Capping a Slow Comeback, but a Bit Slower - 棒球

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2011-07-25T11:24

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Published: July 24, 2011

Wang threw one sinker at 94 miles per hour in his last start, against
Buffalo, but on Sunday, he topped out at 91. He tied up some hitters with a
slider but did not generate ground balls the way he used to. Eighteen batters
put the ball in play off him. Half were in the air. More than 15 members of
the Taiwanese news media tracked every move.

王在星期日的最後一場復建賽 最快球速為91 miles 前一場最快為94 miles

"I think he's close to being ready," said Randy Knorr, the Syracuse manager.
"Timetable- wise, obviously, you'd like to see some guys have a little more
time. We don't have that time, but I think he can compete up there, I really

"他幾乎準備好了" 3A的總教練說 但顯然對某些球員而言 你會希望能有更多的復健時
間 可是我們並沒這麼多時間可花在王身上 我想他在大聯盟會有足夠的競爭力的

He has built back slowly on his rehabilitation assignment this summer: three
innings in low-Class A, four innings in high-Class A, five innings, then six,
at Class AA. He went five and two-thirds innings in his first Class AAA
start, but just five yesterday, allowing eight hits and five runs. He threw
63 of his 96 pitches for strikes.


"He's fighting to get the sinker as consistent as possible," Knorr said. "I
think there's times when he might have wanted to go to another pitch, but he
decided, 'I need to get this sinker going - that's the way I pitch,' so he
chose to do that. That's what they do when they're down here. They're trying
to find that pitch that made them successful in the past."


Wang said he still could add two or three m.p.h. to his sinker. He guessed
that he was 80 to 90 percent as effective as he used to be, and Knorr said
that would be plenty.

王說他的球速可在快個2到3 miles 王自覺好了8,9成 3A的總教練說那就足夠了

Wang should have his chance to prove it for real Friday.


"A lot of people tell me, this kind of injury, no one comes back," Wang said.
"It would mean a lot."

很多人跟我說得這種傷是別想要再回到球場了 王說 這星期五的機會對我而言意義重

Tags: 棒球

All Comments

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2011-07-25T20:47
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2011-07-30T07:14
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2011-08-02T11:01
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2011-08-05T12:40
都對啦樓上XD 美國周五我們周六阿
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2011-08-07T21:15
禮拜五也算週末啊(茶 二樓說好的吃籃球架呢
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2011-08-12T03:20
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2011-08-14T08:18

王建民等到機會 先發出戰大都會

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2011-07-25T09:56
【2011/07/25 09:24 報導 】   美國職棒大聯盟,王建民經過兩年漫長的復健,將再度踏上大聯盟的投手丘,一方面 手臂通過了國民球團的重重測試,另一方面國民現在的先發輪值也出現漏洞,雖然在3A並 沒有投出完美成績,不過國民球團透過推特公佈決定,將在台北時間週六上午七點派王建 民先發出戰大都會。 ...

我的肝準備好了 王葛格呢??

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2011-07-25T08:40
看了這兩場對3A的比賽 內容實在不甚理想 雖然球速有出來 但壘上有人時完全沒有當年伸卡王的氣勢 壘上有人大概就準備失分了 有點抖.... 希望王葛格加油...... 這幾場壘上有人時有時危機都是靠三振解決 有點抖阿... -- 愛落紅塵心已死 持刀抱劍了一生 - ...


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2011-07-25T08:13
#Nationals have named RHP Chien-Ming Wang as their scheduled starting pitcher for Friday, July 29 vs. New York!/NationalsPR 大家準備好了嗎? ...

Wang nears return to Majors

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2011-07-25T06:54
Wang nears return to Majors By Bill Ladson / | 07/24/11 5:00 PM ET Wang nears return to Majors LOS ANGELES -- Nationals right-hander Chien-Ming ...

復健最終戰 建仔不理想

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2011-07-25T05:31
※ [本文轉錄自 Baseball 看板 #1EB8yd0k ] 作者: beek (讓我們的心得著滿足) 看板: Baseball 標題: [新聞] 復健最終戰 建仔不理想 時間: Mon Jul 25 05:31:16 2011 復健最終戰 建仔不理想 ...