Checking In With Chien-Ming Wang - 棒球

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2010-03-21T15:40

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Checking In With Chien-Ming Wang

VIERA, Fla. — The big news for the Washington Nationals today is that
Stephen Strasburg has been sent to minor league camp, as the team had
planned all along.

Strasburg, the No. 1 overall draft pick last June, will begin his
professional career at Class AA Harrisburg after three overpowering
exhibition performances: 9 innings, 8 hits, 2 runs, 1 walks, 12 strikeouts.
As Mark Zuckerman noted, he got 13 groundouts, 1 popout and no flyouts, and
threw 97 of his 149 pitches for strikes.

Strasburg’s locker in the major league clubhouse here was empty after
batting practice, but one of his teammates gave this succinct scouting

“Fast,” the teammate said, laughing. “Big curveball.”

Those words are courtesy of Chien-Ming Wang, the former Yankees ace who is
recovering from shoulder surgery with the Nationals. Wang said he had thrown
three bullpen sessions, the most recent lasting 45 pitches at about 50
percent effort.

He said that his shoulder was gradually gaining strength and that his next
bullpen session would be at 75 percent effort. He hopes to be throwing at
full strength by mid-April and to join the Nationals sometime after that.
In the best case, Wang, who turns 30 this month, will still have the
95-mile-an-hour sinker that made him so effective for the Yankees.

“See how I feel,” Wang said. “The team is looking for May. I hope the
velocity comes back. When I throw now, the ball’s still sinking.”

Wang was a 19-game winner for the Yankees in 2006 and 2007, and their No. 1
starter in the playoffs those seasons. His Yankees career is a reminder of
how fragile athletic success can be: with one awkward step around third base
in Houston on June 15, 2008, Wang tore a tendon in his right foot, and the
resulting time off eventually led to a torn shoulder capsule that was
surgically repaired last July 29.

“I try not to think about it — start over again,” Wang said. “Now I run,
no problem. But my body did not get stronger. It put a lot of pressure on my

The Yankees were in a tough spot with Wang. Because he was eligible for
salary arbitration and had made $5 million in 2009, they could not have
submitted a contract offer for less than $4 million. By not tendering him
a contract, the Yankees saved the $4 million and Wang became a free agent.

He signed with the Nationals for $2 million, and $3 million in potential
bonuses. The Nationals retain his rights through 2011, and they have spoken
hopefully of a rotation that will one day include Strasburg, Wang,
Jason Marquis, Jordan Zimmermann and John Lannan.

Wang had been with the Yankees since signing out of Taiwan in 2000. He said
it was nice to have a few former teammates here, including Tyler Clippard,
Ivan Rodriguez and Brian Bruney — or as Wang called him, Crazy Bruney.

Wang said he still keeps in touch with some Yankees, trading text messages
with A. J. Burnett, Joba Chamberlain and the trainer Steve Donahue. Wang was
in uniform for the postseason last fall and is prominent in some photos of
the on-field celebration after the World Series. But not participating was

“It’s hard for me to feel like part of the team, only sitting and watching
the game,” he said.

Wang has kept his home in New Jersey, where he stayed in November before
returning to Taiwan for a month, then heading to Arizona for shoulder
rehabilitation. His struggles last season (1-6, 9.64 earned run average) have
apparently not diminished his celebrity back home.

“He’s still a national hero,” said Yu Chia Cheng, who is covering Wang for
The Liberty Times, a newspaper in Taiwan. Cheng said Yankees fans had become
Nationals fans.

There was one place, though, where Wang was not as popular as he used to be.
His extended family was much more interested in his son, Justin Jesse, born
last June 16.

“They didn’t want to see me,” Wang said, smiling again. “Only baby.”

Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2010-03-25T13:10
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2010-03-25T15:31
另外Yu Chia Cheng是哪位自由時報的記者還是編輯阿?
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2010-03-29T17:15
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2010-03-30T16:33
鄭又嘉 自由時報的MLB新聞幾乎都出自他的筆下

建仔牛棚投45球 尾勁再升級

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2010-03-21T08:25
〔特派記者鄭又嘉/美國佛州墨爾本市報導〕 當練投強度愈來愈高,建仔投球內容的參考價值也就愈高,昨天第3次進牛棚的建仔,身 旁除了有投手教練、首席體能教練外,還加入了客座教練湯林來給建議,希望能用眾人之 力,讓建仔能夠事半功倍。 昨天建仔練投數量再增加,來到了45球,投起來依舊輕鬆寫意,手臂狀況維持得相當不 ...

建仔第3度牛棚 投45球流暢

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2010-03-20T18:12
建仔第3度牛棚 投45球流暢 (連結可看影片) 王建民20日第三度進牛棚練投,投球數從上次的30球,再增加到45球,雖然教練要他 只用五分力投球,但王建民似乎在測試自己手臂的強度,力道不斷增加,投球動作也 十分流暢,大家熟悉的王牌身影,似乎已經回來了。 王建民維持投一休一的節奏,與隊友熱身完畢後,馬上走 ...

建仔復健賽 能撐1局就好

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2010-03-20T11:26
〔特派記者鄭又嘉/美國佛州墨爾本市報導〕4月中旬以後,建仔可能會展開復健賽,但 時程可能會比大家預期還要長,因為他將會從短局數開始投,再慢慢增加強度,逐漸調整 到可以上場的程度。 先發投手要投5局才能拿勝投,但在小聯盟投復健賽,目的不是為了贏球,投球局數自然 也沒有限制,但必須嚴格控管用球量,建仔解釋:「 ...

請教各位大大 國民隊的內野防守能力如何?

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2010-03-20T11:25
雖然待在大聯盟戰績最爛的球隊 將來可能很難求幾個勝投只能顧好自己的ERA了 個人認為如果王回來了 王就是厲害在那顆深卡 伸卡很明顯就是需要守備幫忙 國民的內野防守水準不知道如何?有過往數據嗎? 希望今年不受傷外ERA能在4以下就很好了 如果今年ERA還在6以上恐怕連國民都沒辦法續約了 -- 血腥馬力 - ...

五月天 建仔重返榮耀

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2010-03-20T08:15
〔特派記者鄭又嘉/美國佛州墨爾本市報導〕 半年前,對於自己何時能復出,王建民還不太能想像,但本週牛棚階段成功後,建仔已經 有了大致盤算,他推估,順利的話,在5月中到月底之間,就能正式踩上大聯盟的投手丘 。 過去他有過肩膀受傷的經驗,雖然是痛苦的回憶,卻也意外成為他這次復健時程,最好的 參考。當年能夠完全揮 ...