Dice-K locks down Giants - 美國職棒

By Caitlin
at 2007-06-17T11:04
at 2007-06-17T11:04
Table of Contents
BOSTON -- Daisuke Matsuzaka's first professional manager was hovering just
two rows behind home plate, taking in Saturday's game as a member of the
Japanese media -- not to mention a proud spectator.
大輔的第一個專業經紀人在本壘板後面徘徊 他是個驕傲的見證者
Matsuzaka, meanwhile, was sharply focused on his brave new world,
which on this day entailed pitching to Barry Bonds with the game on the line.
On a day Matsuzaka couldn't afford to give up even one run if he wanted to
emerge victorious, he didn't.
這天大輔不能允許任何人得分(感謝Luke板友指正) 如果他想勝利的話
By firing seven shutout innings against the Giants,
Matsuzaka (three hits, eight strikeouts) lifted the Red Sox to a tight,
1-0 victory in a crisp contest played on a picture-perfect Saturday at Fenway.
藉由對巨人七局完封 大輔帶領紅襪拿下緊張的勝利
"This was the first time I was able to hold the opponent to zero runs and
at the same time I was able to protect our slim and precious one-run lead,"
Matsuzaka said through translator Masa Hoshino.
"So, in that sense, I'm very happy with my performance today."
”這是我第一次能夠讓對手零得分 同時還能保衛我們渺小珍貴的一分領先”
大輔經由翻譯masa hoshino說
”所以在這層意義上 我對今天的表現很開心”
This one meant something to Matsuzaka (8-5, 4.18 ERA) when you consider
he had given up two runs in each of his last two starts and lost.
這對大輔的意義 你要想想他曾經在上兩場比賽放掉兩分而且輸了
And also because Osamu Higashio, Matsuzaka's manager with the Seibu Lions
from 1999-2001, was watching him in the United States for the first time.
也因為Osamu在美國第一次看著他 他是大輔1999-2001在西武獅的經紀人
"Ultimately, I was able to show [Higashio] what I think was my best
performance today,"
Matsuzaka said. "So I feel that he'll be able to return to Japan happy."
Manny Ramirez put a few smiles on quite a few faces as well,
belting a solo shot off Matt Cain in the fourth that proved to be the only
hit of substance for either side. Ramirez came into the game 0-for-June
in homers, but this shot into the Monster seats ended a 50 at-bat drought.
It wasn't one of Ramirez's most graceful swings,
but style didn't count in a tense contest such as this.
這是他最優雅的揮棒之一 不過這場緊張的比賽並不優雅
"That was a lot of hands and wrists in that swing,"
said Red Sox manager Terry Francona. "Like maybe only he can do."
粉柯南說”那次揮棒他有如千手觀音 這是他唯一可以做的”
Cain (2-7, 3.15 ERA) was nearly as good as Matsuzaka,
baffling the Sox to the tune of three hits and a run over seven innings.
該隱幾乎表現跟大輔一樣好 他阻擋紅襪的打線 超過七局只有三安打和一分
"Their guy reminded me of [Jonathan Papelbon]," said Francona.
"The life through the zone with the fastball.
He's good. Don't look at that record. He's a good pitcher."
”他們讓我想起寶貝碰的用生命投快速球(?) 他很好
如果不看那個記錄的話 他是個好投手 ”
Matsuzaka, meanwhile, had a situation on his hands in the sixth.
Randy Winn led off with a walk. Ray Durham followed with a single.
Now it was Bonds at the plate with runners on first and second and nobody out.
同時大輔在第六局出了小狀況 Winn開始向壘包前進 Durham跟在他後面
現在是棒子在打 一二壘有人無人出局
Ultimately, Matsuzaka got him on a grounder to over-shifted shortstop
Alex Cora, who fielded the ball well on the second base side of the grass
before making the out at first.
"Well, that was definitely the biggest jam that I faced during the game
in a situation where I couldn't avoid having to challenge him," said Matsuzaka,
"At the same time, I felt that I wanted to challenge him,
but overall I was just careful not to make any [mistakes] that
he could get solid contact on."
”嗯 那絕對是我在比賽中面對的最大的窘境 我不可避免地要向他挑戰”
”同時我覺得我很想要挑戰他 不過我還是小心謹慎避免犯錯 以免他抓到空隙”
Even after the out to Bonds, it was still runners at second and third and
just one out. Bengie Molina hit a hard liner to short that was caught
in the air by Cora.
But Matsuzaka hit Nate Schierholtz on the arm with a 2-2 pitch to load
the bases.
Matsuzaka eased the tension in the park by striking out Rich Aurilia
looking on an 89-mph cutter that was right on the black of the outside corner.
甚至在棒子出局後 還是有二三壘的跑者 也才一人出局
Pitching in such a pressure-cooker of a situation?
"I love it," Matsuzaka said.
Still, things got stressful after Matsuzaka's exit.
On came left-hander Hideki Okajima in the eighth,
and he started out by surrendering a leadoff walk to Winn and
a single to left by Durham.
It was déjà vu as Bonds again came to the dish,
runners at first and second and nobody out. Okajima started out 2-0.
在大輔下場後還是很有壓力 左投岡島八局上來
(怎麼會有西班牙文 囧)
現在又是一二壘有人輪到棒子爺打擊 岡島一開始是兩壞球
Then, pitching coach John Farrell came out for a message.
然後 投手教會Farrell來跟岡島傳訊
Farrell asked Okajima how he was doing.
And before Farrell left the mound, he issued one message to his lefty.
他告訴岡島他該怎麼做 他離開前給了左撇子一個訊息
"Just challenge him," Farrell said to Okajima.
In came a curveball for a strike. Then two fastballs,
the latter of which was an inside offering that just caught the black.
然後來了一個曲球 然後兩個快速球
"I knew Barry Bonds was waiting for an outside pitch,
so Varitek wanted inside and the result was good,"
Okajima said through translator Jeff Yamaguchi.
”我知道棒子在等outside pitch 所以隊長想要inside的球 結果是好的”
Papelbon offered no such drama in the ninth,
mowing the Giants down for a 1-2-3 frame that earned the righty save No. 16.
寶貝碰在第九局沒有上演類似的戲碼 (後面看不懂orz)ꄊ
This was the first time Higashio got to watch his former
prodigy up close on Major League soil, but he's been monitoring from afar.
"In the big leagues, you have to be really good with control,
command and also velocity.
Everything must be well-balanced to be a great pitcher,"
said Higashio, who won 251 games as a pitcher in Japan before managing Seibu.
他說”在大聯盟 你一定要真的很會控球 指揮和發揮速度”
”一切都必須要完美的平衡 這樣才能成為一個偉大的投手”
"But soon, Matsuzaka will be a pitcher that a manager can definitely count on,"
continued Higashio.
"And a pitcher who can definitely formulate a game and
construct a game on his own, with the trust in him from the manager."
他繼續說”但是很快地 大輔將會是一個經紀人可以絕對依賴的投手”
”也會是一個可以控制比賽並建立自己比賽的投手 經由經紀人對他的信賴”
Not that Francona is lacking trust in Matsuzaka.
"Daisuke was really good, and on a day when he had to be every bit that good,"
Francona said.
粉柯南說”大輔真的很棒 而且他會一點一點地越來越棒”
翻完之後po文才發現還有一半沒po XD sorry
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By Andy
at 2007-06-21T09:02
at 2007-06-21T09:02

