2011 Wimbledon 7/2 - 拉斐爾·納達爾 Nadal

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2011-07-03T18:22

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#11 July 2, 2011

Ask Rafa: I'm thinking about joining Twitter, but I won't tell you when yet!


1. Hello Rafa! Next year when you come back to Wimbledon for Olympic Games,
will you be staying at the Olympic village with all other sportsmen or at the
apartment same as during the regular tournament? Best wishes from all your
fans in Bangladesh. Upoma & Paroma, Dhaka, Banglades

Q 哈囉Rafa!明年當你為了奧運回到溫布頓的時候,你會和所有運動員留在奧運選手村,

RN: Yes, I am really looking forward to coming back here next year twice at
least. The Olympics is something special. I will be staying during
Wimbledon at the house I rent, but during the games at the Olympic village
with all the athletes. I loved that atmosphere and would like to live it

RN: 是的,我真的很期待明年至少會回來這裡兩次。奧運很特別。在溫網期間我會待在

2. Why do you call Maymo "Tin Tin"? Is it because he looks like the Belgian
detective cartoon? Atch

Q 為什麼你叫Maymo"Tin Tin"?是因為他長得像比利時偵探卡通嗎?

RN: Hahahahahah. We started like that one day and now we all call him like
that. He didn't like it much at the beginning, but now it's OK.

RN: 哈哈哈哈哈。我們某天像是那樣開始的,現在我們都那樣叫他。剛開始他不大喜歡,

3. Hi Rafa. Which of your Nike kits in recent years would you say is your
favourite? Mine was the one you wore at Roland Garros when you won last year.
Great colours and design. Nicole

Q Hi Rafa。近年來你哪一套Nike服裝是你最喜歡的?我最喜歡的是你去年贏下法網穿得

RN: I actually love all their designs. I love the fact that they always have
live colors, except here the white of Wimbledon, which I also think is
special and like it.

RN: 事實上我愛他們所有的設計。我熱愛他們總是有活潑的色彩,除了溫網的白色之外,

4. There is a lot of talk on Twitter that you will be joining after
Wimbledon, is this true? And if you are, can you tell us when exactly?
Looking forward to your tweets! Sofie from NYC

Q 在twitter上有很多討論是說你在溫布頓之後會加入twitter,真的嗎?如果你會,

RN: Yes, I am thinking about it. Not sure if it will be right after Wimbledon
or when we go to Montreal.

RN: 是的,我正在考慮。不確定是否會在溫網過後立刻加入或是會是我們去Montreal的

5. Wimbledon is the only tournament where the winner is not taken to some
famous city sight to be photographed with the trophy the next day, as is the
practice in New York, Paris and Melbourne. If you could choose a famous sight
in London to go to for an official photograph, where would it be and why?
Julie (Woofs)

Q 溫布頓是唯一一個在贏球的隔天優勝者不會到某些知名景點和獎盃合照的賽事,就像

RN: True. I suppose that the picture at that gorgeous stadium is strong
enough for them. Maybe the first one would be in front of the Big Ben I
suppose. Will have to ask Benito Perez-Barbadillo, my publicist.

RN: 真的。我想在華麗的場館中拍照就夠強烈了。我想也許第一個選擇會是在大笨鐘前。

6. What's your second favourite European country (Spain being the first, I
assume)? Have you ever been to Hungary? Edina

Q 你第二個喜歡的歐洲國家是哪裡(我假設西班牙是第一名)? 你曾經去過匈牙利嗎?

RN: I have never ben to Hungary, but I hear it is beautiful, especially the
capital, Budapest. I love many things of many countries, especially cities
like Paris, Rome, London and many others.

RN: 我從來沒去過匈牙利,但我聽說那裡很漂亮,尤其是首都布達佩斯。我熱愛很多國家

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Tags: 網球

All Comments

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2011-07-06T07:05


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2011-07-03T16:33
我覺得Murray正拍真正的問題不是重心 如果你仔細看Federer、Nadal的正拍 他們在擊球前身體動作很大沒錯 但是在接觸瞬間身體是幾乎靜止的 而且他們停止的點都非常穩定 大約都是肩膀平行底線的位置 Nadal會多轉一點點,Federer會少一點點 反觀Murray 他在擊球的過程整個身體都在轉 而 ...

2011溫網男雙冠軍-Bryan Bros.

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2011-07-03T15:37
Gentlemenand#39;s Doubles - Finals Bob Bryan(USA)[1] / def. Robert Lindstedt(SWE)[8] / 6-3 6-4 7-6(2) Mike Bryan(USA)[1] Horia Tecau(ROU)[8] Bryan ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2011-07-03T15:36
※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板 #1E3x994r ] 作者: catandfish (個板) 看板: Tennis 標題: 2011-美國Newport男網賽籤表 時間: Sun Jul 3 08:05:26 2011 [1-WC] John Isner(USA) vs. Karol Beck( ...

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2011-07-03T15:36
July 1, 2011 LONDON, ENGLAND N. DJOKOVIC def. J. Tsonga 7-6, 6-2, 6-7, 6-3 Q. How does it feel to be in the final? 打進決賽感覺怎麼樣? NOVAK DJOKOVIC: It feel ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2011-07-03T15:36
Murray並非只會以右腳為重心打正手拍 他的重心 會根據來球狀況轉換 有時以右腳為重心 有時隨擊球過程重心由右腳移至左腳 甚至有時重心更偏左腳一些 Murray這種等級的選手當然不是只會打以右腳為重心的正拍 他會打並非全以右腳為重心的正拍擊球 http://tinyurl.com/6amh25j ht ...