Justine's Diary - The Clay Season Begins - 網球

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2008-05-06T20:03

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Hello Everyone,

I have a little free time, and want to give you my news. The clay season has
already begun. I trained and practiced these past weeks without any problems
with injuries. Here I am ready for competition in Berlin. Afterwards, I
depart to Rome, and then off course to Roland Garros. I can't believe it
starts in less than three weeks from now!

I'm writing to you in Berlin. I arrived on Sunday, and already had a chance
to hit some balls. It's a real joy for me to be back on court. Especially, at
this particular tournament - one which I always liked. I hope I will find all
of my feel and form on this court. No matter what happens, I did the best
possible preparations, in the best conditions.

After Berlin, I will go directly to Rome. I haven't played there for years,
but I changed my usual schedule to fit the WTA calender. After that
tournament it will only be a few days before Roland Garros begins. I will try
to go as deep in the draw as possible in Paris. This remains my favorite
tournament. And I know many of you also adore this tournament. It's
particulary embraced by all of you who live in Belgium.

Lastly, I can't leave you without saying "thank you" for all the support you
have given me during the first months of the year. I know I will be able to
count on you during the coming weeks. I hope to give you alot of excitement.

See you soon,


Berlin→Rome→Roland Garros
以上是這一個月的參賽(法網前一周沒比賽很好= =")
Ana、JJ & 法網就不用說了吧,我想今年的冠軍還會是一樣的( ′-`)y-~

幾個月前Justine & Carlos
在比利時成立了一個網球教學中心 The 6th Sense Academy

終於有比賽了 呼~Allez! Justine

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2008-05-08T17:10
可愛的Ju加油!! 相信她會帶來最精彩的表現的^^
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2008-05-09T06:50
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2008-05-13T09:59
Allez,Justine!!Do your best & show all of the real
Justine!!!Move forward and be positive on the court.
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2008-05-16T17:14
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2008-05-21T03:02

[閒聊] Mussina 明星臉

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2008-04-30T18:13
※ [本文轉錄自 NY-Yankees 看板] 作者: ashin1069 () 看板: NY-Yankees 標題: [閒聊] Mussina 明星臉 時間: Tue Apr 29 22:36:12 2008 Mike Mussina: http://sports.espn.go.com/ml ...

Happy Birthday!!!

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2008-04-29T21:07
Happy Birthday To U 生日快樂 又過了一年拉 只能在新聞照片看見你身影 只能看著以前你打球英姿的影片回味 儘管如此 只要有些微消息就夠了 知道你還過得很好 和家人和樂相處 還是很熱愛網球 就夠了 祝你生日快樂 my Dear Andre A ...

henin in love again

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2008-04-19T22:36
剛剛在wta的論壇上看見 http://www.wtaworld.com/showthread.php?t=339821 henin交了一個新的男朋友!! 聽說是在她到south African(南非)旅遊時碰到的 距謠言指出這位男生長得很高 金頭髮而且還蠻帥的(!!) 職業好像是位醫生(!!) ...

juju withdraw from family circle cup !!

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2008-04-10T21:42
juju退出了家庭生活圈盃網球賽...... 因為and#34;右部膝蓋刺痛and#34; = = (希望沒事才好....) 所以,接下來的熱身賽是在 Berlin andamp; Rome 對!!!你沒看錯.....juju要去Rome打熱身賽,這樣法網前不會太累嗎 連帶影響到溫布頓就不好了. ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2008-04-08T23:49
首先不要給我貼標籤啦 雖然我一向都在威版推文 不過我對整個wta的每個選手都興致勃勃 所以才會三不五時說一些想說的話 支持大小威 不代表就要反海寧啊 這對一個網球愛好者不是一種欣賞上的損失嘛 因為 我直覺貴版有人要威版版有克制什麼言論的 也許跟我之前的發言有關 (好啦 我做賊心虛atat) 我個人覺 ...