Alexandre Pato 正式加盟 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2016-01-30T05:36

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Chelsea Football Club is delighted to announce the loan signing of Alexandre
Pato from Corinthians until the end of the season.

Pato, whose full name is Alexandre Rodrigues da Silva, is a versatile forward
player with an excellent touch and impressive turn of pace.

Pato said: ‘I am so happy to sign for Chelsea. It is a dream for me. I am
looking forward to meeting and getting to know my new team-mates and cannot
wait to play.

‘I thank Chelsea for their support and hope I can repay this faith to the
club and its fans.’

Emerging as one of world football’s hottest properties while at
Internacional in his native Brazil, Pato earned a move to then-European
champions AC Milan in the summer of 2007.

He flourished in his first season in Serie A under the guidance of Carlo
Ancelotti and continued to impress with his vision, movement, and clinical
finishing, netting 14 goals in the Rossoneri’s title-winning campaign of

Pato left Milan in January 2013 having scored 63 goals in 150 appearances. He
returned to Brazil to play for Corinthians and subsequently enjoyed a
successful loan spell at their city rivals Sao Paulo before becoming a
Chelsea player.

Pato has made 27 appearances for his national team, scoring 10 goals, and
represented his country at both the 2008 and 2012 Olympic Games.




Tags: 足球

All Comments

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2016-01-31T03:48
推 看來雷米應該會走了
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2016-02-01T02:00
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2016-02-02T00:11
歡迎~ 但是拜託不要又回到痛痛人
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2016-02-02T22:23
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2016-02-03T20:34
某代Fifa的超級妖人XDDD,可以長到99 XD

逆流而上 笑他無冠卻不知他顛覆英超

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2016-01-28T03:13 翻譯 張成 第四章 這20年來,有的人認為溫格是阿森納教父,締造了北倫敦的傳奇;同時,有的人卻指責他 不懂變通,看著大把的獎盃垂涎欲滴。 不論是什麼樣的評價,這都不能改變一點,那就是溫格在英超的成功不只是用獎盃來評斷 ...

像生活在錄像帶裡 日本足球很尊重他

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2016-01-28T03:01 翻譯 張成 第二章 溫格第一份教練的工作首先要感謝一個人,那就是普拉蒂尼的父親,阿爾多。 正是老普拉蒂尼的推薦,讓溫格獲得了一個執教南錫隊的機會。這段時期,也是溫格足球 哲學的雛形階段。 (註:查南錫資料時嚇到,隊 ...

曾被安排當修理工 違背母命選擇當教練

John avatar
By John
at 2016-01-28T02:47 翻譯 張成 如果要討論溫格對於阿森納的影響,我相信所有球迷都能道出一二。畢竟,這個法國人用 自己獨有的足球哲學,將兵工廠一手打造成了全歐洲,甚至是全世界最特殊的球隊之一。 《溫格傳記》為獨家稿件,解讀溫格的執教生涯,從 ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2016-01-28T01:13 Charges against Chelsea striker Lucas Piazon dropped By Sky Sports News HQ - Last Updated: 26/01/1 ...


William avatar
By William
at 2016-01-27T23:19 拉米雷斯離隊 2016.01.27 星期三 拉米雷斯今天正式轉會中超球隊江蘇蘇寧。 28歲的拉米雷斯在斯坦福橋效力五年半,期間幫助藍軍獲 ...