Andre和Andy惺惺相惜的前後輩情誼 - 網球

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2004-08-08T22:52

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覺得Andy真是可愛極了 兩人之間的互動真令人羨慕
正如Andy所說的 能有多少人可以和自己兒時的偶像變成朋友呢 :)

Andre說 "I suppose I'll leave that between us. It was very nice."
Roddick說 We didn't really say much. It was just, you know,
I said, "Well done. That was too good."
You know, he said something.
I couldn't really hear anything, to be honest. (:PPP)


Q. Talk about Andre a little bit tomorrow.

ANDY RODDICK: I'm excited. That's always fun. You know,
we're good friends. And, you know, it's always a trip to play someone
you grew up idolizing. He's proven everyone wrong once again, right,
with this week. I mean, he's hitting the ball great again.
I'll definitely have my hands full, that's for sure.

Q. You haven't played him since last summer. That was the first time
you beat him.


Q. You remember anything back to that match? He had the thorn in your
side until then.

ANDY RODDICK: Well, I played him twice when I was 17, so I wasn't
feeling too good about my prospects then. Then he absolutely thrashed
me one year in San Jose pretty badly. Then last year I think I saved
a matchpoint actually and, you know, was able to sneak through.

So, you know, I don't know. I think it's a different ball game now.
I think you have to kind of look ahead. It's no secret what Andre
is going to do - he's going to punish the ball from the baseline
and he's going to enforce himself. We've seen him play for years
and years and years now.

But handling that is a lot easier said than done, that's for sure.

Q. As you said, you pretty much know what Andre is going to do.


Q. Is it fair to say that having his former coach is not going to
lead to any secrets about weaknesses?
(記者在賽前也同時問了Andre有關Brad Gilbert的問題
這裡Andy回答的就很可愛 說Andre其實沒有什麼弱點讓Brad來說 *^^*)

ANDY RODDICK: Well, okay, there's -- well, that would be great except
Andre doesn't have a whole lot of weaknesses, you know.
Even Brad will tell you that. I mean, he's -- you know,
there's a difference between having a coach who used to coach a player
who knows something about a weakness. But Andre is rock solid.

So, you know, I don't think there's a lot, you know
-- I wouldn't read too much into that, I don't think.

Q. You said you grew up idolizing Agassi ?


Q. What are your first memories? Do you remember when he first came up
the whole "image is everything" attitude?
(還記得長髮披肩, 戴桃紅色頭巾, 染金髮, 穿牛仔短褲打球的Andre嗎?
Andy說他小時候就很有印象 也曾經模仿 :P
但是能認識自己的兒時偶像 進而變成朋友
真是一件很酷的事情 :) )

ANDY RODDICK: Absolutely. I had the jean shorts and the tights and
all that good stuff, unfortunately (laughter).

Q. The dyed blond hair?

ANDY RODDICK: No, it was blond on its own.

But, yeah, it almost seems like two different people, you know.
It's been great to kind of get to know him and become friendly
with him as well. You know, it's not every kid gets to kind of grow up
and develop somewhat of a friendship with one of their idols.
So it's pretty cool.

Q. How would you characterize your relationship with Andre.
When you were younger, did he ever say some things, advice?
有跟他一起練習, 打過比賽.
還超棒的跟他說 如果有任何問題或是任何需要幫忙的地方
隨時都很歡迎去找他 :) )

ANDY RODDICK: Absolutely. He was great to me.
You know, he was -- I was 17, I think, end of 2000. We had played
twice that year. Two times that winter we had practiced for a week
together, and, you know, we played a couple XOs.

He's just been great, you know. He's made it known that if I ever need
anything, have any questions about this whole circus, then, you know,
I'm more than welcome to go ask him. And, you know, he's just been great.
I couldn't have asked for more from him. He's been awesome.


可以看到Andy很有運動風度的 雖然對於落敗有些失望跟檢討
真是太可愛了~~~ *^^*

Q. Andre raved about that match, said it's one he'll probably remember
for a while. Despite losing, is it similar in your mind?

ANDY RODDICK: Yeah, I mean, it's disappointing. But he played
-- I mean, he played great. I was hanging on the whole time.
He didn't really give me an open look, you know. There weren't a lot of
unforced errors, and that's as clean as someone's hit the ball
against me. So props to him.

