2019世界盃前瞻,預賽H組 by FIBA - 籃球

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2019-09-01T10:20

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Group H: Lithuania, Australia, Canada in fierce battle for supremacy

29/08/2019 PREVIEW 5 MIN TO READ

DONGGUAN (China) - 'If all wishes were horses, all beggars would ride'. In
this specific case, all Group H teams would make it to the Knockout Phase of
the FIBA Basketball World Cup 2019 except only two slots are available.


The old Scottish proverb holds some water as three table leaders in the
Qualifiers in their respective regions - Australia, Canada, Lithuania and
second placed Senegal eye a chance to be on the podium ultimately and at the
high table of excellence.


Dubbed the Group of Death, Group H will certainly bring out the best in all
the sides, even though it would be easier for them to tone down their
expectations heading into an extremely tough Group Phase challenge.


Team to beat: Lithuania

The 2014 Semi-Finalists have been mentioned as an outside contender for the
title and they do not shy away from this label. More than ever, this seems
like their time to shine, especially with the field looking a slight more
open than before.


Head coach Dainius Adomaitis has put together a well balanced outfit with a
touch of experience and yet a display of youthful exuberance that is showing
signs of positive anxiety to do the job at the big stage but most importantly
to cross that line and qualify for their first Final at this level.

總教練Dainius Adomaitis整合了有經驗及展現年輕活力的打法,顯現出他們渴望在這個

With five players returning from the 2014 edition where they finished fourth,
the Baltic Giants will be looking to use that exposure to further force their
way onto the high table of world basketball.


In Jonas Valanciunas, they have a very experienced rim protector whose
rebounding numbers on both ends of the court are expected to give Lithuania a
fierce look when they come up against the big boys.

他們擁有Jonas Valanciunas這個經驗豐富的護框球員,並期待他攻守兩端的籃板數能讓

Along with World Cup debutant Domantas Sabonis and Mindaugas Kuzminskas, the
Lithuania paint will be somewhat a battleground more inclined to the Green
Machine if their preparation games are anything to go by.

另外還有世界盃首度亮相的Domantas Sabonis和Mindaugas Kuzminskas,依照熱身賽的狀

Overall, Lithuania's back court led by veteran point guard Mantas Kalnietis
will make for a good sight especially in the face of quality opposition.

而立陶宛的後場由老將控衛Mantas Kalnietis帶領,在面對高強度對手會表現得更好。

Now is the time for Lithuania to make a big announcement no matter their
opponents along the way. At least that is what they believe - to take one
game at a time.


Another team to beat: Australia

Yes, that makes it two teams to beat - it's the Group of Death after all.
After defeating USA in a friendly game, the Boomers are definitely walking
around with a bounce and one cannot blame them.


With an in-form Patty Mills, the domineering Andrew Bogut looking great and
Matthew Dellavedova unapologetically dominating on both ends of the court,
Australia look like the deal. Joe Ingles completes the scoring merchant
lineup for the Boomers core setup but they do have their work cut out.

表現出色的Patty Mills,佔據主導地位的Andrew Bogut,主宰攻守兩端的Matthew
Dellavedova,澳洲看起來很棒。Joe Ingles成為陣中的得分機器,澳洲隊的核心已經

With a squad averaging 30 years at this event being one of the oldest and for
all the talent they have produced over the years, this is easily one of their
best squads assembled in recent years.


FIBA World Ranking, presented by NIKE
6. Lithuania 4. LTU 623.0
11. Australia 1. AUS 515.0
23. Canada 8. CAN 400.2
37. Senegal 2. SEN 269.4

Key matchup: Lithuania v Australia
關鍵賽事:立陶宛 對 澳洲

Lithuania's biggest threat is expected to be in the form of Australia. The
Boomers have a 2-1 win ratio against the Baltic Giants at the World Cup with
the latest coming at this competition back in 2014 at the Group Phase level.


