Jankovic calls Justine an actress - 網球

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2006-09-09T15:51

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JELENA JANKOVIC: I was really disappointed in myself. I was really mad because
I lost that second set. I was up 4 2 and lost my concentration with the umpire,
and then with her, she was kind of saying, Oh, I have pain in my
back, I can't do this and that.
And then when she started winning, she starts playing all of a sudden so good,
so well, and serving big and everything changed.
I kind of let down. I lost my concentration. Wasn't the same player anymore.

我個人覺得其實這邊 Jankovic 的觀察很符合當時的情形,

不過我想不會有人那麼愛演戲演到發出 12 個雙誤,



就算 juju 買自己外圍,應該也不可能有自信到可以將第一盤拱手讓人....

熟悉 juju 的球迷都知道,




什麼樣的來球,他都趕得到位...這就是我們喜歡的 juju !!!




Jankovic 輸就是輸在他把時間花在跟裁判賭氣,

而不是再給 juju 補上幾刀....(請大家原諒我用這種比喻...<(_ _)> )

在這段過程中,大家都有看到 juju 不斷地用不同的方式來進攻,


然後 juju 真的是做到了 !!!

(不然 Jankovic 你也不會這麼哀怨阿...╮( ′︸‵)╭)

換做是 momo, Davenport 或是接下來的 Sharapova,juju 要逆轉是不大可能的...



相似的年紀,我看 Sharapova 輸球時也不曾這麼沒風度....

: You know, then she beat me quite easy.

Yes, We All Know .......

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2006-09-12T12:26
哈哈哈 推XD 自己被賞蛋卻手指著別人 真好笑:P

賣 i radical 大拍面

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2006-09-09T14:14
http://tw.f2.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/b29018986?u=gunyang86 - ...

莎娃雄心勃勃志在必得 海寧強忍傷痛瞄準重回第一

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2006-09-09T13:44
莎娃雄心勃勃志在必得 海寧強忍傷痛瞄準重回第一 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年09 ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2006-09-09T13:13
※ 引述《football (晃晃悠悠)》之銘言: : Arthur Ashe 7:00 PM : 1. Womenand#39;s Singles - Finals : Maria Sharapova (RUS)[3] vs. Justine Henin-Hardenne (BEL)[2] 兩人過 ...

Jankovic calls Justine an actress

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2006-09-09T12:50
補上Jankovic的賽後訪談: http://0rz.net/3a1O7 建議大家最好將全部看完 在此將有關的部分節錄如下 Q. Near the end of the second set, she began to take a lot of time between points, bendin ...

Henin vs Jankovic

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2006-09-09T11:33
為了看這一場比賽,昨天不到11點我就去睡了 不過等到我坐到電視前,比數已經2:1了 原本我想看這場球,是抱著and#34;Henin必勝!and#34;的心情 加上Jankovic對戴娃時,回球之快讓人驚訝 我想看看Henin遇到她,會是怎樣的打法 ------------------------------ ...