Pierce leads Celtics to 98-88 win in Game 1 - 波士頓塞爾提克 Boston Celtics

By Linda
at 2008-06-06T16:55
at 2008-06-06T16:55
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Pierce leads Celtics to 98-88 win in Game 1
Pierce 帶領塞爾蒂克在第一場以 98-88 拿下勝利
Posted: June 5, 2008
BOSTON (AP) -- Big moments have defined the Lakers-Celtics blood feud, and in
their first get together in 21 years, a kid from Los Angeles gave Boston one
to remember.
湖人和塞爾蒂克在21年前的第一次相遇, 和所帶來的血海深仇, 一個從洛杉磯來的
Paul Pierce, who used to sneak into Lakers games as a youngster, came
bounding out of the tunnel from the locker room after leaving with an injured
knee and led the Celtics to a tense 98-88 victory over Los Angeles on
Thursday night in Game 1 of these tradition-soaked Finals.
在過去, 當還是個小孩就混進去看湖人的比賽, 在今天, 因為膝蓋受傷而離場之後
又從更衣室外的通道回到場上的 Paul Pierce, 在傳統且令人陶醉的湖人和
塞爾蒂克的總冠軍賽的第一場, 帶領爾蒂克以接近的比數 98-88 取得第一場勝利.
Pierce's dramatic return after being carried from the court and then wheeled
down a hallway for treatment will be added to the annals of Celtics-Lakers
lore, taking a spot alongside Magic Johnson's baby sky hook and Kevin
McHale's clothesline of Kurt Rambis.
Paul Pterce 從球場被抬起來接著坐著輪椅穿過走廊, 之後卻又戲劇般的回來這件事,
將會在湖人和塞爾蒂克的傳說歷史中加入新的一頁, 這會和 Magic Jhonson's baby
sky hook ( http://0rz.tw/404dD TOP1 ) 和 Kevin McHale's clothesline of
Kurt Rambis ( http://0rz.tw/8a4a9 ) 齊名.
Kevin Garnett scored 24 points, Pierce finished with 22 -- 11 after getting
hurt -- and Ray Allen, the third member of Boston's Big Three, added 19 for
the Celtics, who are chasing a 17th NBA championship. The trio was making its
first Finals appearance, and for a short time it appeared only two of them
would finish their long-awaited debut.
Kevin Garnett 得到24分, Pierce 得到22分, 其中有11分是在受傷後得到的, 三巨頭
中的另一位成員, Ray Allen, 為追求第17座NBA總冠軍的塞爾蒂克再添得19分.
他們第一次打總冠軍賽, 而且有一段時間看起來好像只剩二巨頭 (Garrnet and Allen)
In the third quarter, Pierce was deep in the lane when teammate Kendrick
Perkins crashed into him from behind, crumpling Boston's No. 34 to the court.
The 10-year veteran, who last summer thought his days with Boston might be
nearing an end, had to be carried from the court in extreme pain and was
taken to Boston's locker room in a wheelchair.
在第三節中, Pierce 在底線被自己的隊友 Kendrick Perkins 從後面撞到了他,
把 Boston 的34號撞倒在地上. 這個有10年經驗的老手, 曾經在去年夏天想要離開
波士頓的人, 在極度的的疼痛下被抬起來並用輪椅推到 Boston 的更衣室.
"When I came down I thought I felt a pop, I thought I tore it," Pierce said.
"當我倒下我聽到砰的一聲, 我感覺是我某些東西斷了" Pierce 說道.
The sight of Pierce leaving drew gasps from some Celtics fans and coach Doc
Rivers' heart sunk.
這個 Pierce 離開的場景讓一些塞爾蒂克的球迷倒抽一口氣,
Doc Rivers 教練的心情沉重下來.
"I thought the worst," Rivers said. "When they carried him off, I just though
it was the knee."
"我覺得很糟, 當他們把他抬出去時, 我以為只是他的膝蓋受傷" Rivers 說道.
However, everyone's worries were soothed just moments later when Pierce
