Pistons Inbounds Play in 4th Quarter Helps Seal Win - 波士頓塞爾提克 Boston Celtics

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2008-05-24T10:17

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Pistons Inbounds Play in 4th Quarter Helps Seal Win

I was only able to catch the second half of the game tonight between the
Pistons and the Celtics but it was a great half that I watched. The Pistons
had some rust in Game 1 but they were able to shake off that rust tonight,
especially defensively. I thought the Celtics played well too, but they had a
couple of defensive lapses that hurt them, especially in crunch time.

,但是今晚他們抖掉那些鐵鏽,尤其是在防守上。我認為 Celtics打的也很好,但是他

It's one of the things you hear all the time from coaches when talking to their
players late in games. They say, "We gotta get a stop, we have to stop them
right now, so lets get it done!!". Well, when the Celtics needed a stop, they
didn't get it. Here is a great play by the Pistons on the inbounds, it really
froze the Celtics defense and resulted in an easy layup for Billups,

我們得要擋住一波,我們現在要擋住他們,所以就把一切完成吧!”嗯,當 Celtics需
要擋下來時,他們沒辦到。這是活塞隊一個很棒的發球進場, Celtics的防守看起來像


Double Stagger Curl:
This BLOB is just a fantastic play. Jeff Van Gundy of ESPN did a great job at
the end of the score explaining the nuances of the play. But before we go to
that, here is the play in more detail,

這個BLOB真是了不起的一次進攻。ESPN的 JVG在得分後解釋了這次進攻的細微差別。但



As you can see, because O2 (Rip Hamilton) comes off his screen to the 3 point
line. This is important because it forces Kevin Garnett to make a decision.
Should he switch to cover Chauncey curling off the double stagger? Or switch
to cover Rip on the 3-point line? And he has to make the decision in a split
second. My philosophy would've been to protect the paint first, so obviously
KG made the wrong decision if we use that philosophy. But you could make the
case that leaving Rip (who was the leading scorer for the Pistons in the game)
open for the 3-pointer would've been wrong.

就像你可以看到的,因為Rip Hamilton透過掩護來到三分線外。這很重要,因為這使Kevin
換人防守三分線外的 Rip?他得在那一瞬間作決定。我的哲學會是第一先保護禁區,所

All the talk now has shifted to the "can the Celtics win on the road" chatter.
The bigger question for me is, can the Celtics find some more offense?? Despite
their problems tonight defensively, they can't win this series if they score
in the 70s and 80s. Detroit is too good and too deep to be be kept below 80.


To me, either all of the big 3 have to really dominate, with a 30+ game. Or
guys like Rondo or Posey are going to have to come up big. Somewhere, somehow,
the Celtics have to find more scoring.


Tags: NBA

All Comments

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2008-05-27T17:51
最好還是把他們壓制到80分以下 我會不會太貪心了:P

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Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2008-05-24T09:11
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By William
at 2008-05-24T07:37
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at 2008-05-24T02:23
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