Cincinnati十六強訪問(def. Chela) - 網球

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2004-08-07T17:49

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Andre Agassi

THE MODERATOR: Andre advances to his sixth quarterfinal here in
Cincinnati . He has a 2?1 record against Carlos Moya . Also for
the first time in tournament history, five former No. 1s in the
quarterfinals here.

Questions for Andre .

Q. You certainly recovered nicely. What was with those two
double-faults in your first service game? Did you feel like you
were getting into a hole right there?

ANDRE AGASSI: No (smiling). No, that was, you know -- I mean,
certainly as you look back on the match, the first couple games
we both had chances.

But from that point on I felt good about my shots and took my chances
and managed to keep the lead from start to finish.

Q. Seemed like you were playing pretty fast out there. Some place
to go or just wanted to make sure you got it over with quick?

ANDRE AGASSI: No, there are times you play faster than others.
It sort of depends on the nature of the match. Everybody has to play
to the server's pace, so you sort of determine if you have the momentum
and you try to keep it going. And if you don't, you try to slow it down.

But tonight I felt real good. It's the first match in a long time
where I felt that comfortable with my game.

Q. Why do you think that is? Because you've played the last couple days?

ANDRE AGASSI: Because I've had some matches. I mean, you know,
it's a big confidence issue out there. You have to believe in what
you're doing because a match is decided on just a few points. And,
you know, finally having a few matches in a row is starting to help me
feel more comfortable out there.

Q. How long has it seemed like since you had this kind of feeling then?
Earlier in the year or...

ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah, no, I played some good tennis earlier in the year.
I mean, obviously down in Australia I was on a good roll.

Yeah, but it's been a while. I mean, obviously it wasn't in the clay
and it wasn't in the grass. That's too long. You feel like you start
losing a lot of ground.

Q. Speaking of Australia a little bit, how do you look at that match?
I mean, it was so close. You can't be down about the Safin match,

ANDRE AGASSI: Right. How do I look at it? What do you mean?

Q. I mean you didn't look at it as a downward turn?

ANDRE AGASSI: No, at the time, you sort of give yourself a look at
the basket and you hope things fall for you. You know, that night,
that night was a disappointing night certainly, but one that I did
everything that I could control out there. I was doing my best,
hitting my shots. But, you know, he played pretty darn well.

You know, but then it's disappointing. It's the first Slam of the year,
it's one that I'm used to winning, and maybe I had a bit of a rebound
effect from it. But it wasn't more than what you would expect from
just losing a disappointing, important match.

Q. What are your first thoughts on Moya and your memories from earlier
matches? You're 2-1.

ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah. Well, he's a strong player with a lot of weapons.
I mean his forehand, his serve, his movement. He's really experienced
out there. He knows what he's doing. I'm going to have to be hitting
my shots, not hesitating, trying to dictate what goes on out there.

Q. You're obviously organizing your schedule carefully. Some events
you're entering that you decide don't work for you so you're pulling
out. Is that a little bit disconcerting because you're not always
sure where or when you're going whereas in the past you had a
schedule you kept to more?

ANDRE AGASSI: Well, the reason why one would keep to their schedule
is because they have a body and a mind that allows them just to
keep going. Certainly that's something that I envy.

The decisions I make, I'm privileged to have the luxury of making
those decisions. I mean, if I have to suffer a fine or something for
pulling out of a tournament, it's not my reason for just pushing myself
through it. So I get to do things on my terms, which is crucial more
now for me than ever - more for me now than ever. You want to feel fresh,
you want to feel healthy every week. But I just don't think that's
realistic for me these days, so I want to prepare myself for the biggest
ones and do my best to be at my best. I try to look at it as a strategy
more than something that's disconcerting.

Q. You said the other day that this wasn't the happiest -- playing
tennis, you've been grinding your gears this year a little bit.
But with the family, the maturity, is it one of the happier times
in your life?

ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah, I mean, I have a great life. I have a great life.
So it's a time that I enjoy very much. But so much of your life is
affected by what you are doing on the court or what you have to prepare
for. So it's not always as easy to leave work behind, but children
help you do that. And I wouldn't give up this year for anything;
it's been a great year.

Q. How many people come to you and think that that kid on the commercial
is Jaden ?
(問到之前廣告裡打網球的小孩, 其實不是Jaden, 是個六歲半的小孩)

ANDRE AGASSI: Everybody - literally.

Q. Was he a short 6-year-old?

ANDRE AGASSI: I don't know. I don't know how short he was. But, yeah,
I've never -- I sort of couldn't compare him, but he was a
6-and-a-half-year-old. His name is Connor .

Q. That's a great commercial.

ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah, it is.

Q. Is he as good as he comes off in the commercial?

ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah, he hits the ball pretty well. He plays every day.
He's the real deal (smiling).

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All Comments


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2004-08-07T15:50
※ 引述《ouch (沉默的螺旋)》之銘言: : Cincinnati TMS : Quarter Final : (11) A Agassi d. (4) C Moya (ESP) 76(12) 64 : 打完這場比分相當接近的一場球, : Andre奪下職網生涯第806勝 ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2004-08-06T22:51
Friday, August 6, 2004 Center Court start 1:00 PM (14)M Safin (RUS) vs (10)L Hewitt (AUS) F Santoro (FRA) vs T Robredo (ESP) Starting at 7:30 PM(台灣時間星期六早 ...

Re: Andre闖進八強!!

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2004-08-06T11:04
※ 引述《ysh (羽球之神想下象棋)》之銘言: : (11)A Agassi (USA) def. J Chela (ARG) : 6:3 , 6:3 : 恭喜andre久違的三連勝喔...看來狀態調整的不錯^^ : 八強要對一路打來跌跌撞撞的Moya.... : 相信經過苦戰還是能順利 ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2004-08-06T08:53
(11)A Agassi (USA) def. J Chela (ARG) 6:3 , 6:3 恭喜andre久違的三連勝喔...看來狀態調整的不錯^^ 八強要對一路打來跌跌撞撞的Moya.... 相信經過苦戰還是能順利在四強跟徒弟碰頭的!! - ...

Re: Cincinnati第二輪訪問(def. Johansson)

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2004-08-06T02:17
唉.... 有人可以翻譯成中文嗎.... \(andgt;,andlt;)and#34;/ ※ 引述《youtwo (Farewell, Brando.)》之銘言: : Andre Agassi : Q. Rain delays, how do you persevere through all that ...