Agassi out of Paris - 網球

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2005-10-27T01:34

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Roger Federer and Andre Agassi have pulled out of the Paris Masters, starting
on Monday. Federer injured ligaments in his right foot earlier in October and
is expected to start to train next week, while 1994 and 1999 champion Agassi
continues to nurse a back injury.

Agassi hasn't played since reaching the U.S. Open final on 9 September.


Tags: 網球

All Comments

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2005-10-28T00:52
>"< 現在他到底在做什麼呢…
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2005-11-01T03:01
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2005-11-01T08:26
David avatar
By David
at 2005-11-05T20:43
嗚~ 年終大師盃他一定要去打啦..人家機票都買好了~ 嗚~

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By Wallis
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James avatar
By James
at 2005-10-16T00:18
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Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2005-10-10T15:10
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Sampras vs Agassi 1995 Nike CM

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2005-10-09T21:02
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By Carolina Franco
at 2005-10-08T12:11
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