Hamburg男網冠軍-Juan Monaco - 網球 Tennis

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2012-07-23T11:44

Table of Contents

Singles - First Round
[Q] F Delbonis (ARG) d T Robredo (ESP) 57 60 61
[2] G Simon (FRA) d C Berlocq (ARG) 46 76(5) 61
[3] J Monaco (ARG) d C Stebe (GER) 64 36 75
[7] F Mayer (GER) d [Q] H Zeballos (ARG) 76(7) 75

Singles - Second Round
[4] M Cilic (CRO) d [Q] F Del Bonis (ARG) 63 62
[3] J Monaco (ARG) d [Q] D Munoz-De La Nava (ESP) 76(4) 63

Singles - Quarterfinals
[3] J Monaco (ARG) d J Chardy (FRA) 63 75

Singles - Semifinals
[3] J Monaco (ARG) d [1] N Almagro (ESP) 36 63 64

Singles - Final
[3] J Monaco (ARG) d [WC] T Haas (GER) 75 64

Monaco勇奪本季第三冠! 生涯首個500等級的冠軍,排名也將首次前進Top 10 !!

"It's amazing [to break the Top 10], it's a dream come true," declared
Monaco. "I will always remember this great week because it's very important
for me and my team. It was a big goal we had pre-season when we were
practising very hard."

"I can't complain about the way I played today," said Monaco. "I was 4-1 down
in the first set, but I never gave up. I was fighting every point, very
focussed and very motivated to win this tournament. I think it was very
important to win the first set. In the last two games of the match I think I
played very well."

"To change the courts is not going to be easy for me, but I have five days
for practice to be with the guys there," said Monaco. "So, let’s see how it
goes. This tournament will bring me big confidence and I’m feeling great, no
injuries. So, I will try my best in London."

Tags: 網球

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