M. Bartoli (16) def. J. Jankovic (1) - 網球 Tennis

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2009-01-26T01:42

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Q. What are your feelings now? Disappointment? Despair?
你現在感覺如何? 失望? 絕望? [第一個問題就很糟= =]

JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, it's obviously disappointing. Nobody likes to lose.
Today was a tough day for me. You know, I had a slow start. I let my opponent
completely come on top of me and play her game.
I had some chances in the first set as well, but I just didn't take it. I
gave her a lot of confidence throughout the match. And then in the second
set, you know, I also had a lot of opportunities to come back and try to get
in the game somehow.
But I just, you know, also didn't -- you need a little bit of luck as well, but
overall played wrong tactically, didn't do what I was supposed to do to beat
my opponent. So she was the better one, and all the credit. She played really
well, went for all her shots. Even played first and second serve the same. She
hit whatever she could. So she knew that she had to do that in order to win,
and it was her day.
喔 對啊 很令人失望 沒有人喜歡輸球 今天對我來說很不好過
我今天慢熱 讓我的對手壓住我並且打出他想要的球
我第一盤其實有些機會的 但是沒有把握住 我給了他很多信心
至於第二盤 我想我還是有很多機會能扳平 但是我想....有時候還是需要一點運氣
但整體來說我今天的戰術是錯的 也沒有達到想要打敗對手所必須展現的狀態
他今天比我好 應該獲得勝利 他真的打得很好 試著打出自己的球
即使是是二發他也當一發在打 他知道該做什麼才能贏 而今天就是屬於他的日子

Q. Her shots are so hard to read, it would seem because they're so flat.
他的回球很難判斷 看起來都很平

JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, because I let her play that. You know, I let her hit
all the shots that she wanted to. I let her play her game. I didn't do what I
was supposed to do, and this was wrong for me. Couldn't get my rhythm out
And she hit whatever she could. Her goal was just to get the first strike and
go for it, because she knew if I get in the point she'll be in trouble.
So a bad day for me. You know, good day for her. And all the credit. She was
the better one today.
是啊 我讓她打出這樣的球的 我讓她能按照他想要的方式回球
我沒有做到我該做的 這是我的錯誤 我沒有辦法找到節奏
他盡力的打 總是想要第一拍就開始進攻 他知道如果我進入狀況他就會開始有麻煩了
所以今天對我來說是很糟的一天 但對他是很棒的一天 他比我好 該歸功給他

Q. How do you explain the slow start?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know. I just started slow. I, you know, was
completely not moving my feet. I was late on many shots. I was really not
there, for some reason. I don't know why. When I tried to focus and get into
the match, things just didn't work out for me.
You know, whatever she did was great for her. So, you know, she played really
well, and I just couldn't do what I needed to do. Really wrong tactically. My
shots were not where I wanted to be. I wanted to open up the court a lot more.
I was just giving the shots like one meter away from her so that she can step
in and hit those shots.
不知道 我今天就是慢熱 我今天沒辦法移動我的腳 有很多球都來不及
不知道為什麼我沒辦法集中 每當我試著集中投入比賽都沒有辦法成功
他做的事情對他都是相當有幫助的 他打得很好 但我卻沒辦法做出我應該做的
今天戰術上實在是錯誤的 我的回球都不能回到我想要的地方
我想要調開整個球場更多一點 但我卻給他一些距離他大概一公尺的球

Q. Do you think you're paying for the fact that you didn't have the
preparation you would have liked to have had?

JELENA JANKOVIC: Also it's just my first tournament of the year, so there's
many more tournaments to play. You know, many, many matches to get in and
hopefully improve.
From every loss I have to learn and have to analyze what I have done wrong,
what I have done good, which is not the case today. I don't think I've done
anything right today (smiling). So I just have to learn and try to keep
I have to go forward and forget about this tournament and, you know,
hopefully get back in form as soon as possible.
這是我今年的第一個比賽 我還有很多比賽要參加
還有很多比賽要打 希望我還能再進步
從每場敗仗我都要學到一些 都要分析我做錯了麼
而又做對了什麼 今天我覺得我沒有任何事情是做對的
所以我還得繼續學習 繼續進步 我想要往前看並且忘掉這個比賽

Q. Did you think this could happen to you because of the lack of preparation?

JELENA JANKOVIC: Not really. Today is not really a lack of playing. I thought,
you know, just my opponent was really -- was on fire today, and she was hitting
everything and really went for her shots. Most of those were going in.
It was, you know, tough. And if I couldn't do my own thing, it's tough to win
like that.
噢 不是 今天不是因為打太少 我想今天我的對手打得很火熱
他試著打出所有球 而大多數都在界內 所以對我來說很困難

Q. When you made the sign of the cross in the second set...

JELENA JANKOVIC: I needed a little bit of help, yes (smiling). What can I do?
我需要一點幫助 那我能怎麼做呢?

Q. You're likely to probably lose your No. 1 ranking. Is that at all a
concern or not a priority?
你很有可能丟掉排名第一 你很擔心嗎? 或這不是最重要的?

