2011 05/16 MLB 賽事精華 - 美國職棒

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2011-05-17T15:59

Table of Contents

洋基 (NYY) VS 光芒 (TB) (5 : 6)

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http://bit.ly/m4AEFT http://bit.ly/jWO6YE Maddon on Rays' win
http://bit.ly/m7JRtd http://bit.ly/mIPCT7 Recap: NYY 5, TB 6
http://bit.ly/iuB1Dr http://bit.ly/iJUD1a Granderson three-run blast
http://bit.ly/lDoE3L http://bit.ly/lwkbVX Martin nabs Upton
http://bit.ly/luucyj http://bit.ly/jmtG1I Damon solo homer
http://bit.ly/m1KnUc http://bit.ly/kRzejP Nunez two-run single
http://bit.ly/jmI7de http://bit.ly/myGCfT Fuld two-run homer
http://bit.ly/mP4LyI http://bit.ly/ljVNQ2 Cano fouls pitch off foot
http://bit.ly/leM5fc http://bit.ly/mg8fx0 Broadcasters call Fuld homer
http://bit.ly/jwyIy2 http://bit.ly/j4Gsb7 Upton go-ahead blast
http://bit.ly/kzmAo7 http://bit.ly/jj2muI Brignac nice grab
http://bit.ly/m6RO5B http://bit.ly/jahJ3d Nunez nice play

費城人 (PHI) VS 紅雀 (STL) (1 : 3)

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http://bit.ly/mqhrL8 http://bit.ly/jKz7Z7 Recap:PHI 1, STL 3
http://bit.ly/jOf8Je http://bit.ly/kpxm5B Francisco RBI single
http://bit.ly/m2G1qK http://bit.ly/lxE57R Punto RBI single
http://bit.ly/mcuoYP http://bit.ly/mvDbCe Theriot RBI single
http://bit.ly/lJEKJA http://bit.ly/jbKayX Jay RBI single
http://bit.ly/jgivCF http://bit.ly/ljl1Eh Lee six walks
http://bit.ly/jnPK9I http://bit.ly/k94uwf Lee stops a comebacker
http://bit.ly/m8trxP http://bit.ly/kcRtTn Westbrook picks off Orr
http://bit.ly/jrYIF2 http://bit.ly/kWpmFa Pujols mans the hot corner
http://bit.ly/ijJ60A http://bit.ly/kpIZhb La Russa on his return to team
http://bit.ly/lh4ACD http://bit.ly/mSHjis Pujols' diving stop

海盜 (PIT) VS 國民 (WAS) (2 : 4)

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http://bit.ly/jpFKXs http://bit.ly/mnv9Jo Hairston solo homer
http://bit.ly/jp1W4E http://bit.ly/iq7bcR Recap: PIT 2, WAS 4
http://bit.ly/jsCCvR http://bit.ly/llXSDU Espinosa go-ahead homer
http://bit.ly/mhh8zi http://bit.ly/mIRYtC Bernadina nabs Wood
http://bit.ly/mhMMzN http://bit.ly/irCeH7 Pearce RBI single
http://bit.ly/kemZhj http://bit.ly/mGuzZb Ramos' RBI single
http://bit.ly/jMihcA http://bit.ly/iRkAvc McCutchen nice grab
http://bit.ly/kDDyNy http://bit.ly/lI6YUa McCutchen RBI triple
http://bit.ly/jyRRyD http://bit.ly/lmAW8T Werth nice grab
http://bit.ly/kTkIvx http://bit.ly/mxDKig Desmond nice play
http://bit.ly/mGNc3d http://bit.ly/jCBzBM Desmond snags a liner
http://bit.ly/iWW1ow http://bit.ly/jdffQk Nats nab Snyder
http://bit.ly/jBHcO3 http://bit.ly/m0ZKJ9 Cedeno gets two

藍鳥 (TOR) VS 老虎 (DET) (4 : 2)

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http://bit.ly/kxj7wU http://bit.ly/iTNrts Scherzer strong start
http://bit.ly/iARmlX http://bit.ly/kToZmi Recap: TOR 4, DET 2
http://bit.ly/lwmFpV http://bit.ly/k9r6q2 Patterson bunt single
http://bit.ly/lXVb9i http://bit.ly/jiK34E Hill go-ahead double
http://bit.ly/jxbA9L http://bit.ly/ltnzgO Arencibia sac fly
http://bit.ly/iMfhCp http://bit.ly/iT1SbL Peralta solo homer
http://bit.ly/lMpHJp http://bit.ly/jDW555 Escobar sacrifice fly
http://bit.ly/l0e4PO http://bit.ly/ivH7AT Cabrera sac fly
http://bit.ly/mjloVp http://bit.ly/jJptGV Hill leaping grab
http://bit.ly/jfwIzX http://bit.ly/j8Y71Y Dirks' first career hit
http://bit.ly/mKVIYT http://bit.ly/maCz8N Drabek picks off Dirks
http://bit.ly/mSZqMz http://bit.ly/k0Tskj Dirks' parents on his debut
http://bit.ly/mnIAmg http://bit.ly/m1QAgT Rivera sacrifice fly
http://bit.ly/m94mw8 http://bit.ly/k9bHF3 Drabek out of trouble

