Re: Dice-K locks down Giants - 美國職棒

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2007-06-17T16:33

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重新幫這篇翻譯 有錯請告知 謝謝

BOSTON -- Daisuke Matsuzaka's first professional manager was hovering just
: two rows behind home plate, taking in Saturday's game as a member of the
: Japanese media -- not to mention a proud spectator.

更不用提 大輔的表現會讓東尾修監督這位觀眾值得驕傲

Matsuzaka, meanwhile, was sharply focused on his brave new world,
: which on this day entailed pitching to Barry Bonds with the game on the line.
: On a day Matsuzaka couldn't afford to give up even one run if he wanted to
: emerge victorious, he didn't.

同時 今天這比賽的對手是擁有Barry Bonds的打線
今天的比賽 假如他想要獲得勝利 大輔是禁不起丟掉任何一分 他做到了

: By firing seven shutout innings against the Giants,
: Matsuzaka (three hits, eight strikeouts) lifted the Red Sox to a tight,
: 1-0 victory in a crisp contest played on a picture-perfect Saturday at Fenway.

藉由賞給對手-巨人隊-七顆鴨蛋 星期六於芬威球場的鴨蛋比賽中

: "This was the first time I was able to hold the opponent to zero runs and
: at the same time I was able to protect our slim and precious one-run lead,"
: Matsuzaka said through translator Masa Hoshino.
: "So, in that sense, I'm very happy with my performance today."

大輔透過翻譯Mass Hoshino說 "這是我第一次把對手完全壓制在零失分,同時
我也替球隊保住微薄且珍貴的一分領先""所以 就這層意義來說 我非常高興

: This one meant something to Matsuzaka (8-5, 4.18 ERA) when you consider
: he had given up two runs in each of his last two starts and lost.

這比賽的結果對大輔(8W-5L, 4.18 ERA)來說是有很大意義的

: And also because Osamu Higashio, Matsuzaka's manager with the Seibu Lions
: from 1999-2001, was watching him in the United States for the first time.


: "Ultimately, I was able to show [Higashio] what I think was my best
: performance today,"
: Matsuzaka said. "So I feel that he'll be able to return to Japan happy."

大輔表示"終於 在今天 我把我自己認為最佳的投球表現獻給東尾修監督"
"所以 我覺得監督會滿臉笑容地返回日本"

: Manny Ramirez put a few smiles on quite a few faces as well,
: belting a solo shot off Matt Cain in the fourth that proved to be the only
: hit of substance for either side. Ramirez came into the game 0-for-June
: in homers, but this shot into the Monster seats ended a 50 at-bat drought.

Manny Ramirez也是笑容滿面
因為他於第四局從Matt Cain手中敲出決定雙方勝負的關鍵陽春彈
在這比賽前 Manny六月份全壘打掛零

: It wasn't one of Ramirez's most graceful swings,
: but style didn't count in a tense contest such as this.
: "That was a lot of hands and wrists in that swing,"
: said Red Sox manager Terry Francona. "Like maybe only he can do."

紅襪教頭Terry Francoan對Manny這席打擊表示
"這打席的揮棒流暢度並非Manny的最順暢的 但在這樣緊繃的比賽氣氛

: Cain (2-7, 3.15 ERA) was nearly as good as Matsuzaka,
: baffling the Sox to the tune of three hits and a run over seven innings.

巨人先發Cain(2W-7L, 3.15 ERA)表現幾乎與大輔不相上下
完全迷惑住紅襪兇猛打線 只被敲出零星三支安打及七局只掉一分

: "Their guy reminded me of [Jonathan Papelbon]," said Francona.
: "The life through the zone with the fastball.
: He's good. Don't look at that record. He's a good pitcher."

"Cain的投球讓我想起隊上的Jonathan Papelbon"
"兩人都是靠快速球當制勝球 Cain很棒 那些帳面勝敗關係不能代表他的

: Matsuzaka, meanwhile, had a situation on his hands in the sixth.
: Randy Winn led off with a walk. Ray Durham followed with a single.
: Now it was Bonds at the plate with runners on first and second and nobody out.

大輔在第六局遇到小亂流 他先保送Randy Winn, Ray Durham再來一支安打
無人出局 跑者在一壘跟二壘 打者輪到Bonds

: Ultimately, Matsuzaka got him on a grounder to over-shifted shortstop
: Alex Cora, who fielded the ball well on the second base side of the grass
: before making the out at first

最後 大輔讓Bonds敲出二壘方向的滾地球 被從游擊位置移防到二壘的游擊手
Alex Cora在二壘後方的草地區接住 然後傳往一壘

: "Well, that was definitely the biggest jam that I faced during the game
: in a situation where I couldn't avoid having to challenge him," said Matsuzaka,
: "At the same time, I felt that I wanted to challenge him,
: but overall I was just careful not to make any [mistakes] that
: he could get solid contact on."

