Coon's FAQ Index A-I - NBA

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2004-06-01T21:40

Table of Contents

能夠對於不當的翻譯提出一點意見 (__ __)

有關年齡的限制 Age-based restrictions 46 , 47
有關球員交易的問題 Aggregation (of players in trade) 68 , 69 , 71 , 84
用例外條款所簽下的球員Assigned player exception 67 , 71
轉隊額外獎金 Assignment bonus 82 , 83
平均薪資 Average salary 22
平均薪資的例外 Average salary exception see "Mid-level salary exception"
平均合約(現行已終止) Averaged contract 87
根據年份的補償薪資空間Base Year Compensation (BYC) 72 , 73 , 74
籃球相關收入 Basketball Related Income (BRI) 7 , 12
//大鳥條款 Bird (exception) see "Larry Bird exception"
//績效(戰績)額外獎金 Bonuses (performance) see "Incentives"
//簽約額外獎金 Bonuses (signing) see "Signing bonuses"
//交易額外獎金 Bonuses (trade) see "Trade kicker"
BRI 請見 籃球相關收入
合約買斷 Buy-out 57 , 58
現金交易 Cash (as part of a trade) 81
CBA 請見 集合協議條款
有關規避薪資上限 Circumvention 20 , 21 , 86
預防超過薪資上限 Cliff provision 16
集合協議條款 Collective Bargaining Agreement 4 , 96 , 97
有關例外條款的使用 Combining exceptions 19 , 71
//Combining players in trade see "Aggregation (of players in trade)"
//Contract averaging see "Averaged contract"
合約長度 Contract length 17 , 38 , 44 , 77 , 95
籃球核心收益 Core Basketball Revenues (CBR) 12
球員的死亡 Death of players 56
合約擱置的補償 Deferred compensation 9
//Disabled list see "Injured Reserve"
傷殘球員例外條款 Disabled player exception 17 , 18 , 56 , 66
選秀順位 Draft picks 38 , 39 , 41 , 42,43,70
早鳥條款 Early Bird exception 17 , 28
//Early qualifying veteran free agent see "Early Bird exception"
//Early Termination Option (ETO) see "Option year(s)"
有關終止合約 Ending contracts 85
附帶條件契約 Escrow 7 , 14 , 16
終止合約規定的例外 Exceptions (losing/renouncing) 18
球員薪水規定的例外 Exceptions (player salary) 10 , 17 , 18 , 19
交易規定的例外 Exceptions (trade) 18 , 66 , 67 , 68,69,71
有關聯盟的擴張 Expansion 93
有關合約的延長 Extensions 49
有關罰鍰的規定 Fines 92
第一輪選秀 First round draft pick 38 , 39 , 41 , 42,43,70
自由球員的總數 Free agent amount 27 , 28 , 29 , 30
有關被保障的合約 Guaranteed contracts 90
硬式團隊薪資上限 Hard cap 2
對球員的獎賞 Incentives 59
有關傷兵的規定 Injured players 17 , 54 , 62
傷兵保留名單 Injured Reserve (IR) 62
//Injury exception see "Disabled player exception"
七月交易空窗期 July moratorium 89

Tags: NBA

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James avatar
By James
at 2004-06-01T21:22 The 2004 NBA Draft Lottery, where ping-pong balls supplant basketballs as the tools of determining s ...

Coon's FAQ Q6

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2004-06-01T19:31
6. 為什麼勞資雙方費了這麼大力氣才協商出現行的CBA? 主要的爭議在於:『球員保障薪資最少要占聯盟收入的百分之幾?』,前一份的CBA 中,雖然對球員薪資結構做了規定,但是對『球員應該要拿多少薪水』這個問題,卻沒有 明確的定義。但是相反的,舊的CBA 對薪資上限的膨脹,卻有著限制條款─如果聯盟中球 ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2004-06-01T19:08
Maximums and minimums Except for the players grandfathered in when the collective bargaining agreement was signed before the start of the 1998-99 season, ...

Re: 請各位評論一下暴龍隊的保護名單吧

William avatar
By William
at 2004-06-01T02:45
※ 引述《pipiann (11111)》之銘言: : 只有八人 : 可是依照規定至少要丟出一人 : 我是想要丟出Rose啦 : 大家有其他意見嗎 Bosh Mashall Carter 是一定留的,在和山貓沒有協定的 前提下,而要是我的話,我會丟 Murray 出來,留 Rose 看是 要交 ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2004-06-01T01:37
只有八人 可是依照規定至少要丟出一人 我是想要丟出Rose啦 大家有其他意見嗎 - ...