Chien-Ming Wang goes back to his sin … - 棒球

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2011-08-10T16:25

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※ 引述《wonders320 (一飛沖天)》之銘言:

試翻, 英文不好很是辛苦...

: Chien-Ming Wang goes back to his sinker and lifts the Nationals to 3-1
: victory over Cubs

王建民尋回了他的伸卡球, 並且帶領國民以3-1擊敗小熊.

: CHICAGO — When Chien-Ming Wang returned to a major league pitching mound, his
: right shoulder diminished even after two years of sweat and toil, he no longer
: trusted what had made him one of the best in the world. He lost conviction in
: his unrelenting style, in throwing the pitch — and only that pitch — that
: thudded off bats like medicine balls. His battered shoulder changed him, and
: he responded with more change.

即便歷經了兩年的汗水與辛勞, 重新站上大聯盟投手丘的王建民, 他的右肩似以孱弱,
他不再相信曾經讓他立足於世界頂尖的那些東西. 他喪失了他的信念- 那強勢的球風,
那個幾乎像是藥球般轟然撞上球棒的投球. 一再遭受打擊的肩膀改變了他, 而他卻以更

: Tuesday night at Wrigley Field, Wang ditched his attempt at reinvention and
: crafted perhaps the most promising game of this Washington Nationals season.
: In a 3-1 victory over the Chicago Cubs, Wang carried a no-hitter into the sixth
: inning, allowing only an infield single in his six scoreless innings. In his
: third start since returning from a torn capsule in his right shoulder and the
: massive surgery it required, Wang earned his first major league win since June
: 28, 2009.

周二晚上, 王拋開了他那改變的意圖, 並且精心的打造了一場在華盛頓國民的球季中,
最具有說服力的比賽. 在這以 3-1擊退芝加哥小熊的比賽中, 王延續了無安打比賽直到
第六局, 才被打出了一隻內野一壘安打, 並且沒有失分. 這是告別了右肩的撕裂傷以及
大量手術後的第三場比賽, 王建民得到了2009年六月28之後的第一場勝投.

: “For me, it means a lot, because it’s been two years,” Wang said through
: an interpreter. “It’s not a short time.”

" 對我來說很重要, 因為已經兩年了. " 王建民透過翻譯人員表示" 不只是一點點時間
呀. "

: Wang’s performance hinged on him finding what made him so dominant in his best
: seasons. He largely abandoned, to great effect, any pitch other than his sinker
: , the pitch he threw insistently at his peak, the weapon made him one of the
: best pitchers in baseball. Wang threw 66 of out of 81 pitches. The results were
: familiar — he recorded 11 groundball outs, Cubs batters drilling sinkers into
: the dirt in front of home plate.

王建民尋回了在生涯最佳球季中, 那讓他曾經主宰著一切的東西, 而有了今天的表現.
那堅定不移投出的伸卡球, 讓他幾乎拋棄了其它的球種, 也讓他晉身最頂級球員的行列.
王在81球中, 投出了66個伸卡球, 而結果也是大家熟悉的 -11個滾地出局, 迫使小熊隊的

: “I was right when I told you I expected him to be better,” Manager Davey
: Johnson said. “I even watched him warming up, his ball really had some good
: sink. That’s him.”

" 我說我覺得他會變得更利害, 是不是很有先見之明? " 教練Davey Johnson如是說.
" 我甚至觀看他暖身呢, 那就是他, 有著很好的沉球. "

: Pitching coach Steve McCatty implored Wang this week to throw more sinkers. The
: sinker had lost velocity and bite through his shoulder operation and recovery,
: and Wang pitched as though he believed one pitch could no longer sustain him.
: He sprinkled in more sliders and change-ups. But what remained of Wang’s
: sinker, McCatty insisted, was still a pitch capable of making major league
: hitters hit groundballs.