大輔說"那一局的確是整場比賽中的最大危機 我無法避免不去挑戰Bonds"
"那時 我覺得我想要挑戰他 但整體來說 我只是小心謹慎地不要投出失投球

: Even after the out to Bonds, it was still runners at second and third and
: just one out. Bengie Molina hit a hard liner to short that was caught
: in the air by Cora.
: But Matsuzaka hit Nate Schierholtz on the arm with a 2-2 pitch to load
: the bases.
: Matsuzaka eased the tension in the park by striking out Rich Aurilia
: looking on an 89-mph cutter that was right on the black of the outside corner.

即使Bonds出局後 僅一人出局 仍有跑者在二壘及三壘
之後 Bengie Monlina擊出游擊方向強勁平飛球被旱地拔蔥的Cora接住
但大輔在2好2壞情況下對 Nate Schierholtz投出觸身球 此時壘包已塞滿
比賽氣氛漲至最高點 大輔以一顆89 mph 位於外角好球零界點的卡特球三振掉
沒有出棒的Rich Aurilia 化解這緊張的氣氛

: Pitching in such a pressure-cooker of a situation?


: "I love it," Matsuzaka said

大輔說 "我樂於承擔這種壓力"

: Still, things got stressful after Matsuzaka's exit.
: On came left-hander Hideki Okajima in the eighth,
: and he started out by surrendering a leadoff walk to Winn and
: a single to left by Durham.
: It was déjà vu as Bonds again came to the dish,
: runners at first and second and nobody out. Okajima started out 2-0.

大輔退場後 比賽的緊張程度仍未紓解
岡島第八局登場 他先對Winn送出保送 再被Durham打出左外野安打
這戲碼怎跟第六局有似曾相似的感覺 一壘及二壘有人 無人出局 輪到Bonds

: Then, pitching coach John Farrell came out for a message.
: Farrell asked Okajima how he was doing.
: And before Farrell left the mound, he issued one message to his lefty.

然後 投手教練John Farrell走上到投手丘詢問岡島投球狀況
在Farrel離開投手丘之前 他給左投岡島一個建議

: "Just challenge him," Farrell said to Okajima.
: In came a curveball for a strike. Then two fastballs,
: the latter of which was an inside offering that just caught the black.

岡島用曲球搶下一好 再來兩顆快速球

: "I knew Barry Bonds was waiting for an outside pitch,
: so Varitek wanted inside and the result was good,"
: Okajima said through translator Jeff Yamaguchi.

岡島透過翻譯 Jeff Yamguchi表示
"我知道Barry Bonds正在等外角球 所以Varitek要我往內角塞 那球的結果是美好的"

: Papelbon offered no such drama in the ninth,
: mowing the Giants down for a 1-2-3 frame that earned the righty save No. 16.

Papelbon這位右投 第九局登板 沒演出任何劇場 輕鬆地解決巨人隊三位打者

: This was the first time Higashio got to watch his former
: prodigy up close on Major League soil, but he's been monitoring from afar.

這是東尾修監督第一次在大聯盟的球場上 近距離觀看他前西武天才球員的投球

: "In the big leagues, you have to be really good with control,
: command and also velocity.
: Everything must be well-balanced to be a great pitcher,"
: said Higashio, who won 251 games as a pitcher in Japan before managing Seibu.

在接掌西武獅前 東尾修在日本球員生涯投出251勝
他說"在大聯盟投球 你必需要有好的控球及球速.這兩者完美的搭配才會是各好投手 "

: "But soon, Matsuzaka will be a pitcher that a manager can definitely count on,"
: continued Higashio.
: "And a pitcher who can definitely formulate a game and
: construct a game on his own, with the trust in him from the manager."

他又說"不久之後 大輔將會是Francona可賦予重責大任的投手"
"有Francona對大輔的信任 大輔是位可主宰比賽的要角且能將比賽控制在自己的手上"

: Not that Francona is lacking trust in Matsuzaka.


: "Daisuke was really good, and on a day when he had to be every bit that good,"
: Francona said.



All Comments

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2007-06-20T18:30
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2007-06-24T19:31
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2007-06-29T11:38
辛苦了 看來我可以自D了XD
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2007-06-30T22:16
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2007-07-01T11:52
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2007-07-03T13:13
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2007-07-04T13:15
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2007-07-06T03:10
不過最後一句的翻譯兩個有滿大的不同 有強人可以指示嘛?
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2007-07-08T11:22


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2007-06-17T10:16
炸彈(5-5 3.87) VS Oswalt (6-4 3.44) 看樣子配額是趕不回來了 = = 先止個敗再來追綠帽和猴子吧!!!!! 話說比賽還有16小時才開打 推爆討個吉利先吧!!!!!!! Go Mariners!!!!!!! - ...

太空人一下2:0落後= ="

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2007-06-17T07:22
快來推爆啊 又是失誤造成失分 韓國人今天有抖到= = - ...

06/16 SF vs BOS

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By Una
at 2007-06-17T06:52
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06/16 SF vs BOS

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2007-06-17T03:48
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