Dwight Howard - NBA

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2004-06-05T02:11

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Atlanta high scholl star Dwight Howard believes he can help persuade
Tracy McGrady to stay in Orlando if the Magic -- and T.Mac -- just give him
the chance before the NBA draft, then select him with the No.1 overall pick.

上面是從Orlando Sentinel 的報導裡面節錄下來的,然後裡面還有一連串關於他的

 『 Howard, speaking by phone from Atlanta, says he beleves he's a better
player the Okafor, describing himself as "a young KG and Tim Duncan mixed
together. That's me"』

姑且不論Magic 總管的好壞,我比較好奇的是 Dwight Howard 這個高中跳級球員是

從資料上看,他有6'10, 240 磅,打的是PF,還有一個疑問..nbadraft 對於球員的

有趣的是,如果他真的又是一個有機會成為Allstar 等級的球員,Magic 會不會在保
護名單上面做什麼變動呢( 當然還沒公布就無所謂變動,不過我的意思大概是那樣 )?

其實最重要的是:Magic 會不會因為他而重新打算要不要繼續把Hill留下來?

請諸位大大賜教 (__ __)
下面是nbadart 給他的評價

Strengths: A true talent. Dwight is one of those special talents who has it all
. He posseses wonderful ball handling, passing, shooting ability and a super qu
ick first step. Combine all that with an uncanny ability to see the floor and y
ou have something special. People with his height and ability to play the perim
eter and pass the ball are hard to find. Dwight also has great leaping ability
and quick hands which allow him to get his share of points in the paint. His at
hletic prowess allows him to rack up rebounds and alter shots frequently. Defen
sively he is everywhere snatching balls, tipping shots, running back on D, he d
oes it all. Dwight is an extremely hard worker and a very coachable kid. Quite
simply, he's the whole package with gigantic upside.

Weaknesses: Needs to develop more of a low post game...Tends to rely on his ath
leticism too much, which is common at this age. Has good footwork, but doesn't
use it enough. Tends to drift to the perimeter too often. Strength may be an is
sue down the line if has asked to consistently play in the post, but the potent
ial is there for him to add it...Dwight at times gets too into the game and pic
ks up cheap fouls...Will need to make the transition from center to PF.... Othe
r than that, a wonderful talent.

Notes: An honor student.....Dwight used to be a guard, which explains why his p
erimeter skills are so developed. Quoting an opposing player, "He's everywhere.
"....A bit of throwback, has some old fashion style to his game.....The potenti
al here is scary.

-Savneet Singh

When Detroit goes on a 12-0 run and Jackson doesn’t use a time-out,
it makes you smile because you know it's all part of his plan.
-by Jason McIntyre @hoopshype
※ 編輯: jansia 來自: (06/05 02:12)
hyperion:田壘在nbadraft上也被比作KG 可思過半矣 06/05
jansia:可是這次是他自己說的耶 06/05
jansia:而且還沒有什麼『高中聯盟的KG』之類的 06/05
jansia:他說的還蠻白的..很屌 06/05

Tags: NBA

All Comments

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2004-06-05T16:05
田壘在nbadraft上也被比作KG 可思過半矣
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2004-06-07T22:00
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2004-06-09T16:23
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2004-06-13T02:22

Re: 中產階級條款

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2004-06-04T14:51
※ 引述《vegas (......)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《annachie (..............)》之銘言: : : 用中產簽下數年約的球員 : : 除了第一年上限一定是平均薪資之外 : : 其他年的合約有金額限制嗎? : 中產階級合約規定每季的薪資較前一季最大漲幅不得超過10 ...

有關Lakers 的戰術

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2004-06-04T04:38
說說一些小看法,希望後面的大大指正 ^^ ※ 引述《jansia (Ich Liebe Dich)》之銘言: : 下面都是一些小白問題,還請大家不要嫌棄 (__ __) : a. Kobe在球隊中有無限開火權嗎? : 最近看季後賽,常常看到下面一種play : K ...

Sid Hartman:Taylor confident Sprewell will return

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2004-06-04T03:55
Some NBA experts say they wouldnand#39;t be surprised if the San Antonio Spurs tried again to pick up Latrell Sprewell after losing out to the Wolves last ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2004-06-04T02:31
※ 引述《starking (....)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《might (阿呆妳摳機沒開)》之銘言: : : 最近在研究NBA的薪資制度, : : 參考了NBA版及本版, : : 有了以下的認知,但非常不確定,希望高人指點 (謝謝!!) : : 1.) : : 以金額來說(或以佔BRI的比例) : : ...

Re: About Efficiency

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2004-06-04T02:26
請問是不是有一種評量球員貢獻的規則, 好像是將助攻算「一分」,籃板算「0.5」分之類的(sorry我不知道確切規則), 將所有貢獻都化成「得分」來衡量,好像有在幾年前的ESPN聽林志隆說過, 那這樣的算法是不是又是另一種衡量貢獻的指標,且稍微有注意到所謂「權重問題」呢? 謝謝各位版友解答 :) ...