JELENA JANKOVIC: Well, I'm not really thinking about that. If whoever gonna
come back to, you know, that spot, if maybe Safina can do it if she wins this
tournament. You know, she deserves to be there. If she doesn't, then I will
stay there.
You know, it doesn't matter because it's just the beginning of the year, and
there is many more tournaments to play. So, you know, maybe it will change,
the No. 1 ranking, but it's not important what you do now, it's the whole
year ahead of us. A lot of tournaments, a lot of battles out there. You know,
the best one will finish it.
I think, at least for me, the most important thing is how you finish, not how
you begin.
我沒有真的想這件事 不管誰能奪得世界第一 如果Safina拿到冠軍他或許就可以吧
他值得在那個位置 如果他沒辦到 那我就會留在第一
這不是什麼大問題 因為今年才剛開始而已 還有很多比賽要打 或許世界第一會改變的
現在怎麼樣不重要 還有一整年呢 很多比賽 很多競爭 最後最好的會得到年終第一
至少對我來說最重要的是如何結束 而非如何開始

Q. How hard is it for you to shake off a loss like this? Will you be thinking
about it for days, weeks?
多難處理這樣的輸球? 你會好幾天或好幾個禮拜念念不忘嗎?

JELENA JANKOVIC: Months (laughter).
No, no, I mean, I'll try to forget it as soon as possible, of course. It's
not so easy when you lose, especially like this. But it's part of the game.
It's part of the sport. You have to just keep going forward and keep learning
and improving. That's all.
噢 好幾個月哩(笑) 我會盡快忘記的 輸球並不是容易處理的 特別是像這樣輸的
但這也是網球的一部分 得往前看 繼續學習 繼續進步

Q. It seems you didn't play your best tennis throughout the tournament.

JELENA JANKOVIC: Not really, you know. It's my first tournament of the year,
and it takes time. I'm this kind of a player who needs a little bit of time
to get used to it, you know, to get the routine playing matches and get the
confidence. Then, you know, I feel that I can do whatever I want on the court.
At the moment I'm still not there. I'm still, you know, finding my range, to
get that confidence when I'm playing. The most important thing is, you know,
when you're playing those matches, figuring out the way how to win, you know,
to change your tactics, to change your shots, you know, do something
differently in order to come back and win those matches.
Today I just couldn't do it. I was a little bit lost in the match. That's
maybe a lack of playing, you know, playing those matches and being in those
situations. But, you know, it will come. It's just, like I said, first
tournament of the year. There is many more to play. I just have to go forward
and be strong and just keep going.
這是我今年打的第一項比賽 需要花時間的 我是那種需要時間習慣的選手
找到打比賽的門路跟信心 我想我可以在場上展示出我想要的 但現在我還沒辦法
我還在找我的比賽信心 最重要的是當你打比賽的時候找出一條能贏的路
改變戰術 改變球路 做出一些不一樣的事來逆轉贏得比賽
今天我沒辦法做到 我在比賽中有點迷失 或許是因為缺乏打比賽跟缺乏身處那樣的情況
但我想會慢慢好的 就像我說的 這才是今年第一個比賽
還有很多比賽要打 我得往前看 堅強起來繼續往前

Q. Has it been difficult to put sort of the questioning of your worth, of
your No. 1 ranking out of your mind?

JELENA JANKOVIC: Was it you there in the match, or was it somebody else
talking to me during the match? When I was getting a towel, there was a man
just like you (laughter). To be honest, it's for real. Maybe it's your clone
or something.
你是那個在我比賽中途跟我講話的人嗎? 我在拿毛巾的時候有個長得跟你很像的人
坦白說真的很像 或許他是你的複製品

Q. Talking to you over the wall?

JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, he was cheering for me. I don't know. He looked just
like you. Now when I saw you... (Laughter).
對 他那時候在替我加油 他看起來好像你 現在我看你.......(笑)

Q. The questioning of your No. 1 ranking and your worth of that, has that
been difficult to play in this environment?
提到你排名第一跟你的實際價值的問題 你會覺得很難在這種環境下打球嗎?

JELENA JANKOVIC: Not really. You know, I really enjoy to be under the No. 1
ranking, and I proved that at the end of last year when I won three
tournaments in a row. I really wanted to be here in this position. You know,
just started this year.
You know, I haven't played for a while. For two months I didn't compete. I
was supposed to play an exhibition in Hong Kong. Unfortunately, me and my
mother, we got sick, so it was very hard where I couldn't play some matches
over there, which I wanted, just to feel the atmosphere, get the rhythm on
the court. Playing especially against the top players, which were in Hong
Kong, I couldn't do that.
So then I came with completely no matches into this tournament. Little by
little I was, you know, getting better and better. But today I just couldn't
find it. It was very difficult for me.
But what can I do? You know, it's a bad day of tennis, bad day at the tennis.
But what can I do?
喔 不會 其實我很喜歡用世界第一身分打球 我去年年底連續贏了三個冠軍已經證明了
我真的很想要在第一的位置上 現在才是年初而已
我已經有陣子沒打球了 有兩個月了 雖然我在香港打了一個表演賽
但不幸的我跟我媽都感冒了 所以其實沒辦法打出想打的比賽
沒辦法體驗到那種氣氛跟節奏 跟頂尖選手對戰 當時我沒辦法辦到
所以其實我是沒有熱身就到這裡的 我漸漸的進步 但今天我沒辦法找到這樣的感覺
對我來說很困難 但我能怎麼辦呢? 今天對網球這方面是糟糕的一天 但我又能怎樣?

