Ichiro commits to play in WBC - 美國職棒

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2005-12-02T10:07

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Mariners right fielder Ichiro Suzuki couldn't say "no" to Japanese baseball legend Sadaharu Oh, accepting professional baseball's all-time home run king's invitation to participate in the World Baseball Classic for his native country.

Ichiro's agent, Tony Attanasio, confirmed the offer and acceptance.

"Mr. Oh extended a formal invitation and Ichiro accepted,"Attanasio told the Seattle Times. "For the longest time media people had been asking [Ichiro] if he was going to play for Japan. But it was not that simple; Ichiro had to be [extended] a formal invitation.

"Now there has been an invitation, and Ichiro was delighted to accept. He really wants to play for his country."

Oh, who hit 868 career home runs for the Yomiuri Giants, will manage the Japanese WBC squad.

The 16-nation tournament will be played March 3-20 in Tokyo, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Phoenix and Florida. Major League Baseball plans to announce several players, as well as the U.S. manager, during a Monday press conference at the Winter Meetings in Dallas.

The press conference will be shown live at MLB.com.

Ichiro becomes the second big-name MLB player to commit to the WBC -- the first time big-league players will participate in an Olympic-style event. On Monday, Giants left fielder Barry Bonds announced that he would play for the U.S. team.

Attanasio told the Seattle Times that Ichiro would work out at Safeco Field for several weeks before returning to Japan in February to prepare for the WBC and the Mariners' regular season, which begins April 3 in Seattle against the Angels.

"He'll be doing the exact same thing he does every offseason, working his tail off to be ready to play," Attanasio said. "Only instead of doing it near Kobe, his hometown, he'll be doing it with the Japanese team near Tokyo."

Ichiro is the first player in MLB history to record at least 200 hits in each of his first five seasons. He finished with 206 hits this past season, one year after breaking the all-time single-season hit record with 262 hits. Hall of Fame first baseman George Sisler held the record (257) for 84 years.


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Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2005-12-01T20:21
※ 引述《CCK (你夢遊我夢遊)》之銘言: : 今天的官網問題集的翻譯,因為題目很多所以小弟挑重點翻譯~請大家多多指教 : Q: 我最近聽到消息說Ichiro不太高興?這是真的嗎?還是只是謠言呢? : A: Ichiro對於球隊連續兩年輸了超過90場球感到不高興,但是換個角度看,如果他會高興 : 的話 ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2005-12-01T18:30
PI報導說下週即將來臨的winter meeting 球團已經宣布隊中有三個球員是完全不能提出來談的: Ichiro, King Felix, Betancourt 看報導球團還是對AJ沒有放棄 另外Morris也是密切注意的對象 Bavasi之前也提到要等下週才會有一些交易或是簽約的動作 所以說囉,大家等 ...


Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2005-12-01T06:53
東區動作最多不在話下 中區的白襪老大補強了打線 西區的綠帽補了蘿愛莎, (雖然不知道雞頭什麼時候會不見) 安祺兒得到Manny的機會比我們高 比起來,大家都在進步,我們只多一匹喬治馬,根本就不夠啊. -- 孩子, 看到那蒼藍的小點了嗎? 那是我們的家...... - ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2005-11-30T18:57
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A.J. Burnett

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2005-11-30T03:11
outrighted http://0rz.net/7b0S7 然後BA說被簽走了 http://0rz.net/930SO 我是看到 http://marinerminors.blogspot.com/ 26日文章中提到才知道的 以制度上來說應該是被釋出? 因為Campillo沒有拒絕下放成為自由球員的權 ...