投手教練Steve McCatty要求王建民在這星期使用更多的伸卡球. 他的伸卡球在肩膀的手
術及復原中, 失去了些許速度跟威脅, 結果王建民就投得好像他的伸卡球已經不再能倚
靠. 他夾雜了更多的滑球跟變速球. 但是McCatty卻堅信王建民的伸卡球, 仍舊會讓大聯

: In Colorado this weekend, McCatty chatted with Rockies first baseman Jason
: Giambi, a teammate of Wang’s during his best years with the New York Yankees,
: and brought up Wang’s slider. “Was it good,” McCatty asked, “or was it a
: little fuzzy?”

這周末在克羅拉多, McCatty跟落磯的一壘手, 也是王建民以前在洋基的隊友Jason
Gimabi閒聊到王的滑球. "他投得好嗎? 還是說有點難以控制? "

: “A little fuzzy,” Giambi replied. “But I didn’t see it too much.” Because
: Wang threw so many sinkers.

" 有點難搞, " Giambi回答道. "不過我很少看到滑球, 因為王都一直投伸卡."

: Tuesday night, Wang threw almost all his sinkers between 89 and 92 mph,
: occasionally touching 93 on the radar gun. In 2006, the season he finished
: second in Cy Young voting, Wang often threw mid-90s sinkers, but he averaged
: 93 mph with the pitch. Between starts, Wang worked on throwing a better sinker,
: focusing on his release point and staying on top of the ball as he released it.
: “It almost feels the same,” Wang said. “The sinkerball was sinking.”
: After five innings, as the groundballs piled up, Wang still had not allowed a
: hit. Ian Desmond saved a potential single in the fifth, when Tyler Colvin shot
: a groundball through Wang’s legs and Desmond made one of several dazzling play
: s, a slick stop behind second base on a wicked hop.

周二晚上, 王建民的伸卡球速幾乎都在 89 到 92 英哩之間, 有時候會跑到 93.
在2006年, 就是他獲得賽揚獎選票第二名那一年, 他通常可以丟到95 英哩上下, 不過
伸卡的均速大概是93. 在比賽開始前, 王仍然在研究如何把伸卡球投得更好. 他專注於
他的放球點並且維持著最好的投出狀況. " 幾乎有一樣的感覺," 王說 " 沉球會沉."
五局之後, 累積了一堆滾地球, 王建民還沒有被打出任何安打. Ian Desmond在五局沒收
了一隻可能的安打, 是Tyler Colvin打的一隻穿過王建民腿的滾地球. 這是Desmond今天
眾多的好球之一, 一個二壘後方彈跳球的漂亮攔截.

: The Nationals, though, still had not scored a run off Cubs starter Matt Garza,
: a problem fixed with a sudden, powerful spasm of offense. With one out, Michael
: Morse crushed a home run over the batter’s eye in center field, into the
: section of bleachers attached to the old-school scoreboard in center. It was
: Morse’s 20th homer of the year, and maybe his longest. The fans who buy
: tickets there do not bring their gloves to their park.

國民隊也被小熊的先發投手Matt Garza封鎖住. 一次攻擊的強力爆發一下解除了這個狀
況. 一出局的情況下, Micha Morse 打出了中間方向的全壘打, 飛到了沒有雨棚的看台
區, 就在舊式記分板的附近. 這是Morse今年的20 號全壘打, 也許是飛最遠的. 那邊的

: “It’s up there with my top ones that felt good,” Morse said. “But as long
: as it goes over, I don’t care how far.”

" 球飛到那邊是很爽啦, 可能是今年最讚的, " Morse說 "不過既然噴出去了, 我才不

: Garza had dominated the Nationals — he struck out nine in six innings — but
: Morse’s homer seemingly lifted some kind of lid. Jayson Werth smashed a single
: down the third base line. Jonny Gomes, starting for the third straight game,
: followed with a home run of his own, a high drive that snuck into the first row
: in left field.

Garza也壓制了國民隊, 六局就三振了九個人. 但是Morse的全壘打似乎改變了局面.
Jayson Werth打出了三壘方向的安打, 然後連續第三場先發的Jonny Gomes, 也打了一支
飛得很高的全壘打, 最後落入了左外野第一排座位.

: Wang walked to the mound in the sixth armed with a 3-0 lead and a no-hitter.
: "I wasn’t thinking that much about it,” Wang said. “I just wanted to get the
: sinker going.”

