Jankovic calls Justine an actress - 網球

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2006-09-09T12:50

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Q. Near the end of the second set, she began to take a lot of time between
points, bending over a bit. Did you sense she was getting tired?
JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know what she was doing, but she was acting like she
had pain in her back, and she was, like, trying to get start me thinking or
something, you know. Because I was looking at her, and she was, Oh, I have pain
in my back, or whatever she was doing, I don't know. That's the time when she
was losing.
Then when she was winning. All of a sudden she's hitting the biggest serves ever and all that. I'm like, Now your back doesn't hurt? Actually, I was the one who couldn't even tie my shoes the other day, two days ago. I was the one who was...
No comment (laughing).

Q. Do you think there was some gamesmanship?
JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know. But I think from my point of view, I think you
should play fair. And if you have pain, you have pain. But then when you if you
have really pain, then you gonna have pain when you're winning, as well. But
then how come when she's winning, she serves like 120 mile serve, and then when
she's losing, she barely pushes it back? Just to kind of say, Oh, that's why
I'm losing or something.
For me, that's not quite fair play. I'm a quite fair player. I give the credit
to all the players, it's okay, I lost this match, but... (smiling).
I don't know.

Q. Do you think she was faking?
JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know what. I can't say if she's faking or not. Because
for me, I can't judge that. That's not my job. But I think when you playing a
game, you should it's my fault that I actually was looking at her. I shouldn't
have even looked at her. I should just continue to play my game and just try to
finish off the second set.
But then all of a sudden the wind came and I didn't know how I made some
mistakes, big mistakes, like big outs. I had a lot of game points. Like at 4
All, the wind was just blowing all over the place. My balls were just flying.
I couldn't control the balls.

Q. Were you mad that she held you up on your serve a couple of times?
JELENA JANKOVIC: Yeah, then also she did that. But what can I do? I don't blame
her. I lost this match and it's my fault. I made those little mistakes. But I
am young. I will learn from my mistakes, and this is something, a new
experience for me. I couldn't ask for more. I was in the semifinals of this
tournament, and I'm really grateful.

Q. You said you had to learn new things. Would you ever pick up from like what
Justine did and do those kind of things?
JELENA JANKOVIC: Well, to kind of like stop the player? Kind of act, be a good
actress? Maybe I could be a good actress off the court, but I think I like to
play fair. If I am hurting, if I have pain, you know, like I did in the
doubles. I was really in such pain, I didn't want to retire my match even
though I hardly could even hit one shot. But I still finished the match, and
then, you know, I didn't want to retire.
And I'm so also a big thanks to Amelie Mauresmo because she how do you say?
gave me her physiotherapist. He helped me a lot. Without his help, I think I
wouldn't be playing this semifinal. So I'm really thankful to her.

Q. Did you have any fairness questions with her in the one time you played her

Q. Justine.
JELENA JANKOVIC: I don't know really because I don't like to talk about the
other players. I prefer if I can say something about the player, I prefer to
say something nice. I don't want to say any negative stuff about the players.
I just want to say that she's a great player, you know. She has this ability,
even though she's losing, she never gives up and she's trying. You know, it's
difficult to beat her, that's what I can say.

真是個虛偽的人 (原諒我用這麼重的字眼呀..的確看不下去..)


Tags: 網球

All Comments

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2006-09-09T21:36
呵呵 這篇真的蠻莫名其妙的 矛盾又unfair!
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2006-09-14T11:56
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2006-09-18T06:16
她怎麼輸了一場比賽之後 就開始胡言亂語拉
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2006-09-20T11:46
有誰可以稍微告訴我 她到底覺得哪裡不公平阿 ( ̄﹏ ̄|||)
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2006-09-24T06:47
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2006-09-26T01:50
網球是個人運動 輸了就是輸了 像她這樣替自己找一堆藉口
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2006-09-30T13:38
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2006-10-01T06:02
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2006-10-02T21:09
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2006-10-05T13:03
好 "這個小將很有心機" 瘋子一個 亨
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2006-10-07T00:33
關於她自己有傷那裡,倒是能看出 momo 的好心,
James avatar
By James
at 2006-10-09T18:24
以及那個物理治療師好像蠻不錯的 :P

US OPEN 2006 - Super Joy!

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2006-09-09T11:12
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Jankovic calls Justine an actress

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2006-09-09T10:20
其實我完全不了解Jankovic覺得 不公平的地方在哪 覺得juju用12個雙誤騙了她嗎 又不是真的要搶雙誤后 何況這場比賽結束,Jankovic還領先一個 噗 這場juju一個傷停都沒叫 沒想到還會得到這樣的形容 會有這樣的比數,明明就是她自己手軟了 在訪問中,做這樣的言論發表 這個不叫直接,叫輸不起= ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2006-09-09T10:14
恭喜juju今天努力奮鬥不懈,再闖美網決賽 由於juju今年都闖進四大公開賽的決賽 這也成就了她另一個歷史上的位置 亦即, 網球賽史上同一年度四大賽都闖入決賽的女子選手: 1. Maureen Connolly (1953) 2. Margaret Smith Court (1965, ...


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2006-09-09T10:05
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Jankovic calls Justine an actress

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2006-09-09T07:13
這種賽後訪問內容 讓我永遠不可能去支持Jankovic 呵 別人受傷打不贏就算了 還說啥actress 這就是頂尖選手和年輕選手的差距 如果henin狀況好的話早把你直落二了 誰有空跟你演 - ...