2019世界盃前瞻,預賽F組 by FIBA - 籃球

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2019-09-01T01:27

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Group F: Giannis Antetokounmpo, Greece frontrunners among the Nanjing four
F組:Giannis Antetokounmpo和希臘在南京賽區四隊中領先

28/08/2019 PREVIEW 3 MIN TO READ

NANJING (China) - Having the best player in the world and a host of veterans
makes Greece an attractive pick to fight for the top spots at the FIBA
Basketball World Cup 2019 in China, yet danger lurks at every turn in the
First Round for the European giants.


Both Brazil and New Zealand made it to knockout round five years ago in
Spain, with the latter having advanced to the knockout stage at every World
Cup since 2002. Each of those teams have several veterans from previous
campaigns on board while Montenegro, led by inspirational captain Bojan
Dubljevic and NBA star Nikola Vucevic, are sure to pack a mean punch in their
first-ever World Cup appearance on the evidence of their performances in the
European Qualifiers.

淘汰賽。這幾隊陣中都有幾位老將,蒙特內哥羅由勵志的隊長Bojan Dubljevic和NBA球星
Nikola Vucecic領銜,肯定會在他們由歐洲區資格賽晉級的首次世界盃亮相打出漂亮的一

Team to Beat: Greece

This is a no-brainer, and not just because the NBA's Most Valuable Player
this past season, Giannis Antetokounmpo, is in the lineup and preparing for
his second World Cup. Slick-passing, intelligent floor general Nick Calathes,
power forward Georgios Printezis, center Ioannis Bourousis and forward Kostas
Papanikolaou are as experienced as they come. Getting the best out of every
player while maintaining chemistry is a strength of coach Thanasis
Skourtopoulos. The last time the event was staged in the Far East, Greece
upset the USA in the 2006 Semi-Finals, 101-95. After Round of 16 defeats in
their last couple of World Cups, Greece are long overdue for a deep run in
the tournament and their friendly game performances strongly suggest this
will happen.

這是一個明智的選擇,不只是因為上季NBA MVP Giannis Antetokounmpo在陣中準備他的
第二次世界盃。流暢的傳球,場上的將軍Nick Calathes,大前鋒Georgios Printezis,
中鋒Ioannis Bourousis和前鋒Kostas Papanikolaou都很有經驗。保持化學反應的同時充
分利用每個球員是Thanasis Skourtopoulos的能力。上一次來到東亞進行的賽事中,希臘

FIBA World Ranking, presented by NIKE
8. Greece 6. GRE 602.2
12. Brazil 3. BRA 510.4
28. Montenegro 18. MNE 325.1
38. New Zealand 6. NZL 267.3

Key Matchup: Greece v Brazil
關鍵賽事:希臘 對 巴西

This is a game Brazil's veterans like Marcelo Huertas, Anderson Varejao and
Leandro Barbosa will be particularly looking forward to. Having a lot of
tournaments under their belts is a strength, while the fresh impetus that
youngsters Bruno Caboclo, Didi Louzada and Cristiano Felicio bring should be
a shot in the arm for a Brazil team led by Aco Petrovic, a coach supremely
confident in his own abilities and for good reason. He impressively led
Croatia to the 2016 Olympics and then to the Quarter-Finals. It'll be
fascinating to watch Calathes and Huertas square off, and to see Varejao
battle Bourousis. Vitor Benite's three-point shot is a threat for Brazil,
though it's going to take a collective effort to stop Antetokounmpo.

這是巴西幾名老將如Marcelo Huertas、Anderson Varejao和Leandro Barbosa特別期待的
對戰。比賽有他們的帶領下是有力的,而年輕新血Bruno Caboclo、Didi Louzada和
Cristiano Felicio帶來的

Click here for the full schedule of Group F.

