多倫多警方撤銷對皮亞松的性侵指控 - 切爾西足球俱樂部 Chelsea Football Club

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2016-01-28T01:13

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Charges against Chelsea striker Lucas Piazon dropped

By Sky Sports News HQ - Last Updated: 26/01/16 7:50pm

Sexual assault charges made against Chelsea striker Lucas Piazon three
months ago have been dropped.

Piazon, who is currently on loan at Reading, was wanted by Toronto Police
in connection with an alleged sexual assault of a 21-year old girl in
Toronto last summer, but all charges have now been dropped.

Piazon's legal representatives have today issued a statement saying: "This
unsupportable and irresponsible allegation by Toronto Police wrongly and
unfairly tarnished Mr. Piazon's unblemished reputation.

"Prior to the announcement the police knew that today's decision to
withdraw the charge was inevitable.

"The decision to withdraw the charge - on the basis that there was no
reasonable prospect of conviction - reflects the thorough and professional
examination of this matter by senior and experienced Crown prosecutors.
The Crown's guidance had been sought - but clearly ignored - by the police
prior to their October press conference.

"It is both regrettable and unacceptable that the police chose to
disregard the balanced and fair-minded assessment made by the Crown, and
to defiantly proceed to announce charges when the conclusion had been
reached that the evidence could not justify a trial.

"As Counsel for Mr.Piazon, we wish to express our appreciation to the
Crown for the principled and professional manner in which it has
exercised its responsibilities."


To Ginola: 強者我朋友清純妹 的媽媽說:
To Ginola: "那個球評眼神看起來品性不端正"
★Ginola 哈哈哈哈
To Ginola: 看來你不只會騙推文 還會騙地方的媽媽
★Ginola 騙不到少女心,失敗

Tags: 足球

All Comments

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2016-01-30T22:26
證據不足就亂控訴 差點毀掉ㄧ個年輕人= =
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2016-02-02T19:39

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By Eden
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