2014/7/27 - 鼓號樂隊 Drum Corps

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2014-07-28T10:42

Table of Contents

NightBEAT Tour of Champions
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Charlotte NC

World Class
1 Blue Devils 95.250
2 The Cadets 93.750
3 Carolina Crown 92.950
4 Santa Clara Vanguard 92.400
5 The Cavaliers 89.750
6 Phantom Regiment 87.900
7 Spirit of Atlanta 80.350


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2014/7/26 - Southeastern C'ship

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2014-07-27T12:54
DCI Atlanta Southeastern Championship Saturday, July 26, 2014 Atlanta GA World Class 1 Blue Devils 95.100 2 The Cadets ...

2014/7/26 - Southeastern C'ship

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2014-07-27T12:01
官方分數還沒出來 先轉錄 DCP 快報 另外DCI宣布今天觀眾數為破紀錄的 16695 (要查一下是哪個紀錄被破) 這場有線上串流轉播 沒跟到 orz 67.65 pioneer 70.675 cascades 72.175 jersey 75.225 mandarins 76.125 pacific ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2014-07-26T15:18
The Masters of the Summer Music Games Friday, July 25, 2014 Nashville TN World Class 1 Blue Devils 93.650 2 The Cadets ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2014-07-23T14:22
DCI in the Heartland Tuesday, July 22, 2014 Mustang OK World Class 1 The Cadets 92.750 2 Bluecoats 90.750 3 Carolina Crown 9 ...

Re: 2003 SCV - Orawa

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2014-07-23T00:40
※ 引述《merquise (大金至鋒)》之銘言: : 其實是想要轉本來的管弦樂版 (之前有放在 fb 上但找不到了XD) : SCV 成功地把這首曲子的效果轉換到足球場上 : 真的很了不起 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiPX3Hw7j2c Santa Clara ...