金鶯 (BAL) VS 紅襪 (BOS) (7 : 8)

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http://bit.ly/kuS0Gw http://bit.ly/kObcQp Pedroia battles Gregg
http://bit.ly/lJEVkG http://bit.ly/mPOxJw Lackey gets placed on DL
http://bit.ly/iRQVcE http://bit.ly/mm4p0P Recap: BAL 7, BOS 8
http://bit.ly/mTp0ur http://bit.ly/jJGhDa Francona on the Red Sox victory
http://bit.ly/l6fPKf http://bit.ly/jhBrO8 Must C Clutch
http://bit.ly/jNgVzM http://bit.ly/m5k43c Youkilis' two-run double
http://bit.ly/medfsa http://bit.ly/kHAYBz Varitek RBI single
http://bit.ly/jnIi6e http://bit.ly/k81DeN Jones' RBI single
http://bit.ly/iMZqmZ http://bit.ly/muEjH8 Lowrie nice play
http://bit.ly/ld9zng http://bit.ly/mBnRHx Reynolds' solo shot
http://bit.ly/lfC7J3 http://bit.ly/kgExib Lowrie RBI double
http://bit.ly/kUML2o http://bit.ly/iKfaE5 Lee RBI double
http://bit.ly/jsFpmQ http://bit.ly/iwvlXI Adrian walk-off double
http://bit.ly/kIlZKa http://bit.ly/jJ5rYI Vlad RBI groundout
http://bit.ly/lytoub http://bit.ly/lLablY Matsuzaka gets hit in ribs
http://bit.ly/jlEhQh http://bit.ly/iz7tz6 Lee diving stop
http://bit.ly/mCIaPY http://bit.ly/igpOFO Wieters' RBI single
http://bit.ly/jFTiZ4 http://bit.ly/lnA1L9 Tillman incredible stop
http://bit.ly/kRFgVL http://bit.ly/ke44lt Reynolds' RBI single
http://bit.ly/j245wH http://bit.ly/kHrMT1 Adrian RBI single
http://bit.ly/kZLJ7Y http://bit.ly/mEReOK Roberts' nice stop
http://bit.ly/mUMSLX http://bit.ly/mwFBS7 Fox nice snag

小熊 (CHC) VS 紅人 (CIN) (4 : 7)

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http://bit.ly/jLNhnG http://bit.ly/kJlom2 Reds on win over Cubs
http://bit.ly/kNVD14 http://bit.ly/lFeO20 Recap: CHC 4, CIN 7
http://bit.ly/kqU4id http://bit.ly/kpsooi Stubbs throws out Soriano
http://bit.ly/iIDGWR http://bit.ly/mSxFqX Pena scores on error
http://bit.ly/lhudOP http://bit.ly/k2QK5S Reds' seven-run sixth
http://bit.ly/j3gbC2 http://bit.ly/iYjApi Barney RBI single
http://bit.ly/luWkRl http://bit.ly/kpVcEQ Votto RBI single
http://bit.ly/iSaKIZ http://bit.ly/kYopnl Reds get Hill in a rundown
http://bit.ly/iBFNnC http://bit.ly/mHhxAs Gomes' two-run shot
http://bit.ly/kzdARM http://bit.ly/ifPt5A Pena two-run shot
http://bit.ly/k3DAPC http://bit.ly/mUqWwb Renteria nice stop

馬林魚 (FLA) VS 大都會 (NYM) (2 : 1)

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http://bit.ly/iMB2lj http://bit.ly/maitXm Must C: Crushed
http://bit.ly/l869jt http://bit.ly/m9t0RD Must C: Carom
http://bit.ly/mrPzOm http://bit.ly/ldQSn9 Mets fan can't "mask" emotions
http://bit.ly/ipNCBS http://bit.ly/kMfvj2 MassMutual Good Decisions
http://bit.ly/kLYd1O http://bit.ly/m3Pz3v Dunn perfect relief
http://bit.ly/k8gnJb http://bit.ly/jrEJ1c Pelfrey solid start
http://bit.ly/lGVTSf http://bit.ly/jkDaTt Johnson injury
http://bit.ly/kptvBL http://bit.ly/kKLAZZ Recap: FLA 2, NYM 1
http://bit.ly/kmNJpt http://bit.ly/keeJrr Badenhop RBI single
http://bit.ly/jwMZAX http://bit.ly/mBUiAD Beltran turns two
http://bit.ly/kfTlgq http://bit.ly/lVYy3l Turner RBI double
http://bit.ly/lT0TLV http://bit.ly/iSglfm Harris' amazing catch
http://bit.ly/jrgzQQ http://bit.ly/iz5Ze0 Stanton solo blast
http://bit.ly/m1C58C http://bit.ly/jggP5D Morrison leaping grab

