Chien-Ming Wang dominant in rehab assignment - 棒球

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2011-07-08T14:05

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Chien-Ming Wang dominant in rehab assignment with Harrisburg Senators
Published: Thursday, July 07, 2011, 10:23 PM
Updated: Thursday, July 07, 2011, 10:31 PM
By ANDREW P. SHAY, The Patriot-News The Patriot-News

Senators in front of a franchise record crowd of 8,092. Of course fireworks
and the Independence Day holiday didn't hurt.

Fast forward to Thursday night when the third minor league rehab start for
Taiwanese right hander Chien-Ming Wang as a Washington National was the
feature attraction.

Wang, the former New York Yankees ace with the five-second pause at the
top of his delivery, was dominant.

“I felt very good tonight. It was all good,” said Wang, who worked four
scoreless innings surrendering only two hits last Saturday in Potomac.
“I feel more in control, and my velocity was good.”

The 31-year-old rehabbing a surgically repaired right shoulder did not
pitch at all in 2010 despite hopes he might return to the Nats late in
the season.

“It was really hard for me last season, and this year in spring training
was hard too,” Wang said. “I still did not feel well. So it feels good
to pitch this well again.”

Wang breezed through five innings, allowing only two hits and striking out
a pair.

And he never came close to walking a batter.

Only two of the 16 Erie batters he faced saw a two-ball count. Of course
the SeaWolves, who were swept following a 5-0 Harrisburg victory, are some
free swinging dogs.

“He looked comfortable for not pitching a game at this level in a while,”
Senators pitching coach Randy Tomlin said. “He knew what he wanted to do.”

Wang, who owns a 55-26 career major league record, threw only 43 pitches.
And 32 of those were strikes.

Four of Wang's five innings were done before he reached double digits on
the pitch-count chart. His high was 12 in the second frame.

There was a discussion between Tomlin,Wang and Senators manager Tony Beasley
in the bottom of the fifth about the 2006-07 Yankees ace possibly coming out
for another inning.

Wang wanted to take the mound again. Tomlin, though, had his marching orders
from the Nationals.

“He did (want to go back out). And that's a good sign, that he's feeling
good enough to go out there for the sixth,” Tomlin said. “But we were
sticking with the program. He did exactly what we wanted him to do.”

In addition to living in the strike zone all five of his innings, Wang also
featured his trademark sneaky fastball with good velocity to go along with
his slider and change-up.

And it took only 43 pitches to get through five innings. And Tomlin made sure
the regular starters in his stable were paying attention.

“Forty-three pitches in five innings?” Tomlin said. “Absolutely I wanted
our starting pitchers watching him throw strikes, and not just strikes but
quality strikes.”

Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2011-07-12T11:48
好開心!!王 加油!
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2011-07-14T13:24
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2011-07-16T21:25
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2011-07-19T11:12
"free swinging dogs" ? 這個怎麼翻啊? 好像很有趣說~
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2011-07-20T10:26
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2011-07-23T02:13
建仔本來還想投第六局 教練要的是好球且是有水準的好球
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2011-07-23T21:07
裡面有些句子 真的不好翻..

Chien-Ming Wang has another solid re …

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2011-07-08T11:55
※ 引述《yyhong68 (come every now and then)》之銘言: : Chien-Ming Wang has another solid rehab start in Harrisburg : July 7, 2011 9:01 PM by Ben Goessling 2011年七月 ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2011-07-08T11:46
2011年07月08日 11:01 中廣 【中廣】我國旅美職棒投手王建民今天第三度出賽,主投五局,沒有任何失分,只被擊出 兩支安打,而且最高球速超越前兩場。他成為這場比賽的勝利投手。投手教練說,王建民 正在朝向重返大聯盟之路邁進。(劉芳報導) 王建民今天代表華盛頓「國民」隊的小聯盟隊伍、哈利斯堡「參議員 ...

Chien-Ming Wang has another solid rehab start in Harrisb

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2011-07-08T11:25
Chien-Ming Wang has another solid rehab start in Harrisburg July 7, 2011 9:01 PM by Ben Goessling Chien-Ming Wang made his third rehab start at Double-A ...

王建民狂飆148公里 奪兩年來正式比賽首勝

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2011-07-08T11:10
記者陳浚錡/綜合報導 國民隊台灣右投王建民愈來愈有從前「台灣之光」的架勢了!他代表國民2A哈里斯堡參議 員隊,面對老虎2A伊利海狼,投5局只被擊出2支安打無失分,且最快球速飆出復健以來最 快的92英哩(約148公里),並獲得2年以來在正式比賽首勝,上次奪勝已是09年。 一如過去的復健賽,王建民開局仍屬「 ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2011-07-08T10:30
大家都在討論王葛格球速 王葛格也一如大家預測的每場增加1 mile 來到92了.... 不過許多人還是說不夠用 但我印象中王葛格顛峰期 伸卡球也沒有像大家推文說的到95miles 95miles大部分應該是四縫線才有到吧 不知道是我記錯 還是真的有到95miles的伸卡 說真的\ 個人覺得92就很夠用了 ...