughtless Loss - 波士頓塞爾提克 Boston Celtics

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2008-05-24T02:23

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Written by Steve Weinman

At the risk of stating the patently obvious, the Celtics let one get
away last night.


The referees didn't take it away.


As well as the Pistons played at times, they didn't take it away either.
Despite extending their lead to double-digits in the fourth quarter, they
could never seem to put the green away for good until the waning seconds.


No, what makes this loss so frustrating is that this one is clearly on
the Celtics, not so much for being the inferior physical team for the
evening but for clearly coming in second place on the mental front.


The Guru has long enjoyed rebuffing claims of Tony Allen becoming a
solid defender with the following scathing assessment: "I like his
athleticism. I love that he plays hard. But consistently playing
good defense has one more requirement, which Tony doesn't yet fulfill:
possession of a brain. Maybe one day he'll get there, and I certainly
hope I'm wrong about him. But he's still a long way from that point."

過去我們稱讚Tony Allen在防守上的對球隊的貢獻,至少也認同他出色的體能

The problem for the Celtics wasn't that TA didn't play thoughtful
defense last night. It was that not too many others did either.

話雖如此,昨晚落敗的原因不是因為Tony Allen欠缺考慮的防守,而是其他人
也沒使用他們的腦子 。

The Celtics are in the midst of a series against a smart Detroit team
that excels from the free throw line. One member of the starting
backcourt shoots 83 percent from the line; the other, 91. Two members
of the frontcourt hit nearly 77 percent of their attempts. Antonio
McDyess is the only liability at 62.2 percent on the season, and he's
been at 86.7 percent for the playoffs. Top reserve Rodney Stuckey
shoots over 80 percet as well.


This Pistons team understands what its strengths are and does its best
to play to them. Several Pistons use the up-fake masterfully, including
backcourt mates Rip Hamilton and Chauncey Billups. They cut to the
basket hard, use their bodies effectively to draw contact and ultimately
earn their share of trips to the foul line. They usually make the most
of those opportunities.


This makes it all the more imperative that those looking to defeat the
Pistons don't gift them unnecessary trips to that line.


Sadly, that's exactly what the Celtics spent the night doing.


It started on the game's very first play when Kendrick Perkins and Rajon
Rondo botched a defensive switch, which led to Perk being isolated on
the right wing with Billups. Foul. Two shots. Bang. Bang.


That set the tone for the night.


Just hours later, in the midst of my excessive stewing about this one,
the rest is largely a blur. But a few moments stand out.


Not once but twice, the Celtics fouled the Pistons more than 70 feet
from the Detroit basket. At least once -- when Perk fouled Rasheed
Wallace on a loose ball with just outside of three minutes left to play
in the second quarter -- the Celts were already in the penalty, leading
to free throws for Wallace.


Big Baby Davis allowed McDyess to beat him for an easy lay-up and
fouled him after the play.

Big Baby讓McDyess輕鬆上籃得分後才對他犯規。

Through three quarters, the green couldn't be bothered to pay attention
to the Pistons' tendency to shot-fake. The Celts simply could not stay
on their feet defensively, leading to plenty of shooting fouls. As it
stood, it was fortunate that Detroit didn't end up converting more
continuation opportunities. Hamilton and Billups combined for 20
attempts at the line, largely thanks to this maneuver.


Thanks as well to away from the ball fouls, of which the C's picked up
a few as well. Yes, it's tough to keep up with the likes of Hamilton
and Billups, but these guys can't be sent to the stripe without doing
some work that goes beyond sprinting a few feet without the ball. It
was a team effort here, too -- Posey, Garnett and TA were all guilty
at times. That isn't to point fingers, but simply to make it clear
that the team as a unit wasn't there.

Hamilton和Billups是非常困難的一件事, 但至少試著去使他們跑動更多
而不是白白讓他們站上罰球線,這需要團隊的努力,Posey, Garnett和TA

Rajon Rondo compounded a third quarter trip to the line for Billups
with a technical, which added a third shot for the point guard. Again,
free points were given away for no good reason.


