Re: OPEN買不到... - 網球

By Lauren
at 2009-12-12T22:06
at 2009-12-12T22:06
Table of Contents
※ 引述《sa018858 (Lucas華)》之銘言:
: 推 air:兩個禮拜前在PageOne有看到 12/08 17:26
: → kerotamama:博客來一星期就買到 但品質很糟...書頁切的參差不齊 12/12 21:18
這是特別的Deckle Edge Papers.
From Amazon:
"This Book Is Bound with "Deckle Edge" Paper
You may have noticed that some of our books are identified as "deckle edge"
in the title. Deckle edge is when the pages of a book are made to
resemble handmade paper by applying a frayed texture to the edges. Deckle
edge is an ornamental feature designed to set certain titles apart from
books with machine-cut pages."
: 推 air:兩個禮拜前在PageOne有看到 12/08 17:26
: → kerotamama:博客來一星期就買到 但品質很糟...書頁切的參差不齊 12/12 21:18
這是特別的Deckle Edge Papers.
From Amazon:
"This Book Is Bound with "Deckle Edge" Paper
You may have noticed that some of our books are identified as "deckle edge"
in the title. Deckle edge is when the pages of a book are made to
resemble handmade paper by applying a frayed texture to the edges. Deckle
edge is an ornamental feature designed to set certain titles apart from
books with machine-cut pages."
All Comments

By Linda
at 2009-12-17T20:07
at 2009-12-17T20:07

By Bethany
at 2009-12-22T18:08
at 2009-12-22T18:08
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Re: OPEN買不到...

By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2009-12-12T19:15
at 2009-12-12T19:15