However, a lot has changed in the past five years and Lithuania look ready to
effect revenge this time round especially when a lot is on the line. The
winner of this tie will go a long way in determining who will emerge as the
table leader ultimately.


Canada are not far off in terms of the quality of opposition they will bring
to the table. In Kevin Pangos, the Road Warriors will be looking to live up
to their name and record their best performance at the World Cup by chasing
for the podium places.

加拿大距離強大的小組對手並不遙遠。公路勇士軍擁有Kevin Pangos,不會辜負他們的名

Pangos, who won two Lithuanian championships while plying his trade for
Zalgiris, will be coming up against familiar foes and just when they look
thin, he has proven he will fit into this void and deliver at least as per
the preparation games.


Senegal may look like outsiders in this Group of Death but with the
leadership of Maurice Ndour and Hamady Ndiaye, they maintain a chance to
upset the big boys.

塞爾加爾在死亡之組看來有點突兀,但他們由Maurice Ndour和Hamady Ndiaye領軍,

Star of the group: Jonas Valanciunas
本組球星:Jonas Valanciunas


To put it simply, Valanciunas is a man-mountain. One inch short of being a
seven footer, the Lithuanian center poses a real threat to anyone trying to
score against his side. No other player commands such presence in Group H as


His numbers last season with the Memphis Grizzlies in the NBA speak of a man
that means business. He knows what is at stake and understands what it means
to wear the hopes of a nation on his shoulders. He has been there, done that
at junior level.


Averaging 19.9 points and 10.7 rebounds per game for the Grizzlies sent out
an early warning that when he gets to the court in Dongguan, it will be
nothing but to protect Lithuania's rim and to make every possession count.


Top prospect: Domantas Sabonis
最佳新秀:Domantas Sabonis

When your father is a member of the FIBA Basketball Hall of Fame, standards
tend to be very high back at home and the chase to leave your father's shadow
defines you for a lifetime. Domantas is on such a journey. His father Arvydas
Sabonis was inducted in 2010 when he was 14 years of age but as Domantas
embarks on a promising road to define himself, the China edition presents a
perfect opportunity.

將影響你一輩子。Domantas就在經歷這過程。他的父親Arvydas Sabonis在2010年他14歲

In a weird turn of events, so much is expected of a World Cup debutant than
never seen before. The left-handed center whose exploits at junior level have
produced more than sparks for Lithuania is expected to replicate the same
form at senior level. He showed that already at the FIBA EuroBasket 2015 as
well as the Rio 2016 Olympics. He has since grown in leaps and bounds and the
World Cup in China presents a perfect opportunity to do his magic and take
the world by storm at the biggest stage.


Familiar face: Maurice Ndour
熟悉的面孔:Maurice Ndour

As the captain of the Senegal team, Ndour will be leading the West Africans
to their fifth appearance at this stage. Playing at his second World Cup, the
27-year old is coming to China with massive experience having led by example
during the African Qualifiers. If not for his contributions on the statistics
sheet then it will be for his dreadlocks that make his standout from the rest
of the crowd.


His leadership skills have already been tested during the preparation for
China and he has passed the test already. At 2.06m (6ft 9in) , Ndour will
provide cover in the paint and has what it takes to deal with the other big
men in their opponents camp.


His personality makes for a true fighter - one who is ready to die for his
country even literally but most notably is that he has mastered the art of
bringing his teammates together even though they have had less than a month
to prepare for the biggest basketball showpiece in the world.


While Ndour may have a larger role to play in China for his team, no one in
Group H can match Lithuania's Paulius Jankunas in terms of World Cup
appearances, with the 35-year-old power forward entering his fourth edition
of the flagship event, each under a different coach.


FIBA https://tinyurl.com/FIBAWC-H

Tags: 籃球

All Comments

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2019-09-01T18:53
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at 2019-09-03T17:06


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2019-09-01T09:18
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Leila avatar
By Leila
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Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2019-09-01T09:02
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