returned to Boston's bench and checked back in with 5:04 remaining. As Pierce
jogged onto the court with a black elastic wrap on his knee, Garnett clinched
a fist and screamed, "Yes!"
然而, 當 Pierce 回到 Boston 的板凳而且還在第三節還有5分04秒的時後回到場上,
每個人的擔心都在這時候獲得了抒解. 當 Pierce 綁著黑色的護膝回到場上, Garnett
握緊拳頭並大叫 "Yes!"
Soon, more than 18,000 others were screaming as Pierce made two 3-pointers in
just 22 seconds to give the Celtics a 75-71 lead.
接著, 當 Pierce 僅僅只花了22秒投進了2顆3分球並且讓塞爾蒂克以 75-71 領先,
"When I got in the back I could put some weight on it," Pierce said. "I knew
I needed to be out there for my team."
"當我回來, 我覺得我可以在右腳上使點力氣,為了我的隊友我知道我需要出現"
Pierce 說道.
Kobe Bryant led the Lakers with 24 points, but the regular-season MVP was
just 9-of-26 from the field as the league's top defensive team kept close
tabs on him. Bryant had numerous shots rattle out and spent most of his 42
minutes in the game searching for a rhythm.
Kobe Bryant 拿到湖人隊最高的24分, 但是這位常規賽的MVP在聯盟頂尖的防守球隊
緊迫盯人的防守下出手26球只進9球. Bryant 很多次倉徨的出手,
而且在他上場的42分鐘裡, 花了很多時間在尋找他的出手節奏.
Derek Fisher and Pau Gasol had 15 points apiece and Lamar Odom added 14 for
the Lakers, who had won the first two games of their previous three series
this postseason. Los Angeles will try to even the series in Game 2 on Sunday
Derek Fisher 和 Pau Gasol 各得到了15分, Lamar Odom 也得到了14分. 在過去的
3個系列賽中, 他們都在前2場拿下勝利.
Pierce 帶領塞爾蒂克在第一場以 98-88 拿下勝利
Posted: June 5, 2008
BOSTON (AP) -- Big moments have defined the Lakers-Celtics blood feud, and in
their first get together in 21 years, a kid from Los Angeles gave Boston one
to remember.
湖人和塞爾蒂克在21年前的第一次相遇, 和所帶來的血海深仇, 一個從洛杉磯來的
Paul Pierce, who used to sneak into Lakers games as a youngster, came
bounding out of the tunnel from the locker room after leaving with an injured
knee and led the Celtics to a tense 98-88 victory over Los Angeles on
Thursday night in Game 1 of these tradition-soaked Finals.
在過去, 當還是個小孩就混進去看湖人的比賽, 在今天, 因為膝蓋受傷而離場之後
又從更衣室外的通道回到場上的 Paul Pierce, 在傳統且令人陶醉的湖人和
塞爾蒂克的總冠軍賽的第一場, 帶領爾蒂克以接近的比數 98-88 取得第一場勝利.
Pierce's dramatic return after being carried from the court and then wheeled
down a hallway for treatment will be added to the annals of Celtics-Lakers
lore, taking a spot alongside Magic Johnson's baby sky hook and Kevin
McHale's clothesline of Kurt Rambis.
Paul Pterce 從球場被抬起來接著坐著輪椅穿過走廊, 之後卻又戲劇般的回來這件事,
將會在湖人和塞爾蒂克的傳說歷史中加入新的一頁, 這會和 Magic Jhonson's baby
sky hook ( http://0rz.tw/404dD TOP1 ) 和 Kevin McHale's clothesline of
Kurt Rambis ( http://0rz.tw/8a4a9 ) 齊名.
Kevin Garnett scored 24 points, Pierce finished with 22 -- 11 after getting
hurt -- and Ray Allen, the third member of Boston's Big Three, added 19 for
the Celtics, who are chasing a 17th NBA championship. The trio was making its
first Finals appearance, and for a short time it appeared only two of them
would finish their long-awaited debut.
Kevin Garnett 得到24分, Pierce 得到22分, 其中有11分是在受傷後得到的, 三巨頭
