Re: 7/8 四戰綠帽 - 美國職棒

By Tristan Cohan
at 2007-07-09T10:10
at 2007-07-09T10:10
Table of Contents
※ 引述《ericlin (還是會寂寞)》之銘言:
: 推 okinawa8:滿壘NO OUT 輪到中心(中洞?)打線 07/09 05:55
: → okinawa8:幹架啦!! 07/09 05:56
: → okinawa8:不知道Ichiro為啥被Blanton推了一下,Ellison路見不平 07/09 05:57
: 推 CCK:一朗被推開, 結果Ellison不爽衝上去了! 07/09 05:57
: → okinawa8:衝上去找Blaniton....(不過Ichiro被推時的姿勢怎麼好娘XD 07/09 05:57
: → CCK:不過這時還是要感謝一下奶子的Clutch hitting! 07/09 05:58
: → okinawa8:King看起來很想抓個人練拳頭...XD 07/09 05:59
: → CCK:Blanton一直瞪著某人在喊Fxxx Yxx, 不知道是在瞪誰咧 XD 07/09 05:59
: 推 okinawa8:米糕被轟出場了?! 他幹了啥@@?? 07/09 06:02
"The umpire said he saw someone jump the fence [near the dugout] and
when I looked over the only guy I saw was Batista," Mariners manager John
McLaren said. "The umpires told me Ichiro would get tossed unless I could
tell them who jumped the fence. Batista was standing there and I wasn't
going to let Ichiro get ejected. I know Batista took exception to that."
水手隊教頭John Mclaren說道。「裁判們告訴我要是我不告訴他們是誰跳過圍籬,
Ichiro had the last laugh.
"The fact that the person who got pushed was not as excited as
everybody else was funny to me," he said through an interpreter. "I didn't
feel like I was pushed; it was more like getting out of the way. I
understood why he did what he did and at the same time I was happy to
see Ellison do what he did. The way we're playing it feels like this
team is bonding."
嘛要這樣做,而我也很高興看到 Ellison為我挺身而出。我們這種表現讓人覺得我
總之,McLaren挑了個未來幾天本來就不用出賽的SP代替 Ichiro被逐出場。
@ι ● 被遺忘的未亡人 ●
: 推 okinawa8:滿壘NO OUT 輪到中心(中洞?)打線 07/09 05:55
: → okinawa8:幹架啦!! 07/09 05:56
: → okinawa8:不知道Ichiro為啥被Blanton推了一下,Ellison路見不平 07/09 05:57
: 推 CCK:一朗被推開, 結果Ellison不爽衝上去了! 07/09 05:57
: → okinawa8:衝上去找Blaniton....(不過Ichiro被推時的姿勢怎麼好娘XD 07/09 05:57
: → CCK:不過這時還是要感謝一下奶子的Clutch hitting! 07/09 05:58
: → okinawa8:King看起來很想抓個人練拳頭...XD 07/09 05:59
: → CCK:Blanton一直瞪著某人在喊Fxxx Yxx, 不知道是在瞪誰咧 XD 07/09 05:59
: 推 okinawa8:米糕被轟出場了?! 他幹了啥@@?? 07/09 06:02
"The umpire said he saw someone jump the fence [near the dugout] and
when I looked over the only guy I saw was Batista," Mariners manager John
McLaren said. "The umpires told me Ichiro would get tossed unless I could
tell them who jumped the fence. Batista was standing there and I wasn't
going to let Ichiro get ejected. I know Batista took exception to that."
水手隊教頭John Mclaren說道。「裁判們告訴我要是我不告訴他們是誰跳過圍籬,
Ichiro had the last laugh.
"The fact that the person who got pushed was not as excited as
everybody else was funny to me," he said through an interpreter. "I didn't
feel like I was pushed; it was more like getting out of the way. I
understood why he did what he did and at the same time I was happy to
see Ellison do what he did. The way we're playing it feels like this
team is bonding."
嘛要這樣做,而我也很高興看到 Ellison為我挺身而出。我們這種表現讓人覺得我
總之,McLaren挑了個未來幾天本來就不用出賽的SP代替 Ichiro被逐出場。
@ι ● 被遺忘的未亡人 ●
All Comments

By Isabella
at 2007-07-12T02:09
at 2007-07-12T02:09

By Erin
at 2007-07-15T07:09
at 2007-07-15T07:09

By Ula
at 2007-07-18T12:08
at 2007-07-18T12:08

By Hazel
at 2007-07-19T10:43
at 2007-07-19T10:43

By Erin
at 2007-07-24T00:10
at 2007-07-24T00:10

By Todd Johnson
at 2007-07-28T06:33
at 2007-07-28T06:33

By Andrew
at 2007-08-01T22:11
at 2007-08-01T22:11

By Kumar
at 2007-08-05T19:37
at 2007-08-05T19:37

By Eartha
at 2007-08-07T14:34
at 2007-08-07T14:34

By Ethan
at 2007-08-09T03:18
at 2007-08-09T03:18

By Hardy
at 2007-08-10T10:21
at 2007-08-10T10:21

By Christine
at 2007-08-13T19:26
at 2007-08-13T19:26

By Oliver
at 2007-08-17T00:20
at 2007-08-17T00:20

By Adele
at 2007-08-17T04:53
at 2007-08-17T04:53

By George
at 2007-08-20T22:04
at 2007-08-20T22:04

By Zora
at 2007-08-22T18:27
at 2007-08-22T18:27
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