Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2007-03-19T23:35

Table of Contents


Justine departed to Miami from Europe on Saturday, and she's ready to take on
the rivals in the Sony Ericsson Open, a combined men's and women's event that
is classified right below the grand slams as a Super Tier I. This will be the
first time the Belgian tennis icon enters the Miami tournament as WTA world
#1, and she'll attempt to succeed beyond her best showing as a
quarterfinalist in 2005. Last year Justine was eliminated in the 2nd round by
American Meghann Shaughnessy.

The Miami tournament is a two week event, and the top 32 seeded players
receive a bye for round 1 which takes place on Wednesday and Thursday. The
main draw will be released later today after 14:00 hrs (EST Miami). Justine
will play her premiere match this Friday or Saturday. We will present her
match times and dates as the information arrives during the course of the

Tournament Schedule

Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22: 1st round
Friday 23 and Saturday 24: 2nd round
Sunday 25: 3rd round
Monday 26: 4th round
Tuesday 27 and Wednesday 28: Quarterfinal
Thursday 29: Semi-final
Saturday 31: Final

JUSTINE TV direct from Miami
American Justine fans can catch her live in tennis action direct from Miami
on four broadcast networks in the States presenting the Sony Ericsson Open -
the Tennis Channel, ESPN, ESPN 2 and the finals on CBS. Please consult the
tournament broadcast sheet for further details. EUROSPORT will also be have
live television coverage. RTBF in Belgium will feature matches live in the
second week. International WTA broadcasters will air tape delayed versions a
few weeks from now. Please consult your local cable tv listings for specific
air dates in your city.

Look for match times, exclusive stories, and photos here at as Justine takes on the Miami heat. It's the only source
on the web for the real news on JH. Be sure to check in at the forum for
lively conversation with supporters or highly charged real time scoring in
the chatroom during the tournament from Miami. Don't forget to show Justine
your support by leaving a message in her Guestbook.



Tags: 網球

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退役了就不再眷戀賽場 阿加西享受網球但拒談復出

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2007-03-15T01:48
新華網聖地亞哥3月12日電(記者趙凱 許雲鵬) 自2006年9月正式掛拍後,阿加西很少在公共場合拋頭露面。但本月30日,他將在聖地亞哥 與智利前世界頭號球手馬塞洛·里奧斯上演一場表演賽。   智利《信使報》日前對阿加西進行了專訪。阿加西表示,退役後,他選擇在拉斯韋加 斯定居,與妻子格拉夫和兩個孩子過著平靜的 ...


James avatar
By James
at 2007-03-14T08:49
剛剛跑到莎娃版看到的 所以,也就是說…… Henin在下禮拜可以拿回球后囉? (希望我沒想錯) 然後邁阿密有機會再把積分拉更開 應該是這樣吧~~(妄想中) - ...

Who Is This Person?

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2007-03-13T22:11
13/03/2007: A few days ago Justine told viewers on Belgian television there would be a special photo on this website of someone they may recognize. Herea ...

三月表演賽再推重量級表演 阿加西VS里奧斯再上演

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2007-03-11T15:36
新浪體育訊 3月的智利首都聖地亞哥,將迎來一場激動人心的網球比賽——對陣的雙方 都是網壇最偉大的球員之一,他們的擊球乾淨利落,讓你懷疑他們球拍上的弦是不是都 在肥皂水裡浸泡過——這就是阿加西和里奧斯,本月30日,這兩位前世界排名第一的 高手將在聖地亞哥為球迷們奉獻一場精彩的表演賽。   阿加西在去年9月的美 ...

Justine's Diary - after Dubai and Doha

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2007-03-06T22:19;id=175 Justineand#39;s Diary - after Dubai and Doha 06/03/2007: Hello Everyone, With much ...