By Brianna
at 2007-06-25T10:51
at 2007-06-25T10:51

By Necoo
at 2007-06-27T08:14
at 2007-06-27T08:14

By Regina
at 2007-07-01T08:30
at 2007-07-01T08:30

By Oliver
at 2007-07-04T17:40
at 2007-07-04T17:40

By Rebecca
at 2007-07-07T20:19
at 2007-07-07T20:19

By Emily
at 2007-07-09T07:39
at 2007-07-09T07:39

By Catherine
at 2007-07-10T07:24
at 2007-07-10T07:24

By Ida
at 2007-07-15T01:39
at 2007-07-15T01:39

By Cara
at 2007-07-19T03:20
at 2007-07-19T03:20

By Cara
at 2007-07-19T11:05
at 2007-07-19T11:05

By Yedda
at 2007-07-19T19:11
at 2007-07-19T19:11

By Eartha
at 2007-07-23T07:08
at 2007-07-23T07:08

By Madame
at 2007-07-25T20:40
at 2007-07-25T20:40

By Olive
at 2007-07-27T12:23
at 2007-07-27T12:23

By Poppy
at 2007-07-28T04:07
at 2007-07-28T04:07

By Tristan Cohan
at 2007-07-31T13:09
at 2007-07-31T13:09

By Leila
at 2007-08-03T22:49
at 2007-08-03T22:49

By Christine
at 2007-08-06T11:18
at 2007-08-06T11:18

By Carol
at 2007-08-11T11:05
at 2007-08-11T11:05

By Steve
at 2007-08-11T19:16
at 2007-08-11T19:16

By Odelette
at 2007-08-15T23:45
at 2007-08-15T23:45

By Barb Cronin
at 2007-08-16T05:21
at 2007-08-16T05:21

By Megan
at 2007-08-18T18:23
at 2007-08-18T18:23

By Ophelia
at 2007-08-23T15:44
at 2007-08-23T15:44

By Gary
at 2007-08-27T03:22
at 2007-08-27T03:22
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