Chien-Ming Wang dominant in rehab as … - 棒球

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2011-07-08T21:48

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※ 引述《earny (蝦米丁)》之銘言:
: sorry..初次翻譯,翻得不是很好,這篇有些文字真的不好翻。XD


: Senators in front of a franchise record crowd of 8,092. Of course fireworks
: and the Independence Day holiday didn't hurt.
: Senators不因獨立紀念日與煙火秀日子中,反而創下了8092人觀賽的記錄。
: (沒注意到,這裡是指7/4日的那場比賽..XD)


: Fast forward to Thursday night when the third minor league rehab start for
: Taiwanese right hander Chien-Ming Wang as a Washington National was the
: feature attraction.
: 這位來自台灣的右投手建民哥,在星期四晚上進行了他第三場的復建賽。


: Wang, the former New York Yankees ace with the five-second pause at the
: top of his delivery, was dominant.
: 建民哥是紐約洋基隊的前王牌


: 在面對16位Erie的打者中,只有2位讓王投到了2個壞球。
: 5:0勝利後,橫掃了SeaWolves...(swinging dogs似乎是youthbe最近很紅的影片)

Free SWINGING DOGS 應該是說對手的打者都不是很挑球打的,看到可以就會揮

: “He looked comfortable for not pitching a game at this level in a while,”
: Senators pitching coach Randy Tomlin said. “He knew what he wanted to do.”
: 他看起來相當的自在,不像在投一場比賽。投教說。我知道王也想要做到這樣。


: Four of Wang's five innings were done before he reached double digits on
: the pitch-count chart. His high was 12 in the second frame.
: There was a discussion between Tomlin,Wang and Senators manager Tony Beasley
: in the bottom of the fifth about the 2006-07 Yankees ace possibly coming out
: for another inning.
: 王在5局的投球面對15個出局數中,只有第2局球數偏多,用了12球。


: Wang wanted to take the mound again. Tomlin, though, had his marching orders
: from the Nationals.
: 王依然想要再續投,不過tomlin希望維持復建的步調,5局就好。


: And it took only 43 pitches to get through five innings. And Tomlin made sure
: the regular starters in his stable were paying attention.
: 王僅僅只用了43球便完成了5局的比賽,tomlin更確認,王能夠穩定的在他的先發名單中
: “Forty-three pitches in five innings?” Tomlin said. “Absolutely I wanted
: our starting pitchers watching him throw strikes, and not just strikes but
: quality strikes.”
: 43球就完成了比賽???tomlin說:我要我的先發投手看看王的投球內容。
: 希望他們能瞭解,不是只投好球就好,而是要有內容的好球。

好球(quality strikes 很難翻,但是我想教練是說:好球不是投正中直球才是好

Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2011-07-11T11:18
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2011-07-14T19:59
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2011-07-15T01:11
quality strikes翻成"優質"的好球應該也是可以?
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2011-07-18T02:53
我翻 夠水準的好球。就像先發失3分內叫quality start
Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2011-07-20T08:21
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2011-07-22T15:09
有水準的好球吧 王的球沒有能利用好球帶評價過吧
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2011-07-26T10:01
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2011-07-27T22:57

Wang hits 92 mph in third rehab start

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2011-07-08T19:34 華盛頓時報的新聞。 沒理解錯的話,新聞說王這次球速在90~92之間, 而他在2008~09年間速球的平均球速是91.8? 所以現在的球速跟以前其實差不多了? - ...

滾地球出局多 教練看到全盛建仔

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2011-07-08T14:58
※ [本文轉錄自 BaseballNEWS 看板 #1E5gg3fV ] 作者: tjbulls (夜晚的星星已不再亮) 看板: BaseballNEWS 標題: [聯晚] 滾地球出局多 教練看到全盛建仔 時間: Fri Jul 8 14:58:08 2011 【聯合晚報╱記者廖廷儀/賓州哈里斯堡報導】 ...

建仔2A首勝 43球搞定5局

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2011-07-08T14:57
※ [本文轉錄自 BaseballNEWS 看板 #1E5gesIa ] 作者: tjbulls (夜晚的星星已不再亮) 看板: BaseballNEWS 標題: [聯晚] 建仔2A首勝 43球搞定5局 時間: Fri Jul 8 14:56:51 2011 台灣旅美職棒投手王建民7日進行第三場小聯盟復 ...

Chien-Ming Wang dominant in rehab assignment

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2011-07-08T14:05
Chien-Ming Wang dominant in rehab assignment with Harrisburg Senators Published: Thursday, July 07, 2011, 10:23 PM Updated: Thursday, July 07, 2011, 10:31 ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2011-07-08T13:03
開了1小時的車子去看球果然夠值得 小聯盟最豪華的座位也才30元 台幣1000元吃到飽加上小王贏球真的是值回票價 王今天表現主要還是靠隊友幫忙 不過飛球比例有點高,所以不知道是不是在調整變化球路的關係 其實被打飛球紮實度蠻嚇人 現場不少台灣人 國旗和中文加油字標語是一定要的 另外這場女性觀眾也 ...