一篇介紹樂透的 - NBA

James avatar
By James
at 2004-06-01T21:22

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The 2004 NBA Draft Lottery, where ping-pong balls supplant
basketballs as the tools of determining supremacy, will be
held on Wednesday, May 26, at the NBA Entertainment Studios
in Secaucus, New Jersey.

The 20th annual edition of the NBA Draft Lottery will determine
the order of selection for the first 14 picks of 2004 NBA Draft.

Fourteen ping-pong balls numbered 1 through 14 will be placed
in a drum. There are 1,001 possible combinations when four balls
are drawn out of 14, without regard to their order of selection.
Prior to the Lottery, 1,000 combinations will be assigned to the
13 participating Lottery teams by a computer.

The Charlotte Bobcats have already been assigned the fourth
selection in the 2004 NBA Draft and will not participate in
the 2004 NBA Draft Lottery. The results of the lottery will
therefore determine selections 1-3 and 5-14.

The Orlando Magic finished the season with the NBA's worst
record (21-61), so they will be assigned 250 combinations.
Utah, the best team in the lottery at 42-40, will have five
combinations out of 1,000.

Four balls will be drawn to the top to determine a four-digit
combination. The team that has been assigned that combination
will receive the number one pick. The four balls are placed
back in the drum and the process is repeated to determine the
number two and three picks. (Note: If the one unassigned
combination is drawn, the balls are drawn to the top again.)

The order of selection for the teams that do not win one of
the top three picks will be determined by inverse order of
their regular season record. Thus, Orlando can pick no lower
than fifth, Chicago (23-59) no lower than sixth and Washington
(25-57) no lower than seventh. The actual Lottery procedure
will take place in a separate room prior to the national
broadcast with NBA officials and representatives of the
participating teams and the accounting firm of Ernst & Young
in attendance.

Following the drawing, team logo cards will be inserted into
envelopes marked 1 through 3 and 5 through 14 by an Ernst & Young
representative. These envelopes then will be sealed and brought
on-stage, where the announcement of the Lottery results will be
made by NBA Deputy Commissioner Russ Granik. A second representative
from each participating team will be seated on-stage. Neither the
Deputy Commissioner nor the team representatives will be informed
of the Lottery results prior to the opening of theenvelopes.

The team whose logo is in the last envelope opened will pick first
in NBA Draft 2004, to be held on Thursday, June 24, at The Theater
at Madison Square Garden in New York City.

TEAM NO. 1 NO. 2 NO. 3
Orlando 25.00% 21.53% 17.81%
Chicago 20.00% 18.89% 17.19%
Washington 15.70% 15.83% 15.67%
L.Clippers 10.50% 11.31% 12.22%
Atlanta 10.40% 11.22% 12.14%
Phoenix 6.40% 7.21% 8.24%
Toronto 3.70% 4.28% 5.05%
Philadelphia 3.60% 4.17% 4.93%
Cleveland 1.80% 2.12% 2.55%
Golden State 0.90% 1.07% 1.30%
Seattle 0.90% 1.07% 1.30%
Portland 0.60% 0.71% 0.87%
Utah 0.50% 0.59% 0.73%

Tags: NBA

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Coon's FAQ Q6

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2004-06-01T19:31
6. 為什麼勞資雙方費了這麼大力氣才協商出現行的CBA? 主要的爭議在於:『球員保障薪資最少要占聯盟收入的百分之幾?』,前一份的CBA 中,雖然對球員薪資結構做了規定,但是對『球員應該要拿多少薪水』這個問題,卻沒有 明確的定義。但是相反的,舊的CBA 對薪資上限的膨脹,卻有著限制條款─如果聯盟中球 ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2004-06-01T19:08
Maximums and minimums Except for the players grandfathered in when the collective bargaining agreement was signed before the start of the 1998-99 season, ...

Re: 請各位評論一下暴龍隊的保護名單吧

William avatar
By William
at 2004-06-01T02:45
※ 引述《pipiann (11111)》之銘言: : 只有八人 : 可是依照規定至少要丟出一人 : 我是想要丟出Rose啦 : 大家有其他意見嗎 Bosh Mashall Carter 是一定留的,在和山貓沒有協定的 前提下,而要是我的話,我會丟 Murray 出來,留 Rose 看是 要交 ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2004-06-01T01:37
只有八人 可是依照規定至少要丟出一人 我是想要丟出Rose啦 大家有其他意見嗎 - ...

Coon's FAQ Q5

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2004-06-01T00:04
5. 現行的集合協議條款採用多久了?又什麼時候會到期?一但到期了,又會如何? 現行的CBA 是從99年的一月開始生效的。在經過了98-99 年球季中一次大罷工之後。 將實行七年的時間,或是在04-05 年球季結束到期。而聯盟在03年十二月決定讓現行的CB -A繼續沿用到04-05 年球季結束,並在 ...