Q. You might still stay No. 1 depending on how the results fall. Do you hope
that's the case, or is it easier to play not as the No. 1?
你或許會繼續留在世界第一 得要看最後的比賽結過
你希望繼續留在第一 或是如果不是第一打球會比較輕鬆?

JELENA JANKOVIC: I want to be the No. 1. I don't want to be No. 2 so that I
don't have any pressure. I don't think that's right. And also I don't feel
any pressure whatsoever. I just want to lift my game up. I want to play
better, and that's all.
When I'm on the top of my game, you know, it's very hard to beat me, because
you really have to kind of spill blood if you want to win the match. But the
moment, I'm not there yet. I still need to get better, to improve, be much,
much tougher out there.
So just, you know, have to do some work on the practice, play some more
matches, analyze what I have to do, and get back on track.
我想當世界第一 不想當個沒有壓力的第二 我想這是不對的
我沒有感受到什麼壓力 我只是想提升我的球技 想打得更好 就這樣
如果想贏我的話你得竭盡一切才能 但現在我還不在最佳狀態
我還得做更好 要進步 要更堅強
我想我得繼續訓練 繼續打比賽 分析我該做什麼 回歸正軌

Q. What did your coach say to you?

JELENA JANKOVIC: Oh, you don't want to know (laughter). It's hard, you know.
It's not so easy, you know. Especially he told me what I need to do
tactically, and I completely didn't do any of those things. I just couldn't
execute those shots.
It's easier said than done. He tells me to do something, but my opponent
gives me such a hard time with her shots, I cannot do what I want to do. So
it was very difficult for me to come back.
Normally I can turn around the matches and find my way through, but today it
was very difficult. But what can I do? Have to learn, have to keep going.
It's disappointing, to be honest, but what can I do?
噢 你不會想知道的 很難 不簡單 特別是他告訴我的戰術
我完全沒有辦到 我沒辦法切確執行 說的比做的容易 他告訴我該做什麼
但是我的對手讓我很不好過 我沒辦法做我想做的 所以對我來說很難逆轉
通常我可以找出一條路贏得比賽 但今天太難了 我能做什麼?
我得繼續學習 很令人失望 但我還能做什麼呢?

Q. Tactically what did your coach want you to do? You mentioned opening up
the court.
你的教練告訴你什麼戰術? 你剛剛提到了盡量打開球場

JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, but if I tell you this, I don't think it's right, no?
I will have to play those players again, so if I tell everything openly, I
don't think it's right (smiling).
是啊但我想我不該告訴你 因為我還會再碰到這些選手


Tags: 網球

All Comments

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2009-01-26T14:36
我想JJ的球后位置如果能保住 那表示前4種子都得爆冷出局
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2009-01-27T03:30
記者雖然機車 但他問了球迷想知的答案
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2009-01-27T16:24
JJ回答還蠻得體的 記者真的是非常喜歡激怒球員=.=
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2009-01-28T05:18
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2009-01-28T18:13
網球員經過大小賽訪 早就身經戰 還你跟我球迷好像喔XDDD
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2009-01-29T07:07
除了可惜還是可惜 真希望JJ快拿一個滿貫呀.......


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2009-01-26T01:15
今天看到費前天王打滿五盤的那場直播.. 說實話.. 真的是滿感動.. 我從費 前 天王剛當天王的時候開始看他打球.. 那時候超討厭他.. 因為他太強.. 強到我最喜歡的Safin可能跑斷了腿也只能被他左右精準的大角度耍著玩.. 那時的他 沒太多表情 沒太多振奮.. 贏面沒有太多的動作 彷彿那是應該的.. 輸面 ...

Day 7 最新男女單Top 75選手成績及排名變化

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2009-01-26T00:01
已把 Feb.2 2009會扣掉的分數都扣過了(即08年當時有拿到的積分) 另補上打進第三輪或更佳但排名不在前75的選手 排名中的new表示澳網後的新排名 prv表目前在ATP(WTA)的排名 例如Sharapova的 new目前在16名,但prv為9名 在Jankovic出局後,幾乎可確定澳網後會有新的 ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2009-01-25T22:58
※ 引述《IFRS (交易之神)》之銘言: : 就是它其實也不是and#34;100%and#34;正確 : 之前就曾經發生過在場的人用肉眼看 很明顯 覺得是in : 但鷹眼卻判定是out : 也難怪費神會那麼討厭鷹眼系統 : 如果鷹眼並不是100%正確 : 那麼鷹眼就只是淪為一種工具... : 給了球員an ...


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2009-01-25T22:53
Rod Laver Arena 11:00 Start Menand#39;s Singles - 4th Round Gael Monfils(FRA)[12] vs. Gilles Simon(FRA)[6] 法國 內戰~! Womenand#39;s Singles - 4th ...

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