Catching Up with Nationals Chien-Ming Wang - 棒球

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2011-08-25T08:58

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Catching Up with Nationals Chien-Ming Wang

By Hardball Times on Aug 24, 2011

After waiting 17 months, the Washington Nationals finally saw their
free-agent signee Chien-Ming Wang (pronounced "Wong") pitch in the big
leagues on July 29. Great comeback story so far, but whether he is
capable of his past success as a Yankee is still up in the air.

在等待了十七個月後, 7/29 日, 王建民終於在大聯盟投出他以自由球員身分
加入國民隊後的第一球. 很好的一段東山再起的故事, 但他是否還能締造

Background facts

Wang signed with the Yankees in 2000 after their bonus offer beat out
the Mariners. The Taiwanese media were surprised the Yankees were so
aggressive, as he was not viewed as one of their nation's top prospects.
Wang was more of a conventional starter—a straight, hard four-seamer
the Yankees' interest at the time. It was only when Wang made the
Triple-A Scranton team that minor league pitching coach Neil Allen
advised him to try the sinker. Due to his height and ability to place
ample pressure on the seams with his index-finger, the sinker became
his signature pitch.

As a Yankees starter, Wang's best seasons came in 2006 and 2007: He
won 19 games in each season. Despite the success, he was not as dominant
as the media would portray him. His strikeout rates were below average.
The ability to induce ground balls was his real weapon, which allowed
him to eat up innings while having ample rest in the dugout between
innings, as his teammates gave him the best run support in the league
during that time frame.

Then the injuries started. Wang's first major injury came as a shock,
as he tore a ligament and a muscle in his right foot while running
the bases during interleague play. After coming back in 2009, he ran
into a terrible stretch of his career, looking uncomfortable on the
mound. Many speculated he was still bothered by his 2008 freak injury.
It was also noted that his release point was 5 inches higher to
compensate for the pain. He would eventually need season-ending shoulder
surgery, rendering him unable to help the team further in its subsequent
World Series championship.

Since then, Wang has been working his way back to the majors, a journey
that has taken more than two years. He signed two consecutive deals
with the Nationals, the latest being a one-year, $1 million contract
with performance incentives up to an extra $4 million.

So far, so-so

During his time with the Yankees, Wang mostly used a combination of his
sinker with a slider and a change-up. Wang would use his off-speed pitches
to make sure hitters would not just wait on a lifeless sinker. It kept
hitters honest, to a degree, as he induced a slightly below average
whiff rate during 2006 and 2007.

So far in 2011, he has showcased his usual sinker and slider, but has
replaced his change with a split-finger fastball (though I can't find
any instances where his "old" change-up was not in fact a split finger
grip). His current slider looks to cluster in two distinct groups: One
is a sweeping slider, the other drops in a more slurve—11-to-5 curve

In the five starts Wang has made for the Nats this year (up to his Aug.
21 start), he's been able to showcase a groundball rate consistent with
his career numbers (a 55 percent rate compared to his 59 percent career
rate). His K/9, though, has hit an all-time low, coming in at 2.33.
This can be explained in part by his 3.8 percent whiff rate, well below
the league average.


Wang uses his sinker to both lefties and righties, but likes to use his
slider against right handers, and his splitter to left handers.

Hitters have been making contact on Wang's pitches at above 90 percent,
well above the league mark of 81 percent this year. This is mainly due
to his absurd 88 percent outside the strike zone contact rate. It's not
conclusive, but it seems like hitters are having a jolly time making
contact against Wang. So far the defense behind him has been able to
handle the duties (whether these balls are weakly induced or are scorched
off the bat is another question) with minimal damage, as his opponent
BABIP is hovering .250.


It's probably too early to predict anything meaningful for Wang's future.
But so far in 2011, Wang has shown his ability to induce ground balls at
around the same clip as he did pre-injury. What's not apparent is whether
good results are sustainable when hitters are making that much contact.

Wang's health is also a major consideration, as he took more than two
years to recover from shoulder surgery. Taiwanese youth are notorious
for their strenuous bullpen sessions and practices. Pitchers' arms have
trended toward deteriorating at an early age. Not saying he's injury prone,
but looking at past Taiwanese pitchers' records in the majors does make
you wonder about Wang's future.

截至目前為止, 王的卻展現出他過去的那段製造滾地球的功力
但打者若持續打出他的球, 是否一定能有好結果則相當難說

王的健康也是主要考慮問題, 他花了約兩年以上的時間進行復健.
台灣棒壇亂操年輕選手大家都知道, 但這並非說他容易再受傷,
但看看過去MLB內的台灣選手的傷病史, 你仍會因此對王建民的未來存疑.

Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2011-08-30T01:24
這裡的catching up
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2011-08-30T09:53
比較像是follow的意思 跟上、關注
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2011-09-01T16:26
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2011-09-05T08:54
亂操是我翻的啦 原文沒寫這麼白..
Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2011-09-08T16:37
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2011-09-13T13:56
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2011-09-17T22:35
寫得不中肯 當提到他成功的部份 只有說他靠著製造GO
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2011-09-21T13:53
還有NYY提供相當大的Run Support 基本上我認為作者不是沒看
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2011-09-26T11:31
過他以前的投球畫面 就是比較傾向power pitcher
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2011-09-28T02:02
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2011-09-30T13:03
葛格本來就比較像 fineness pitcher 啦。
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2011-10-01T19:48
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2011-10-03T01:03
明明是被美國人Eiland搞爛的 關台灣屁事啊

有沒有人9月中要去citi field看比賽?

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2011-08-25T04:33
如題 美國時間國民會來Mets進行一次三連戰 照輪值算的話王會在9/12投第一場 有意外要延後的話也有不小機率投到2.3場 如果是往前那就沒辦法了 提早三個禮拜講一下讓大家可以喬時間 有人要一起去看嗎? 現在Citi Filed的票很便宜喔XD - ...

華府大地震 國民隊球場損害待評估

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2011-08-24T14:09
※ 引述《j27050707 (霖)》之銘言: 華府大地震 國民隊球場損害待評估 台北時間8月24日凌晨1點50分左右,美國東部發生芮氏規模5.9的地震,震央位於維吉尼 ------ ...

華府大地震 國民隊球場損害待評估

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2011-08-24T10:57
華府大地震 國民隊球場損害待評估 台灣醒報記者鍾禎祥綜合報導】受到稍早美東華盛頓特區發生強烈地震影響,王建民所屬 的華盛頓國民隊決定延後今天原定與亞歷桑那響尾蛇隊的比賽,以便讓工作 ...

〈MLB〉看王建民投球 Detwiler受益良多

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2011-08-24T10:22
作者: 賴意文 台灣旅美好手王建民在7月底重返大聯盟,除了他的投球在實質上的貢獻之外,還讓華盛 頓國民有意外的收穫。25歲的先發投手Ross Detwiler表示,他觀察王建民的投球,因此 獲益良多。 Detwiler在王建民歸隊之後,曾一度被調到牛棚。隨後Detwiler回到先發輪值,在4場先 發當中雖 ...

[自由] 小將爆冷輸「加」 建仔也惋惜

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2011-08-24T10:15
※ [本文轉錄自 BaseballNEWS 看板 #1EL1YFct ] 作者: childchen ( ) 看板: BaseballNEWS 標題: [自由] 小將爆冷輸「加」 建仔也惋惜 時間: Wed Aug 24 05:15:57 2011 〔特派記者鄭又嘉/美國華盛頓—威廉波特連線報導〕 「 ...