Gstaad男網冠軍-Thomaz Bellucci - 網球 Tennis

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2012-07-23T11:55

Table of Contents

Singles - First Round
T Bellucci (BRA) d B Kavcic (SLO) 61 61
[7] S Giraldo (COL) d [WC] H Laaksonen (SUI) 62 62

Singles - Second Round
T Bellucci (BRA) d [4] M Youzhny (RUS) 46 62 64
[Q] J Hernych (CZE) d [7] S Giraldo (COL) 63 26 64

Singles - Quarterfinals
T Bellucci (BRA) d [5] F Lopez (ESP) 63 63

Singles - Semifinals
T Bellucci (BRA) d G Dimitrov (BUL) 76(3) 76(5)

Singles - Final
T Bellucci (BRA) d [1] J Tipsarevic (SRB) 67(6) 64 62


"Gstaad is very special for me because I won my first title here three years
ago, which was a surprise and unexpected," said Bellucci. "For me to win one
more time here is very special. I feel very comfortable here, like I’m
playing at home."

"It was very tough losing the tie-break, having led 6-1," reflected Bellucci.
"I was playing very well, but on the set points I was too nervous. I miss-hit
a lot of balls and I was very disappointed. I was very focussed after this,
which was the key of the match, because if I had lost serve at the start of
the second set it would have been very difficult to win. I’m very happy I
got the focus to win two more sets."


Tags: 網球

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By Tracy
at 2012-07-27T00:24

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