AA第三輪賽後訪問 - 網球

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2003-09-01T20:15

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Q. Take us through how it was to have the match split up from yesterday
and today, how it affected you.

ANDRE AGASSI: Well, it makes for a long day, there's no question about it.
It's tough for both players. I mean, we were out there yesterday going on
and off the court a couple times. That's not an easy situation. But for the
match to get called, and to be the only match that didn't finish yesterday,
I think was a mistake, an oversight in judgment.

Q. Because of the competitive interest for you?

ANDRE AGASSI: Well, yeah. I mean, you know, that puts me, or Kafelnikov, in
a position to have to come back two days in a row against a match that's
concluding. I mean, if truly the only option was to play us today, then the
match we play the winner of should have been canceled, as well.

So, you know, it's just difficult circumstances.

Q. Did you let that be known to anyone, tournament people?

ANDRE AGASSI: Yeah, I sure did. I had a, you know, long conversation afterwards
about it. I mean, you know, the decision was sort of made unbeknownst to me or
Yevgeny. You know, that's the first sort of issue with it, which is, you know,
the two guys that are affected most at least should be part of the process in
whatever decision gets made.

And then, you know, the decision itself was questionable.

Q. What was the explanation given to you by them?

ANDRE AGASSI: Well, they didn't want a situation where me and Yevgeny were
finishing the day session, and they have 23,000 people waiting outside for
hours to get in for the night session. But that was sort of a moot point
because, you know, they could have canceled the day and just got us to start
the night, just had Todd Martin and Ginepri to follow.

I consider it nothing short of an oversight. Mistakes happen. Brian Earley was
great about it, said to me afterwards, "We could have handled that one a lot
better." That was good enough for me to say, "All right. Well, let's put it
behind us."

Q. Presumably you're glad it went pretty quickly.

ANDRE AGASSI: I certainly think it put us in a position where it could have
been a pretty big disadvantage. In this case, it doesn't quite work out that
way, which is a good thing.
Q. Could you take us through a quick off-day workout? What would you be

ANDRE AGASSI: Start by changing some diapers, followed by, you know, cooking
some breakfast for a two-year-old, followed by a little bit of Buzz Lightyear
(smiling) - and then we move to the tennis part, which is just basically about
45 minutes or an hour on the court.

Again, you're not preparing during the tournament; you've already done your
homework and you're just trying to keep yourself fresh and eager and sharp.
So I don't spend much more than an hour on the court on days off.

Q. What is your role when you're playing Buzz Lightyear?

ANDRE AGASSI: Playing it meaning push "play" meaning video.

Q. It's not that much work for you.

ANDRE AGASSI: You've got to explain everything. I try to stay in tune to it.

Q. A while ago we interviewed when you played Connors. During that game, a
gentleman yelled out, "He's nothing, you're a legend," to Connors. Now that
all this time has gone by, the accomplishments that you made here at the US
Open, what do you think that gentleman would say today?

ANDRE AGASSI: He's probably in the 55-and-olders watching Jimmy play still.
I have no idea.




Tags: 網球

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Re: 還好...

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2003-09-01T17:40
※ 引述《free9 (free9)》之銘言: : 大概幾點會播ㄚ? : 知道的人報一下ㄅ~! 這個...很難說吧... 女雙第一場大概一個小時,女雙第二場可能從40分鐘到近兩個小時 因此估計AA的比賽最快2點左右,最慢甚至會拖到3點半之後, 就像第一天跟老卡打的那長因雨暫停,好像就是 ...

Re: 還好...

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2003-09-01T17:33
大概幾點會播ㄚ? 知道的人報一下ㄅ~! ※ 引述《dan2312 (dan)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《akgbking (大白鵝)》之銘言: : : 大會還算是有一點良心的,AA因為下雨延誤而必須連續出賽兩場, : : 因此大會把AA跟Dent的比賽安排在夜間賽事的最後一場 : : 希望體力的 ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2003-09-01T13:49
(標題不能修改,大家將就一點 ^^and#34;) 大會還真是沒有良心,AA因為下雨延誤而必須連續出賽兩場, 大會居然還把AA跟Dent的比賽安排在白天賽事的最後一場 希望體力的問題不會影響AA太大 至於對手Taylor Dent,年初看過他和Roddick在Memphis的決賽對決, ...


Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2003-09-01T12:52
美網:憤怒的阿格西,擊敗卡費尼可夫 球王阿格西在美國網球公開賽第三輪,擊敗世界排名28的俄羅斯選手卡費尼可夫,獲得晉級。 廣 告 美國網球公開賽昨天被大雨打斷賽程,阿格西和卡費尼可夫的比賽,打到第二盤的時候,因為雨勢加大,大會決定暫停比賽,當時阿格西以一比零領先,雖然兩位選手都願意冒雨完成比賽,主辦單 ...

Re: 太精彩了...

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2003-09-01T11:38
※ 引述《kingpiggy (我的膝蓋......)》之銘言: : 沒有在看轉撥的版友趕快去看 : 兩個底線型選手的對抽 : 實在太精彩了 : 怎麼覺得好久沒看到那麼讚的比賽...^^ : 阿格西加油~~~ ㄚ格西的球感覺真的蠻重又蠻快的耶..... 不過昨天看他帶那頂軟軟的球帽感覺好像糟老頭一個.... ...