Q. How big of a disappointment is it at the moment?

ANDY RODDICK: It's pretty disappointing. Yeah, it's not good.

Q. Do you have anything that you think of now that you could have
done better out there?

ANDY RODDICK: I could have returned a little bit better.
I wasn't giving myself a shot. Especially second serve returns.

But that being said, every time I did make a second serve return,
he was just killing it to the other corner. So I don't know. I mean,
"Would have," "Could have," "Should have." But he played too well
for me tonight. He was the better player; he deserved to win.

Q. You disputed a fair amount of calls out there. What effect did that
have on you during the match?
(記者問到比賽中Andy質疑的判決, 起先他不願多談...)

ANDY RODDICK: I don't know. I'm gonna save myself some money
and not comment on that.

Q. You and Andre shared some words at the net there at the end.

ANDY RODDICK: We didn't really say much. It was just, you know,
I said, "Well done. That was too good." You know, he said something.
I couldn't really hear anything, to be honest.

Q. You complained about the line calls. Did that make a difference?

ANDY RODDICK: I already answered that. I'm not going to talk about it.
I'd like to keep my prize money from this week.

I mean, it didn't really make a difference because a couple of them,
it was just -- it was surprising. It wouldn't have affected the outcome
of the match most likely. It was just a little frustrating.

Q. Just it's always -- guys lose, but there were so many incredible
exchanges throughout that three-set match, so many great points.
I know you don't look at a loss as something that's good, but if you
were to just look at the overall play over that - whatever it was,
two and a half hours - how would you put that as far as matches you
played this year?

ANDY RODDICK: I don't know. It's tough. You know, obviously with,
you know, the electricity that was out there, you know, each point
was magnified, you know, more so than, you know -- it was a pretty
highly anticipated match. You know, there are a lot of factors that
go into making it kind of a good match, and they were all there tonight.

Q. Were you amazed at some of the returns he hit? You know Andre ...

ANDY RODDICK: Not really. He's the best returner of all-time.
You know, it's...

That would be like you asking him if he was amazed that I served hard.

Q. Two weeks ago most people would not have mentioned him as a threat
at the US Open, the way things were going for him.
Should he be in that category?
"If there's one thing I know, it's not to worry about Andre Agassi!"之後,
"If you know one thing, it's not to write Andre Agassi off."
感覺在這點上, 他很懂Andre, 瞭解他還在球場上征戰的執著.
Andy還說雖然輸了比賽很失望, 但心裡面其實有一部份為Andre高興

ANDY RODDICK: Well, those people aren't too intelligent.
If you know one thing, it's not to write Andre Agassi off.
You guys had him written off seven years ago. So, you know,
he thrives on that.

You know, I'm disappointed that I lost, but part of me is happy that
he just kind of, you know, just -- he let his racquet do the talking,
and it's saying something.

Q. Are you amazed that he can still do this at his age, considering
the number of players his age on tour?

ANDY RODDICK: I am going to be amazed if I can walk up the stairs fast
when I'm 34, much less play that level of tennis.

Yeah, I mean, it's amazing. I can't even imagine myself out here
13 years from now, you know, competing with the best players
in the world. That just seems, you know, amazingly farfetched.

But it's weird to think when he started on tour I was three or four,
and he's still out here playing at this level. So, I mean,
that's pretty amazing.

Andy真是個真性情, 可愛的球員
也是個在各方面都越來越成熟, 並且能吸引觀眾來欣賞網球的好球員
希望他以後也多多加油囉... :)

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2004-08-13T18:49
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2004-08-18T03:55

Cincinnati QF (def. Moya)

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2004-08-08T20:44
THE MODERATOR: Andre advances to his fifth semifinals here in Cincinnati and also his fourth ATP semifinal this season. Possible head-to-heads: Heand#39;s ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2004-08-08T19:59
Roddick vs. Agassi Comparison at 22 Three weeks prior to his 22nd birthday, Andy Roddick holds a slight edge over Andre Agassi at the same age. ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2004-08-08T19:54
Hewitt and Agassi Back in Full Form It took just 54 minutes for No. 10 seed Lleyton Hewitt to down unseeded Tommy Robredo 6-3, 6-2 in the first semifinal ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2004-08-08T19:41
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