Justine's Diary - after Dubai and Doha - 網球

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2007-03-06T22:19

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Justine's Diary - after Dubai and Doha

Hello Everyone,

With much happiness I'm writing to you after two great weeks of emotional
highs. It was a ravishing joy to return on the courts. I had a difficult
start in the Dubai tournament trying to rediscover my form, but I could count
on the unconditional support from Manuel; the oldest son of Carlos. I was
very touched to see him so involved in my matches. There were also many
Belgians in Dubai, and they literally carried me towards victory. The
ambiance was incredible. This 4th Dubai title will remain a great memory for

I flew to Doha with the desire to continue my impetus. Once more, I had many
Belgians behind me, and I needed the support because there were many worrying
times in this tournament. I was at the point of defeat against Patty Schnyder
in quarterfinals, and a match point was saved. It was from this moment, on
the brink of defeat, that my best conquering tennis came out. The following
day Jankovic’s game pushed me on court in a tough match, but she didn’t
beat me. In spite of being tired, I gave the best of myself in the final, and
won my second title of the year. The fortnight finished beautifully.

This past weekend I watched Kim(Gevaert) and Tia (Hellebaut) at the European
Indoor Championships on television. I want to congratulate them for their
gold medals won in Birmingham. They were incredible again, and carried the
colors of Belgium high.

I am at home, and taking a bit of rest and relaxation before going on the
road again, this time to Miami for two weeks. In a few days I will have the
opportunity to spend time with some children for the Foundation, and already
feeling delighted about it. I will also see Pascal Obispo (Belgian musician)
perform in a night concert to recharge my batteries.

I thank you once more for your eternal support. You were again really an
invaluable aide, and helped me cross these two weeks in a great way.

Thank you for everything and see you very soon,



Tags: 網球

All Comments

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2007-03-10T03:15
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2007-03-12T15:54
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2007-03-17T08:11
推 ~juju最棒啦 !


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2007-03-06T20:24
→ adorable:另外去年年終在匈牙利有和Jankovic搭檔雙打表演賽,還滿好 03/02 11:46 → adorable:笑的 :P 03/02 11:46 → Muenchen:哪裡可以下載的到影片嗎? 滿想看看的 03/02 14:53 推 adorable:我記得之前有人分享過耶 03/02 ...

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Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2007-03-06T13:12
http://sports.sina.com.cn/t/2007-03-06/12232784335.shtml 莎拉波娃海寧爭當世界第一 邁阿密賽決定後座歸屬 http://sports.sina.com.cn 2007年03月06日12:23 新浪體育   新浪體育訊 剛剛奪得了海灣雙冠的海寧,在婚變 ...

Beyond the Gulf Double

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2007-03-05T20:47
http://www.justine-henin.be/public/index.asp?lang=en Beyond the Gulf Double 04/03/2007: Justine and her touring team lived an incredible two of weeks of ...

本週排名與積分(WTA Tour Singles Rankings)

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2007-03-05T17:47
╭────────────────────────────────────╮ │ 本週 上週 選手名 國籍 本週積分 上週積分 增減分 │ │ 1 1 M. Sharapova RUS 3824.00 3824.0 ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2007-03-04T23:24
恩~~~Henin的積分應該是 3791 3791=3516 + 275쀊 因為杜哈是二級賽事,冠軍可得275分 另外我有找參考資料來佐證 杜哈官網的新聞 http://www.qatartennis.org/qto2007/news.htm 節錄重點:(最後一段) Henin was awarded $ ...