Re: Bartoli宣布退休 - 法網 Tennis

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2013-08-15T21:38

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CINCINNATI, OH, USA - Once it was over it seemed like just a big upset -
Marion Bartoli falling to Simona Halep in the second round of the Western
& Southern Open on Wednesday, 36 64 61. But it went much deeper than that
later in the day as the Frenchwoman, who just weeks ago fulfilled her
lifelong dream of winning Wimbledon, announced her immediate retirement
from professional tennis.

"That was actually the last match of my career. Sorry," Bartoli said in
her press conference after the match. "It's time for me to retire and
call it a career. I feel it's time for me to walk away actually."

The press conference was then opened up to questions from the media -
here's what Bartoli said...

On why...

"My body just can't do it anymore. I've already been through a lot of
injuries since the beginning of the year. I've been on the tour for so
long, and I really pushed through and left it all during that Wimbledon.
I really felt I gave all the energy I have left in my body. I made my
dream a reality and it will stay with me forever, but now my body just
can't cope with everything. I have pain everywhere after 45 minutes or
an hour of play. I've been doing this for so long, and body-wise I just
can't do it anymore."

On whether she knew going into the match that it would be her last...

"Well, you kind of never know before the match that it's going to be your
last match, but I felt that way after the match. I felt I just couldn't
do this anymore. After one set, my whole body was just in pain.

"It's been a tough decision to make. I didn't make this decision easily.
I mean, I've been a tennis player for a long time, and I had the chance
to make my biggest dream a reality. I felt I really, really pushed through
the ultimate limits to make it happen, to be honest. But now I just can't
do it anymore."

On whether she had been thinking about it for a while...

"You know, it's hard to explain, but when you dream about something for
so long and you've been on tour for many, many, many years and you've
been through ups and downs and highs and lows and already a lot of
injuries since the beginning of the year, my body was really starting
to fall apart, and I was able to keep it together, go through a lot of
pain throughout Wimbledon, and still make it happen. That was probably
the last little bit of something that was left inside me. It's fine. I
have the right to do something else as well. I've been playing for a long,
long time, and it's time for me now. It is."

On whether she discussed it with her dad...

"I called him, yes. But my dad knows me enough to know it a bit when he
saw me leaving home for the States. He kind of felt I was tired and I was
exhausted, and he was not surprised by the decision.

"He said, 'I kind of felt it somehow. I can see it in your eyes and see
your body and I know all the work you've done to make it happen. I'm so
proud of you. I will support you in anything you're doing.'"

On where the pain is exactly...
"My Achilles is hurting me a lot, so I can't really walk normally after
a match like that, especially on the hardcourts when the surface is so
hard. And my shoulder and my hips and my lower back. The body of a tennis
player, you've been using it for so many years, and, yeah, my body is just

On how she went from a really good first set to this decision...

"As a tennis player you have to be at 100%. And I'm this kind of person,
when I'm doing something, I'm doing it 100%. If I have to be on the
practice court preparing for the next tournament tomorrow, I won't be
at 100%, because my mind is not there, my heart is not there, and I just
can't lie like that.

"I'm too honest and too true to my values to be there, but kind of not
really 100%. I think that would be unfair for all my team, and I don't
choose to do that. I don't have those values. That's not the way I've
been raised. That's not the way I am. So I prefer to stay true to myself
rather than just cheating."

On what she's most proud of from her career...

"I think being the same person, being honest, being loyal to my friends,
to my teams, to the people who have been helping me along the way, the
people who have been working with us throughout all the years. I always
respect them, and I felt I always respected everyone. I think if people
ask, 'How is Marion Bartoli?' They will always respond, 'She's a nice
person.' That's what I'm most proud of."

On what she will do now...

"Oh, gosh, I don't know. I haven't thought about it so much. There are
so many things to do in life rather than playing tennis, so I'm sure I'll
find something. I just need a bit of time to settle down. "There is
some excitement as a tennis player. There is a lot of excitement as
a woman. There is a lot of excitement as a wife. There is a lot of
excitement as a mother. There is a lot of excitement to come up.

"I'm excited to live my future, but I will have time to think about it
in the months, years to come."

WTA Chairman & CEO Stacey Allaster:
"I congratulate Marion on her long, successful career. She is an
inspirational champion and a great ambassador for women's tennis that
has dedicated her life to the sport and given so much back to the game.
Fans and everyone at the WTA will miss Marion's energy and passion for
our sport. I am so proud of her for who she is, her values, and for
fighting to realize her dream of winning Wimbledon. We all wish her
the best as she enters the next chapter of her life."

Tags: 網球

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