Carvalho: “Mourinho is the best coach in the world" - 皇家馬德里足球俱樂部 Real Madrid Club de Fútbol

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2010-09-06T23:57

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Carvalho only recently signed for Real Madrid, but already feels part of

the squad. He sat down with AS for an interview and seemed very confident

and happy with coach Mourinho.

"I have known Jose Mourinho for many years now, which has become very

helpful to me because I know the way he works perfectly well. He is the

best coach in the world, a coach who knows exactly what has to be done.

I feel very integrated at Real Madrid; the Club is exactly how I expected

it to be."

"We had many opportunities to score against Mallorca, but we didn’t. Our

defence played with great confidence, but it was a shame we didn’t

capitalise on any of our chances to score. That was the only thing we

failed to do during the match. Normally, we would have scored one or two

goals and we would have won the game. We played well in defence and in

attack we had many opportunities to win. We are going to give our best

performance to win against Osasuna on Saturday in order to earn our first

victory in the season."

"Portugal was very motivated to play against Cyprus. We had many chances on

goal, but we paid for the mistakes we made in the end. Psychological work

is now very important in order for us to recover. It is very difficult to

explain what was wrong with us, but these things happen. We weren’t as

concentrated as we were supposed to. We managed to take the lead and we

should have kept things that way. It is now our utmost duty to win in Norway.

We need to be even more confident and play better."

Tags: 足球

All Comments

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2010-09-07T23:23
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2010-09-08T22:49

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Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2010-09-06T23:32
曼聯全力支持魯尼抗醜聞 弗爵親自提點如小貝C羅 2010-09-06 10:14:38 來源: 網易體育 網易體育9月6日報道: 醜聞纏身,正是體現一個球員性格的時刻。幾周前, ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2010-09-06T23:15
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By Eartha
at 2010-09-06T23:08
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