2014/7/26 - Southeastern C'ship - 鼓號樂隊 Drum Corps

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2014-07-27T12:54

Table of Contents

DCI Atlanta Southeastern Championship
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Atlanta GA

World Class
1 Blue Devils 95.100
2 The Cadets 93.700
3 Bluecoats 92.950
4 Carolina Crown 92.650
5 Santa Clara Vanguard 91.825
6 The Cavaliers 89.650
7 Blue Knights 88.600
8 Phantom Regiment 87.625
9 Boston Crusaders 86.650
10 Blue Stars 86.150
11 Madison Scouts 84.950
12 Crossmen 83.050
13 Troopers 81.675
14 Colts 80.925
15 Spirit of Atlanta 79.700
16 The Academy 79.000
17 Oregon Crusaders 77.825
18 Pacific Crest 76.125
19 Mandarins 75.225
20 Jersey Surf 72.175
21 Cascades 70.675
22 Pioneer 67.650
All Age Class
0 Carolina Gold 0.000
1 Atlanta CorpsVets 80.350

Legends Drum Corps Open
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Paw Paw MI

Open Class
1 Vanguard Cadets 73.400
2 7th Regiment 70.200
3 Genesis 69.850
4 Legends 67.500
5 Raiders 61.550
6 Coastal Surge 59.350
7 Les Stentors 55.600


All Comments

David avatar
By David
at 2014-07-28T18:55
BK贏PR了 後面還有兩支隊伍等著超越PR 有沒有這麼慘阿!!

2014/7/26 - Southeastern C'ship

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2014-07-27T12:01
官方分數還沒出來 先轉錄 DCP 快報 另外DCI宣布今天觀眾數為破紀錄的 16695 (要查一下是哪個紀錄被破) 這場有線上串流轉播 沒跟到 orz 67.65 pioneer 70.675 cascades 72.175 jersey 75.225 mandarins 76.125 pacific ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2014-07-26T15:18
The Masters of the Summer Music Games Friday, July 25, 2014 Nashville TN World Class 1 Blue Devils 93.650 2 The Cadets ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2014-07-23T14:22
DCI in the Heartland Tuesday, July 22, 2014 Mustang OK World Class 1 The Cadets 92.750 2 Bluecoats 90.750 3 Carolina Crown 9 ...

Re: 2003 SCV - Orawa

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2014-07-23T00:40
※ 引述《merquise (大金至鋒)》之銘言: : 其實是想要轉本來的管弦樂版 (之前有放在 fb 上但找不到了XD) : SCV 成功地把這首曲子的效果轉換到足球場上 : 真的很了不起 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiPX3Hw7j2c Santa Clara ...

2003 SCV - Orawa

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2014-07-22T23:38
其實是想要轉本來的管弦樂版 (之前有放在 fb 上但找不到了XD) SCV 成功地把這首曲子的效果轉換到足球場上 真的很了不起 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiPX3Hw7j2c - ...