Clijsters的賽訪有關Ju的部分 - 網球

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2010-06-26T00:42

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Q. How do you feel now about the prospect of facing Justine?

KIM CLIJSTERS: Yeah, no, I mean, we've had some really tough matches so far
this year and some really good and fun matches. That's something I hope--in
the two matches we played each other this year, we've brought out the best in
each other. I think they've been a little bit up and down leve-lwise. I think
I started off really well in both those matches. She came back well in the
second set.

So I think, yeah, like I said, it was a very up-and-down match, but a high
level at a lot of time. Hopefully if she wins we can bring that here on Monday
I guess, yeah.

Q. If you were to describe your style of play and Justine's for somebody who
had never seen either of you play, how would you describe them?

KIM CLIJSTERS: It's like school exams here (smiling).

No, obviously I think, you know, she has always been, growing up together,
she's always been the more touchy player. She has good hands. Obviously, the
slice is something she was naturally born with. You know, that's something that
for me takes a lot -- took a lot of hard more work.

You know, I think I'm naturally -- obviously, I'm bigger, stronger in a sense,
but I think she's improved a lot in that aspect as well. I think she's
definitely improved a lot on her serve.

You know, there's not that many differences, but there's a lot of differences,
I guess. You know, she moves well. Without sounding too cocky or confident, I
think also I'm not a bad mover out on court. Like I said, she has those quick
hands that can make it -- you know, she brings back a lot of balls and a lot
of tough balls even when you feel like you're dominating. I think that's one
of her strengths.

Q. What are your thoughts that the matchups in your career has been even?

KIM CLIJSTERS: Like I said, that's always how I feel when I go out there.
It could go either way. I think that just shows in the results we've had
against each other, all the matches.

You go out there and it's 50/50. Automatically when you play players, like
today as well, you have that mindset, I know like a match today if I play
well, I should win. But, you know, against someone like Justine or Serena,
you never know. You know you have to bring your best if you want to have a
chance to win.

So that's what I'm going to have to do. You have to try to play your best
tennis to beat the best.

Q. Can it actually be fun at a major or is it just too intense?

KIM CLIJSTERS: No. I mean, so far, you know, some of the funnest matches that
I've played probably before the ones against Justine, one of them was the
finals in Sydney against Jankovic, one of those where it was so intense,
the crowd was really into it.

Then the ones against Justine this year, Brisbane and Miami, they were also
very intense. I think it's when everything is involved and it's the emotions
and the physical part and everything, that's when it becomes fun. I mean,
that's what you train for, is those extreme circumstances. Obviously, not as
extreme as the two men yesterday.

But, you know, that's what you train for, is to achieve those, you know, and
try to win in those circumstances.

Q. Justine said she needs a year to feel she's fully back. You've had a lot of
great results, but a couple not so great results. Do you attribute some of
that inconsistent stuff to time or something else?

KIM CLIJSTERS: First of all, I put myself in my mind that hopefully it's not
going to take a year, because it's not that I have that much longer left.
Because we want to have more children and everything.

So I was kind of happy that my results, the way that I started playing,
everything started happening pretty soon.

But it's like you said. Like my results have been a little bit up and down.
Obviously this year I haven't done great at the Grand Slams. I didn't play
the Australian Open(???應該是少個well吧?). I did well in Miami. Then didn't
play the French.

So, you know, obviously it's the big tournaments where it counts. I did well
last year at the US Open and Miami this year. But you want to do well all the
time. That's what you train for.

Like I said, the inconsistency is something that will happen. I'm just pleased
that, you know, the inconsistency that I used to have in matches, and even
this year a little bit, those matches against Justine where I was playing
really well, being a little bit up and down in that match, that's something
I'm really trying to focus on. Hopefully that will help me.

Q. You played Justine 24 times. Is it still something special, emotional to
play her?

KIM CLIJSTERS: I mean, obviously, you know, like you said, 24 times, it's
obviously not the same as in the beginning. But, yeah, it's still a little bit
different I think than playing but then I don't know. I mean, when I have to
play Serena, you're also a little bit more tense. You know, it's just playing
those big players, you know, those top players, that's what makes it more

I think if I had to play Venus or Serena or Maria, that would also be very
special. So, yeah, you just put a little bit more focus into all your
preparation and everything.

Q. Is your relationship different than before your comebacks of you both or
is it the same?

KIM CLIJSTERS: Yeah, I think so. I think it is. It's not that in a way that
it's completely blackandwhite difference. But I think we've definitely grown
up. I think we've, you know, had great times together playing Fed Cup and
just, you know, messaging each other on phones, teasing each other, fun, you
know, relax. I think that's how I would have liked it to have always been.



Tags: 網球

All Comments

William avatar
By William
at 2010-06-29T12:20
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2010-07-02T23:59
恩 今年流行大和解說好話
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2010-07-06T11:37
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2010-07-09T23:16
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2010-07-13T10:54
Ju的賽訪也提了很多她和Kim, 不過板上有人會熱心翻譯我就
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2010-07-16T22:33
但是我看了好幾次邁阿密二人場上的互動 氣氛不大對
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2010-07-20T10:11
會不會是因為那時候還沒打Fed Cup呢@@?
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2010-07-23T21:49
不會啦~ Miami賽後兩人還親親勒
Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2010-07-27T09:28
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2010-07-30T21:06
別太敏感了 (拍拍)
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2010-08-03T08:45
真的很不自然 親完臉頰之後 Kim 的反應也是
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2010-08-06T20:23
可能真的是沒什麼 不過從影片上來看有別於平常互動
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2010-08-10T08:02
沒事最好了 希望新秀不要冒犯前輩(炸)
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2010-08-13T19:40
不會啦~真的沒什麼 我覺得很OK 別想太多 (認真)
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2010-08-17T07:19
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2010-08-20T18:57
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2010-08-24T06:36
推 謝謝分享


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