王在六局回到投手丘, 帶著3-0的領先和無安打的表現. "我沒想很多," 王說 "我只希望

: Tony Campana led off, pinch-hitting for Garza. He bunted one pitch foul, then
: whacked two others foul, building a 2-2 count. Another sinker, and another
: groundball, laced to the right side of the infield. Morse took a quick step to
: his right and dove. The ball deflected off his mitt and trickled behind him.
: Wang still sprinted to cover first, and second baseman Danny Espinosa scooped
: the ball off the dirt on the run. Espinosa buzzed a running throw to Wang,
: hitting him in stride just as he reached the base. If a hitter other than
: Campana had been running, Espinosa’s fabulous play would have preserved
: Wang’s no-hitter. Instead, Campana beat him by a step, and the Cubs had a
: "one’ in their hit column.

Tony Campana 代替投手Garza上場打擊. 他短打了一顆界外, 又揮出了兩顆界外, 使的
球數來到2-2. 接著的一個伸卡球造成的又一個滾地球, 刺向了內野右側方向. Morse
快步向他的右邊常試接球. 但是球還是砸歪了他的手套, 跑向他的後方. 王建民仍舊
快跑到一壘補位, 而二壘手Danny Espinosa從塵土中撈起來球, 邊跑著邊傳給了王.
王建民幾乎與打者同時到達壘包, 如果打者不是Campana, Espinosa的美技演出也許
可以延續王建民的無安打表現. 總之, Campana以一步之差勝出, 而小熊在安打欄位中,
得以寫上了 "1".

: Wang stranded Campana on second base with three consecutive outs. He threw a
: sinker with his final pitch, 93 mph, and Blake DeWitt hit a groundball to
: second base. Wang trudged back into the dugout and grabbed a bat, ready to hit,
: but Johnson wanted to protect his shoulder — he said afterward he would have
: pulled Wang even if he still had the no-hitter. He shook Wang’s hand and told
: him, “Good job.”

王建民用三個連續出局數讓Campana止步於二壘. 他的最後一顆93英哩的伸卡球, 讓
Blake DeWitt擊出了二壘方向的滾地球. 王緩步回到了休息區, 並且拿起了球棒, 準備
上場打擊. 但是Johnson希望能保護他的肩膀. 他說就算維持無安打, 他還是會換下王.
他握了握王的手, 對王說 "幹的好!"

: Since the Nationals signed Wang in February 2010, they had waited for a night
: like this. “Light years,” McCatty said, asked how far Wang had come.
: Afterward, about 75 Taiwanese fans lined up in the Wrigley Field concourse, so
: dense and large in number they created a surreal traffic jam as fans left the
: park. As he sat in the clubhouse, Wang could hear them chanting: “Chien-Ming
: Wang! Chien-Ming Wang!”

自從2010年二月國民隊與王建民簽約以來, 他們一直在等待這樣的一個晚上.
當McCatty被問說王到底跨越了多長的距離才到達今天的地步, 他說 "好幾光年阿!"
之後, 大概有75個台灣球迷在Wrigley Field的走道上列隊, 幾乎癱揮了球迷離場的交通
路線. 當王建民坐在休息室裡面, 他應該還聽得到他們在喊著 "王建民! 王建民!"

: The Washington Post

Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2011-08-12T23:27
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2011-08-14T21:06
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2011-08-16T10:47
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2011-08-17T02:28

王建民奪首勝 《蘋果》號外搶先看

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2011-08-10T15:46
王建民奪首勝 《蘋果》號外搶先看 王建民今天出戰小熊隊,以3:1奪得重返大聯盟首勝,《蘋果》特別發行號外,今天下午 於基隆、台北市、新北市、新竹市、桃園 ...

Wang stifles Cubs for first win …

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2011-08-10T15:12
大意翻,有錯請指正 ※ 引述《yyhong68 (come every now and then)》之銘言: : Wang stifles Cubs for first win since 2009 : Morse, Gomes homer in sixth; Storen nails down 30th ...

MASN 賽後訪問影片

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2011-08-10T15:10
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By Una
at 2011-08-10T15:07
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Wang dominates as Nats beat Cubs

Kama avatar
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