Justine's Diary- A day before departure to the WTA Champ - 網球

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2006-11-04T22:19

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Justine's Diary- A day before departure to the WTA Championships Madrid


Hello Everyone,

I'm sending you a small message before the day of my departure. I waited
until the very last moment to make my decision for the WTA Masters
Championships because I was concerned about how my body would react after the
training sessions, and I feel very reassured now.

I worked enormously hard on one hand to heal my knee injury properly, and on
the other hand to be able to play at the highest level. The results will be
revealed next week, off course. But to be able to leave for Madrid, and be
fit to compete in the Masters is already a victory, you could say it was my
goal. It's impossible to predict what will happen next in the future.

I'm already having feelings of great joy just thinking about being over there
playing those several matches. I will play each match with total focus on
nothing, but the match. I will give everything of myself.

I am really happy to return for competition, it's very important to be ready.
I worked like crazy these past days to be able leave, and tomorrow I fly

I will count on all of you, my fans, to be cheering and encouraging on this
website! Again, thank you for the support, and I hope you enjoy the
Championships too.

See you soon,


Tags: 網球

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Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2006-11-04T21:23
我想大家應該都知道CNN互動英語雜誌吧 是類似空英的那種 本期(11月號)封面是Andre喔 裡面大概有4頁Andre的專輯 雖然字不是很多 但大家有興趣還是可以去翻翻 裡面收錄了很多網球員包括Andre本人的語錄 還能順便學學英文喔^^ We all love Andre~~~!! ※ 編輯: ...

Henin-Hardenne fit to play in WTA Championships

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2006-11-03T11:19
海寧決定出戰年終賽囉! 這禮拜飛馬德里... BRUSSELS (Reuters) - World number three Justine Henin-Hardenne said on Thursday she would compete in next weekand#39;s end-of-seaso ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2006-10-30T01:47
※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板] 作者: erickin (阿更) 看板: Tennis 標題: 06年WTA球后之爭 時間: Mon Oct 30 01:43:24 2006 WTA女網巡迴賽只剩下兩週(一週普通巡迴賽+一週年終賽) 但由於有力爭取球后的三位球員海寧、莎娃和Momo都沒有參加下週賽 ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2006-10-28T15:45
浮世隨筆 10月徵文 我最喜愛的運動選手 記憶中的美好擁抱 陳宜平  (20061028) 那是我們共有的美好回憶:一頭金色亂髮和一身花襯衫,囂張跋扈的神情帶著一 臉叛逆,在電視上對全世界說:「Image is everything!」當你以為他只是舉止乖張 的渾小子時,他用飛毛腿和砲彈般的 ...

It's Justine's Call!

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2006-10-24T18:16
http://www.henin-hardenne.be/bin/index.asp?lang=en 24/10/2006: The end of season approaches, but there are still more twists and turns ahead until the b ...