KOBE訂於周三接受手術+Nick Young受傷 - 籃球

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2015-01-28T00:35

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作者: love0957482 (不殺會後悔) 看板: NBA
標題: [外絮] KOBE訂於周三接受手術
時間: Wed Jan 28 00:15:41 2015

Injury Report: Bryant Scheduled for Surgery Wednesday

Unfortunate news reached the Lakers players and coaches Monday when they learned that Kobe Bryant

will undergo surgery on his torn right rotator cuff on Wednesday morning.

Bryant, who suffered his injury in the second half against New Orleans on

Jan. 21, will have an updated timetable for his return after the operation.

“He sounded good," head coach Byron Scott said. "I probably sounded worse

than he did. But like I said, we all know how tough he is, and he's a

trooper. I'll just pray for him on Wednesday that the surgery is obviously

successful and that his return will be sooner than later.”

Bryant missed 76 games last season due to injury and also sat out eight games

to rest this year.

Scott — who recently altered the team's starting lineup by inserting Jordan

Clarkson, Wayne Ellington, Ryan Kelly and Robert Sacre — claims that the

Lakers need to make adjustments without Bryant available to shoulder the

offensive load.

“You got a whole new starting lineup in there now, and they gotta learn to

play with each other,” Scott said. “We've been talking about making sure we

move the ball, because we don't have that one guy that can dominate a game.

We've gotta move the ball, and we gotta do it on a collective basis.”

Scott also acknowledged the need for someone to fill Bryant's role as the

team's leader. Though he said he “can't appoint a guy,” he did name 13-year

veteran Carlos Boozer as a possible substitute.

Boozer, meanwhile, expressed confidence that Bryant will succeed in his

return from this injury.

“You guys know Kobe,” Boozer said. “He's a warrior, plays through

everything. The game he got hurt in — he played the last quarter

left-handed. That just tells you how tough the guy is. You guys already know,

if anybody can come back from this it's Kobe. He attacks his rehab and is a

monster with his work ethic.”

Young Sprains Ankle

During five-on-five scrimmaging at the very end of practice, Nick Young

sprained his right ankle when Jordan Clarkson inadvertently landed on it.

However, Young plans to play against Washington on Tuesday and will test out

his ankle at shootaround beforehand.

Young played just eight minutes in Sunday's game against Houston due to what

Scott perceived as a lack of effort.

“The message I was sending last night was basically: 'You didn't look like

you wanted to play,'” Scott said. 'You weren't defending. You were just

standing around, throwing the ball all over the place.' So I chose not to

play him, because if you look disinterested with body language and things

like that — to me, you don't want to play.”

Young was held scoreless for the first time since he was still with the

Philadelphia 76ers on April 17, 2013.

“It was very frustrating (sitting out),” Young said. “It just brought back

some old memories like being a rook, but it happens. I guess (Scott) wants

the best for me. I came in today with the mindset (of) not having any

negative energy.”



KOBE的右肩撕裂傷 將在禮拜三上午接受手術

KOBE在1/21號面對鵜鶘的比賽 傷到了他的肩膀,他將在手術後有一個完整的復建時間表

"他看起來氣色不錯"BS說 但我覺得我比他還不樂觀,就像我說的 他是一個很努力的球員

祈禱他在禮拜三的手術是成功的 並且能提早歸來

KOBE在上個賽季缺席了76場比賽 上個半季也因病缺席了8場比賽 現在提早報銷

BS最近把湖人的先發全部換了陣容 要嘗試新的東西

他跟新的先發說 你們得到了機會 必須學會跟對方打球 BS說 我們一直在談論戰術

因為我們沒有一個人可以統制比賽 我們得一直傳球 必須這樣才可以做到機會

BS還說到 我們需要有人來代替KOBE做為球隊領袖的角色,雖然他自己說 他不能指定誰來

代替KOBE,但他表示 老將BOOZER將會是新的精神領袖

同時 BS說 KOBE將會以王者的姿態重新回來

BOOZER說 你們知道KOBE 他是一個戰士 在場上發揮著一切,如今 他在比賽中受傷了

he played the last quarter left-handed(不知道怎麼翻)

你們知道的 如果KOBE可以回來 他從傷病中復原 他將會是一個怪物(?)

另外 Nick Young在5.5分組對抗練習的時候 扭傷了他的腳踝

Young在對火箭的比賽中 由於BS認為他不想打球 所以只讓他上場八分鐘

BS說 我認為你昨晚就是不想打球 你不是努力的再打 你只是像個遊魂 只會投籃

所以 我選擇讓你坐板凳 因為你的場上的動作告訴我 你不想打球

這場Young上場8分鐘 沒有的道分數

Young生涯只有一次沒有得到分數 2013/4/17面對76人的比賽中 他一分未得


Tags: 籃球

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Lauren avatar
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Agnes avatar
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