AA第三輪賽後訪問part II - 網球

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2003-09-01T20:23

Table of Contents

Q. How well do you know Taylor?

ANDRE AGASSI: How well do I know him?

Q. Yeah.

ANDRE AGASSI: Just see him around, played him a couple times. I wouldn't
know how to answer that really.

Q. So not that well?

ANDRE AGASSI: Not that well, no.

Q. Andy has had obviously a great early start with Brad as his coach. What
are the one or two qualities that are really Brad's best qualities as a
tennis coach?

ANDRE AGASSI: Well, he knows the game. You know, I think, like I always
said for years with Brad, you know, his greatest strength was how much he
could extract from his game. He's one of those guys that you would call
an overachiever and mean that in the greatest of ways - because his
abilities were good, but his achievements were great.

I think that's sort of an instinct for the game that reflects, you know,
knowing it really well. So that's what he does best.

Q. Do you think you're going to see a different Taylor tomorrow than you
might have seen last year, the year before?

ANDRE AGASSI: Well, I got to believe at that age, you're getting better
all the time - you know, at least you would expect that. So I go out there
expecting him to be playing a great match. Anything shy of a great match,
I'm hoping, doesn't get it done for him.

Q. Because you like to play opposition of styles in tennis, is it
encouraging to see somebody 22 years old playing serve and volley and
succeeding at this tournament?

ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah. It's sort of smash-and-volley tennis (smiling). I
don't think Taylor's too interested in hitting a volley. While he has
good hands, his serve is monster and has a lot of firepower. I think
it's a part of the game that is missed. I wish we could see more of it.

聊到對手Taylor Dent,還有每次都會被問到的Andy與Brad的組合




大家多多包涵 ^^"



Tags: 網球

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Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2003-09-01T20:15
ANDRE AGASSI THE MODERATOR: Questions. Q. Take us through how it was to have the match split up from yesterday and today, how it affected you. ANDRE AGA ...

Re: 還好...

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2003-09-01T17:40
※ 引述《free9 (free9)》之銘言: : 大概幾點會播ㄚ? : 知道的人報一下ㄅ~! 這個...很難說吧... 女雙第一場大概一個小時,女雙第二場可能從40分鐘到近兩個小時 因此估計AA的比賽最快2點左右,最慢甚至會拖到3點半之後, 就像第一天跟老卡打的那長因雨暫停,好像就是 ...

Re: 還好...

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2003-09-01T17:33
大概幾點會播ㄚ? 知道的人報一下ㄅ~! ※ 引述《dan2312 (dan)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《akgbking (大白鵝)》之銘言: : : 大會還算是有一點良心的,AA因為下雨延誤而必須連續出賽兩場, : : 因此大會把AA跟Dent的比賽安排在夜間賽事的最後一場 : : 希望體力的 ...

Re: 還好...

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2003-09-01T14:24
※ 引述《akgbking (大白鵝)》之銘言: : 大會還算是有一點良心的,AA因為下雨延誤而必須連續出賽兩場, : 因此大會把AA跟Dent的比賽安排在夜間賽事的最後一場 : 希望體力的問題不會影響AA太大 : 至於對手Taylor Dent,年初看過他和Roddick在Memphis的決 ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2003-09-01T13:49
(標題不能修改,大家將就一點 ^^and#34;) 大會還真是沒有良心,AA因為下雨延誤而必須連續出賽兩場, 大會居然還把AA跟Dent的比賽安排在白天賽事的最後一場 希望體力的問題不會影響AA太大 至於對手Taylor Dent,年初看過他和Roddick在Memphis的決賽對決, ...