Star: Giannis Antetokounmpo
球星:Giannis Antetokounmpo


The Greek Freak has improved every year of his professional career, so much
so that in the 2018-19 season the Milwaukee Bucks superstar was named as the
best player in the NBA. His combination of size, length and athleticism makes
him hard to stop. Offensively he gets to the rim and thrives in transition.
Defensively he swats shots and guards any player at any time. Greece have not
fully capitalized on this amazing talent yet, but it seems inevitable that
Antetokounmpo will lead the national team to the podium and it could just be
this year, even with opponents doing all they can to neutralize his impact.
Of all his skills that will come in handy, Antetokounmpo's passing should
come to the fore because when there are double- and triple-teams, other Greek
players will be open.


Top Prospect: Bruno Caboclo
最佳新秀:Bruno Caboclo

The 23-year-old featured at the FIBA AmeriCup 2017 but was absent for all of
Brazil's Americas Qualifiers games. The 2.05m (6ft 9in) small forward took
very big steps in his career earlier this year, impressing the Memphis
Grizzlies during a couple of 10-day contracts that he received a multi-year
deal with the club. With Brazil crying out for an infusion of youth in the
the national team, now is the time for the small forward to assert himself.
He can hit the three-pointer, can put the ball on the deck and finish at the
rim and his long arms help him on defense.


Familiar Faces: Anderson Varejao, Leandro Barbosa and Alex Garcia
熟悉的面孔:Anderson Varejao、Leandro Barbosa和Alex Garcia

This triumvirate has played for Brazil at every World Cup since 2002 in
Indianapolis. That is a lot of experience, therefore, for a national team
that's looking to make waves in the 32-team tournament in China. The trio has
came within a whisker of causing the biggest upset of the World Cup in 2010,
playing in the 70-68 defeat to eventual champions USA. Varejao has led Brazil
in rebounding before while the Brazlian blur, Barbosa, has been a leading
scorer. Garcia has been a menace on defense. All in all, it has been an
impressive run for the three and their fourth World Cup go-around could also
be special.


FIBA https://tinyurl.com/FIBAWC-F

Tags: 籃球

All Comments

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2019-09-02T18:45

spain vs Tunicia

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2019-08-31T20:51
第一節結束 16:17 直播 http://firstrowsportes.net/basketball/spain-tunisia-krk727332 - ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2019-08-31T20:33
如題 雖然沒在關注足球世界盃 但是身邊朋友在足球世界盃期間 每個都變足球迷 新聞也是整天一直報 播到也認識一堆球員 相較於足球 籃球世界盃的熱度整個就超級低 甚至連朋友打籃球有在看NBA的也沒什麼興趣.... 頂多知道美國徵招了誰而已 為什麼籃球世界盃比不過足球? 奧運籃球也是 但籃球NBA明 ...

世界盃 象牙海岸 V.S 中國

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2019-08-31T20:27
直播:https://live.qq.com/10003929 中場結束 29:29 來看一下中國那幾位是不是如豪豪所說有NBA實力 - ...

男籃世界盃開打 塞爾維亞105比59痛宰安

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2019-08-31T19:57
男籃世界盃開打 塞爾維亞105比59痛宰安哥拉 (中央社廣東佛山市31日綜合外電報導)2019世界盃籃球賽今天在中國開打,預賽D組塞 爾維亞與安哥拉之戰在廣東佛山市率先登場,奪冠大熱門塞爾維亞以105比59痛宰對手46 分,拿下開門紅。 效力NBA沙加緬度國王的後衛鮑格達諾維奇(Bogdan Bogdan ...


Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2019-08-31T19:55
剛剛很認真的打了幾場球 剛好有一球對位到 進攻發動的 就很積極地在跟,跟得忘情,沒注意到左邊動向 結果對位突然往我左手邊突破, 我一跟,左臂就撞到一個超硬的掩護卡位= = 直接震撼到我的肋骨與肺,現在呼吸都有點小怪小怪 後面還是有繼續打球,認真跟、跳投、切入都沒問題 只是現在到家了覺得呼吸有 ...