Larkin heading to Turk national team - 籃球

By Rachel
at 2020-02-04T21:26
at 2020-02-04T21:26
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Shane Larkin, the American point guard of Turkish basketball club Anadolu
Efes, said on Saturday he would be proud to join Turkey's national basketball
效力土超籃球聯賽(Basketbol Super Ligi,簡稱BSL)艾菲斯的美國控球後衛,
Shane Larkin,週六表示他對於加入土耳其男籃國家隊感到驕傲。
"I am honored and humbled to have an opportunity to represent this country by
joining the Turkish National Team. Extremely excited to wear this jersey with
the Turkish Flag across my chest with pride," he said on Twitter, announcing
his decision.
有土耳其光榮國旗的球衣。" Larkin在推特上發文,宣示歸化土耳其的決定。
Turkey's head coach Ufuk Sarica confirmed that they invited Larkin to make
appearances for the country's national basketball team.
土耳其總教練Ufuk Saric證實他們對Larkin發出加入土耳其男籃的邀約。
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had previously expressed that he wanted to see
a "successful" player like Larkin in the Turkish national basketball team
"Shane Larkin can carry our national team to good results," said he in a
televised interview.
總統Recep Tayyip Erdogan先前也表示他期望見到土耳其陣容中有如同Shane
Larkin般,能帶來成功的球員。 "Shane Larkin能帶領國家隊取得好的成績",
Having joined Anadolu Efes in the summer of 2018, Larkin has been a key
player on the team in its march to the EuroLeague final, as well as the
Turkish league title last season.
Larkin broke a Turkish Airlines EuroLeague record on Nov. 29, scoring the
most points in a single game after producing 49 points against Bayern Munich
as Anadolu Efes won the game 104-75 at Sinan Erdem Dome in Istanbul.
於主場伊斯坦堡Sinan Erdem Dome以104-75取得勝利。
He also earned the most valuable player (MVP) honor for four straight rounds
in the Turkish Airlines EuroLeague, leading his team to sit at the top of the
table with a 19-3 win/loss record this season.
Ohio-born Larkin played for Dallas Mavericks, New York Knicks, Brooklyn Nets
and Boston Celtics during his NBA career.
He is expected to be part of Turkey's national team in the 2020 FIBA Men's
Olympic Qualifying Tournaments which will take place on June 23-28 in Canada.
Turkey will take part in a tournament in Victoria with the Czech Republic,
Uruguay, Greece, China and Canada. Only one team among these will qualify to
play in the Tokyo Olympics.
土耳其搶贏克羅埃西亞歸化到歐聯準MVP Shane Larkin,近水樓台先得月。Wilbekin
本季同樣表現極度出色,MVP Ladder也是高居前五,但比起Larkin的表現或許真的還
是差了一點。土籃協主席Hedo Turkoglu似乎也被認為是這次雙方合作的重要推手。
我最恨的就是妳 讓我心動的 也是妳
我最愛的就是妳 讓我心碎的 也是妳
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