Kidd defends firing of Scott - 布魯克林籃網 Brooklyn Nets

By Andrew
at 2006-02-07T23:24
at 2006-02-07T23:24
Table of Contents
: Vince Carter said Kidd gave him a hard time for snatching a rebound from him
: in the waning minutes.
應該是: Vince Carter說Kidd有點跟他過不去,因為在最後幾分鐘,Carter搶走了
: Vince Carter說在最後幾分鐘特別難從Kidd手中搶下籃板。
: "He told me he needed one more rebound, but I was up in the air, and I was
: like, 'What? Okay.'" Carter said. "And we tried to get him one more rebound,
: but (the Hornets) didn't miss."
: 「他跟我說他還差一個籃板,而我那時在空中,然後我就想說,什麼?沒問題!」Carter
: 說道。「之後我們想盡辦法幫他奪取最後一個籃板,但是黃蜂隊每一球都投進了。」
(應該就是這球,Carter已經在空中了,就先抓了 XD)
: According to the YES Network, Kidd has missed a triple-double by one rebound
: 31 times, by one assist 10 times and by one point two times.
: 根據Yes電視網,Kidd生涯中準大三元差一籃板31次,差一助攻十次,差一分則是兩次。
我想看遍每一部令人動容的電影 我想賞遍每一處迷人綺麗的風景
我想聽遍每一齣扣人心絃的歌劇 我想玩遍每一件音色優美的樂器
我想彈遍每一個餘音繞梁的樂音 我想吃遍每一道讓人垂涎的餐點
我想學遍每一種異國風情的語言 但是 我最想愛的 只有妳
: Vince Carter said Kidd gave him a hard time for snatching a rebound from him
: in the waning minutes.
應該是: Vince Carter說Kidd有點跟他過不去,因為在最後幾分鐘,Carter搶走了
: Vince Carter說在最後幾分鐘特別難從Kidd手中搶下籃板。
: "He told me he needed one more rebound, but I was up in the air, and I was
: like, 'What? Okay.'" Carter said. "And we tried to get him one more rebound,
: but (the Hornets) didn't miss."
: 「他跟我說他還差一個籃板,而我那時在空中,然後我就想說,什麼?沒問題!」Carter
: 說道。「之後我們想盡辦法幫他奪取最後一個籃板,但是黃蜂隊每一球都投進了。」
(應該就是這球,Carter已經在空中了,就先抓了 XD)
: According to the YES Network, Kidd has missed a triple-double by one rebound
: 31 times, by one assist 10 times and by one point two times.
: 根據Yes電視網,Kidd生涯中準大三元差一籃板31次,差一助攻十次,差一分則是兩次。
我想看遍每一部令人動容的電影 我想賞遍每一處迷人綺麗的風景
我想聽遍每一齣扣人心絃的歌劇 我想玩遍每一件音色優美的樂器
我想彈遍每一個餘音繞梁的樂音 我想吃遍每一道讓人垂涎的餐點
我想學遍每一種異國風情的語言 但是 我最想愛的 只有妳
All Comments

By Suhail Hany
at 2006-02-08T19:59
at 2006-02-08T19:59

By Anthony
at 2006-02-09T16:35
at 2006-02-09T16:35

By Lauren
at 2006-02-10T13:11
at 2006-02-10T13:11
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