中的另一位成員, Ray Allen, 為追求第17座NBA總冠軍的塞爾蒂克再添得19分.
他們第一次打總冠軍賽, 而且有一段時間看起來好像只剩二巨頭 (Garrnet and Allen)
In the third quarter, Pierce was deep in the lane when teammate Kendrick
Perkins crashed into him from behind, crumpling Boston's No. 34 to the court.
The 10-year veteran, who last summer thought his days with Boston might be
nearing an end, had to be carried from the court in extreme pain and was
taken to Boston's locker room in a wheelchair.
在第三節中, Pierce 在底線被自己的隊友 Kendrick Perkins 從後面撞到了他,
把 Boston 的34號撞倒在地上. 這個有10年經驗的老手, 曾經在去年夏天想要離開
波士頓的人, 在極度的的疼痛下被抬起來並用輪椅推到 Boston 的更衣室.
"When I came down I thought I felt a pop, I thought I tore it," Pierce said.
"當我倒下我聽到砰的一聲, 我感覺是我某些東西斷了" Pierce 說道.
The sight of Pierce leaving drew gasps from some Celtics fans and coach Doc
Rivers' heart sunk.
這個 Pierce 離開的場景讓一些塞爾蒂克的球迷倒抽一口氣,
Doc Rivers 教練的心情沉重下來.
"I thought the worst," Rivers said. "When they carried him off, I just though
it was the knee."
"我覺得很糟, 當他們把他抬出去時, 我以為只是他的膝蓋受傷" Rivers 說道.
However, everyone's worries were soothed just moments later when Pierce
returned to Boston's bench and checked back in with 5:04 remaining. As Pierce
jogged onto the court with a black elastic wrap on his knee, Garnett clinched
a fist and screamed, "Yes!"
然而, 當 Pierce 回到 Boston 的板凳而且還在第三節還有5分04秒的時後回到場上,
每個人的擔心都在這時候獲得了抒解. 當 Pierce 綁著黑色的護膝回到場上, Garnett
握緊拳頭並大叫 "Yes!"
Soon, more than 18,000 others were screaming as Pierce made two 3-pointers in
just 22 seconds to give the Celtics a 75-71 lead.
接著, 當 Pierce 僅僅只花了22秒投進了2顆3分球並且讓塞爾蒂克以 75-71 領先,
"When I got in the back I could put some weight on it," Pierce said. "I knew
I needed to be out there for my team."
"當我回來, 我覺得我可以在右腳上使點力氣,為了我的隊友我知道我需要出現"
Pierce 說道.
Kobe Bryant led the Lakers with 24 points, but the regular-season MVP was
just 9-of-26 from the field as the league's top defensive team kept close
tabs on him. Bryant had numerous shots rattle out and spent most of his 42
minutes in the game searching for a rhythm.
Kobe Bryant 拿到湖人隊最高的24分, 但是這位常規賽的MVP在聯盟頂尖的防守球隊
緊迫盯人的防守下出手26球只進9球. Bryant 很多次倉徨的出手,
而且在他上場的42分鐘裡, 花了很多時間在尋找他的出手節奏.
Derek Fisher and Pau Gasol had 15 points apiece and Lamar Odom added 14 for
the Lakers, who had won the first two games of their previous three series
this postseason. Los Angeles will try to even the series in Game 2 on Sunday
Derek Fisher 和 Pau Gasol 各得到了15分, Lamar Odom 也得到了14分. 在過去的
3個系列賽中, 他們都在前2場拿下勝利.
All Comments

By Connor
at 2008-06-09T12:27
at 2008-06-09T12:27

By Caroline
at 2008-06-12T07:59
at 2008-06-12T07:59

By Enid
at 2008-06-15T03:30
at 2008-06-15T03:30

By Kristin
at 2008-06-17T23:02
at 2008-06-17T23:02

By Margaret
at 2008-06-20T18:33
at 2008-06-20T18:33

By Agnes
at 2008-06-23T14:05
at 2008-06-23T14:05

By Victoria
at 2008-06-26T09:37
at 2008-06-26T09:37
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