Beyond the Gulf Double - 網球

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2007-03-05T20:47

Table of Contents

Beyond the Gulf Double

Justine and her touring team lived an incredible two of weeks of tennis joy
in the Middle East. It started in Dubai where Justine exclaimed, "I Love
Dubai", when winning her 4th title there, and ended with the climax of
claiming the Gulf Double with her first trophy in Doha.

Right after Dubai, Justine went to Doha. She may have won Dubai, but her
season was still fresh. She went in search for more conquests, and ways of
improving her game. The draw in Doha featured a tough three set match against
another player that defeated her last year - Patty Schynder. The quarterfinal
was tension filled, but a lucky netcord from the spirits beyond a mere tennis
arena saved the first match point against Justine. This lost match point
turned out to be the only chance the Swiss would have in the rest of the
match. Justine went on to win the quarterfinal.

The semi-final with Jelana Jankovic turned out to be another unusual match,
but unlike in the 2004 match against Kuznetsova with humidity, fog, and a cat
darting on court this time there was a sandstorm, and breezy wind conditions
making havoc with serves or shots on Friday. The final on Saturday was a very
special night, not only for tennis, but of a Lunar Eclipse. Justine gave her
best performance to live the occasion for the Doha audience, and her
supporters. Smooth, calm, and with masterful skill the Belgian won her first
Doha title, and topped it off taking the Gulf Double. Doha is the 31st title
of her career.

Justine's March Itinerary
Justine will be taking a bit of rest from tennis action before flying to the
United States where she'll be at the Sony Ericsson Open in Miami, a combined
men's and women's tennis event starting on March 19. But you won't have to
wait until Miami to see Justine. If you live in Belgium she'll make an
appearance on the March 8 Thursday edition of 19:00 news broadcast on
Southern French Belgian tv network RTL TVI, and on Sunday March 11 she'll
appear in the Sports Weekend show on RTBF station. Justine has also made
plans to spend a day out with the kids from her 20 Heart Foundation on
Saturday March 10.

Justine and the webteam would like to thank you for all the great support,
and messages these past two weeks. There will be more fresh news, and stories
later in the week.

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2007-03-07T13:08
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2007-03-07T18:54
每次看到那些照片 又讓我跟崇拜她了


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2007-03-04T23:24
恩~~~Henin的積分應該是 3791 3791=3516 + 275쀊 因為杜哈是二級賽事,冠軍可得275分 另外我有找參考資料來佐證 杜哈官網的新聞 節錄重點:(最後一段) Henin was awarded $ ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2007-03-04T22:27
Doha 冠軍積分加300... 那下週 Justine 跟 Maria 的積分差就會縮小到...8分!! This week : Sharapova,Maria 3824 pts Henin,Justine 3516 pts Next week : Sharapova,Maria 3824 ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2007-03-04T20:35
請問一下 有用超棒網站裡面的空間mega 如果裝了他的toolbar會不會有什麼後遺症啊? 像是無法移除或是有廣告軟體之類的 我要抓時一直都是顯示台灣的頻寬佔滿了 如果沒後遺症的話我就要裝了atat 順便說一下 杜哈的三場比賽已經出來了XD 真是太有效率了 - ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2007-03-04T10:40
Highlight from Eurosport but only四球 晚點等超棒網站吧 目前有對Molik跟Jankovic的了 希望快點有決賽.. - ...

Henin Completes Middle Eastern Double in Doha

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2007-03-04T10:15 March 3, 2007 Henin Completes Middle Eastern Double in Doha DOHA, Qatar - Heading i ...