ITF 初步同意俄國八位球員參加里約奧運 - 網球 Tennis

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2016-07-25T08:01

Table of Contents


ITF statement regarding decision of IOC Executive Board

The findings in the McLaren report that describe systematic and widespread
doping in Russia are of great concern to everyone involved in sport, including
the International Tennis Federation.

Nonetheless, the ITF welcomes the decision of the IOC to permit clean
athletes to compete in Rio 2016 and to let each International Federation
determine the eligibility of its respective Russian athletes.

The eight Russian tennis players who have been nominated to compete in Rio
have been subject to a rigorous anti-doping testing programme outside Russia,
which included:
- A total of 205 samples collected since 2014, of which;
- 83 (40%) were collected In-Competition and 122 (60%) Out-of-Competition;
- 111 (54%) were urine samples and 94 (45%) were blood samples.

The ITF believes that this is sufficient for the eight Russian tennis
players to meet the relevant requirement of today’s decision of the IOC
Executive Board.

The ITF will also be seeking confirmation from WADA that none of those
players, or the Russian Tennis Federation, were implicated in the McLaren
report, in accordance with the IOC decision.

The ITF believes it is right that clean athletes are permitted to compete
in Rio 2016 and looks forward to welcoming the Russian tennis players, along
with all other nominated athletes, to Rio.

Tags: 網球

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Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2016-07-24T23:56
※ 引述《VWilliams (年世蘭)》之銘言: : : 由於俄國體壇日前爆發官方鼓勵並協助隱瞞運動員用藥的醜聞, : 而遭到禁止參加2016奧運作為懲罰, : 俄國代表團的所有387位運動員也將因此無法參與奧運。 : 俄國的奧運網球名單包括六位單打選手 ...

傷勢痊癒 納達爾:敦奧劇本別重演

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2016-07-24T00:19
傷勢痊癒 納達爾:敦奧劇本別重演 中時 林宋以情 西班牙名將納達爾手腕傷勢痊癒,里約奧運復出賽場。(美聯社資料照) 接連兩大滿貫賽法網、溫網因傷退賽,西班牙「蠻牛」納達爾,錯過4年前倫敦奧運, 里約奧運不願再放過,除了單打之外還有雙打,並首度拚戰混雙, 這位2008年北京奧運男單金牌,也希望傷勢別再攪局 ...

謝淑薇棄雙 莊佳容無辜遭犧牲

James avatar
By James
at 2016-07-23T18:14
里約奧運》謝淑薇棄雙 莊佳容無辜遭犧牲 2016年07月23日 17:38 李弘斌/特稿 謝淑薇在臉書上宣布退出里約奧運女雙,雖然程序尚未完成,卻讓她的雙打拍檔、昔日好 友莊佳容成了最無辜的受害者,連3屆出征奧運的紀錄也可能因而畫下句點。 謝淑薇在6月底開始針對奧運教練遴選辦法發難,7月1日確定和莊佳容的 ...

到底是誰 將謝淑薇的援手擋在門外?

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2016-07-23T14:38
Y大這篇文章提出了一些相左的意見,沒有不好,但我就稍微講一下我的意見好了XD (V大部分引言刪除、請見諒) ※ 引述《yswang ( )》之銘言: : 感謝V大的文,V大一直是我很敬重的板主 : 不是要打臉任何人,只是這幾天愈來愈多資料和討論出來,我想試著整理一下 : 另外本文我只想供網球板板友討論, ...

到底是誰 將謝淑薇的援手擋在門外?

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2016-07-23T13:59
※ 引述《wall2580 (Travis)》之銘言: : 很感謝y大這麼認真的分析本人所提出的第4點質疑。看完了分析內文,我也認同您分析的 : 內容,而您也點出了網協公告程序瑕疵的問題。然而,您的分析文就只停留在找出事實的 : 階段,我個人認為找出事實後,應該要有一個還給社會該有的公平正義的階段。若是沒有 ...