The list goes on, but you get the idea. It wasn't just the fouling
either; it was the complete mental effort or lack thereof on the
defensive end. Yes, the players hustled and busted it all game as
always. But they didn't rotate effectively. They didn't finish traps.
They played 20 seconds of great defense instead of 24 on several possessions.
Against the Hawks and even sometimes agains the Cavs, the Celts could
get away with that.


Not against this Detroit team. Billups nailed a three at the shot
clock buzzer. Hamilton forced Garnett out too far on a trap late
in the clock and ran past him to bury a floater to extend the Pistons'
lead to six in the final minute. Tayshaun Prince finished an open
dunk in the second quarter, which led to Leon Powe exiting stage left,
not to be seen again for the evening. It was that sort of night.


For all this negativity, that part is important, too: It was that sort
of a night. One night. One time. By and large, this isn't a dumb
Celtics team. Or a bad defensive team. In fact, quite the opposite.
The Celtics were the best defensive team in basketball this season,
and a big part of that was related to the players consistently making
the right decisions, particularly regarding how to rotate and what spots
to be in to keep the 'D' running on all cylinders.


It was just for one single night that the mental commitment clearly
wasn't there for this team. It was painful to watch, and it isn't
any more pleasant to write about. But that's it. It's over. The game,
that is. This series certainly isn't. The sky isn't falling. Yes,
the Celts need to take a game in Detroit (two would be nice), but just
as losing at home wasn't impossible, neither is winning on the road.


What the Celtics and their faithful (us) learned tonight was that it
will be nearly impossible to beat this Detroit team without full mental
commitment from everybody. But that's that. Nothing says the fellas
won't come out with renewed fervor on Saturday night.


So on we move to Detroit -- and away from a frustrating missed
opportunity in Game 2.


Tags: NBA

All Comments

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2008-05-26T06:37
推 沒有拿不下的客場 我們可是連贏德州三連戰的隊伍
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2008-05-28T10:50
活塞是三小 我這輩子有用過的東西嗎?
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2008-05-30T15:03
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2008-06-01T19:17
推翻譯 沒有拿不下的客場 就是下一場
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2008-06-03T23:30

艾倫復活 變悲劇英雄

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2008-05-24T00:20
[聯合晚報/記者李炎權/綜合報導] 艾倫今天身陷犯規麻煩,第三節還3分9秒就5犯,只打29分半鐘16投中9得25分,是三個月 來最佳演出,含最後追分期2記不可思議的三分球,但綠衫軍給他的回應卻是主場吞敗, 且可能是阻斷他冠軍夢的最致命的一敗。 艾倫前兩輪徹底低潮,被罵得臭頭,第二輪對騎士平均降到9.3分、 ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2008-05-23T18:49
※ 引述《ptorbflqru ()》之銘言: : Perkins 感覺這系列都沒有打的特別好 : 苦工型球員分數得多不多就不提了 但他籃板真的沒有很多阿 : 雖說有個KG在幫忙強籃板 : 而且Perkins感覺不是那種會傳球的中鋒 : 所以往往搶到籃板也無法傳球到外圍給射手群 : 雖然很多人說我們開外掛.. ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2008-05-23T18:16
Perkins 感覺這系列都沒有打的特別好 苦工型球員分數得多不多就不提了 但他籃板真的沒有很多阿 雖說有個KG在幫忙強籃板 而且Perkins感覺不是那種會傳球的中鋒 所以往往搶到籃板也無法傳球到外圍給射手群 雖然很多人說我們開外掛...但中鋒部份真的是個隱憂! 而且我們的中鋒類型都差不多 Da ...

Re: Kiki: 我們以 Harris 為中心打造球隊

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2008-05-23T14:52
PTT 籃網劇場 籃網扶植小哈的秘密 ******************* 08年的某日 小牛籃網驚天動地的交易後~ 雞雞隊長跟小哈互換了球隊 在一次分隊練習之後 小小哈里斯去找了新教練 髮禿 拜碼頭 -------------------------------------------- ...

輸球卻沒有太大的失望感~~because we have RAYGUN!

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2008-05-23T14:18
A. McDyess 15 T. Prince 14 R. Wallace 13 C. Billups 19 R. Hamilton 25 R. Stuckey 13 以上是今天活塞得分上雙位數的球員,說實在的,他們真的打的蠻穩的! 尤其在第四節的關鍵時刻,幾個 ...