太空人 (HOU) VS 勇士 (ATL) (2 : 3)

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http://bit.ly/lqDYLV http://bit.ly/jzmpIb Braves on win over Astros
http://bit.ly/kGgnnP http://bit.ly/mjI0cO Recap: HOU 2, ATL 3
http://bit.ly/jjDcf0 http://bit.ly/kTLhHq Kimbrel strong relief
http://bit.ly/mDd7MC http://bit.ly/jEDI3S Hanson 10 strikeouts
http://bit.ly/jUwzbM http://bit.ly/jPK27F Myers' six strikeouts
http://bit.ly/jwUgw1 http://bit.ly/kEDAi6 Heyward returns from injury
http://bit.ly/mjQaAO http://bit.ly/moHM3v Downs' RBI double
http://bit.ly/jXUNCi http://bit.ly/j36Hiq Mather two-run single
http://bit.ly/mzZ7D9 http://bit.ly/lmmU7b Astros turn two
http://bit.ly/mcEZi1 http://bit.ly/lKiAIe Prado barehanded play
http://bit.ly/iE3Flb http://bit.ly/ljFUIW Hall turns two
http://bit.ly/jk5dSN http://bit.ly/lDhA6R Prado great diving stop
http://bit.ly/kC60IC http://bit.ly/iXhRxT Hinske go-ahead single
http://bit.ly/kpKFUk http://bit.ly/m4vIa9 Downs' solo shot

印地安人 (CLE) VS 皇家 (KC) (19 : 1)

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http://bit.ly/moDYfo http://bit.ly/iXAKsw LaPorta four-hit game
http://bit.ly/iwgP0c http://bit.ly/iJiEeU Recap: CLE 19, KC 1
http://bit.ly/kC4xW0 http://bit.ly/miyath Davies' injury
http://bit.ly/jnWc0z http://bit.ly/kB0hKz Tribe scores 14 runs
http://bit.ly/kSkZbs http://bit.ly/jxD1Ij Butler RBI groundout
http://bit.ly/mQjjmU http://bit.ly/ieNrMS Indians' 10-run fourth
http://bit.ly/iRKayx http://bit.ly/io2u1v Brantley three-run blast
http://bit.ly/lZmjEx http://bit.ly/kWHhoJ Cabrera two-run single
http://bit.ly/ltIFLk http://bit.ly/lsiu8W Buck RBI single
http://bit.ly/iY4sNi http://bit.ly/krBvPo Yost on Mazzaro poor outing
http://bit.ly/mskJKj http://bit.ly/jtpTla Brantley RBI single
http://bit.ly/kaFbaf http://bit.ly/mmuNEz Hafner bases-clearing double
http://bit.ly/ij7a9B http://bit.ly/ikv4E7 LaPorta two-run double
http://bit.ly/kUUR9H http://bit.ly/klDF06 LaPorta second two-run double
http://bit.ly/jUHpSj http://bit.ly/jbr6o3 Royals turn two
http://bit.ly/kjZYMh http://bit.ly/kNZvKz Cabrera two-run single

遊騎兵 (TEX) VS 白襪 (CWS) (4 : 0)

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http://bit.ly/jZVtpL http://bit.ly/kIKzMY Rangers on win in Chicago
http://bit.ly/jzmbfS http://bit.ly/lPhIZz Sale scoreless inning
http://bit.ly/j2SSwN http://bit.ly/ivOQv7 Lewis' complete-game shutout
http://bit.ly/kTqCbk http://bit.ly/leQPW2 Chavez great game
http://bit.ly/kduHII http://bit.ly/lFYrOh Ramirez double
http://bit.ly/lynZ8e http://bit.ly/lwaVAR Recap: Tex 4, Cws 0
http://bit.ly/iDs7xa http://bit.ly/k2y4Jh Guillen on the White Sox loss
http://bit.ly/ikTSIM http://bit.ly/k72Ggj Pierre nice catch
http://bit.ly/lB4kBw http://bit.ly/msikWm Beltre RBI single
http://bit.ly/j2XHkO http://bit.ly/k8fBHa Kinsler two-run single
http://bit.ly/lufEAt http://bit.ly/jpJinK Young RBI double

巨人 (SF) VS 落磯 (COL) (4 : 7)

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http://bit.ly/mgYXRK http://bit.ly/mlQM3W Recap: SF 4, COL 7
http://bit.ly/mv7tvl http://bit.ly/iD4zht Lincecum picks off Fowler
http://bit.ly/kJX86E http://bit.ly/knOiwX CarGo three-run blast
http://bit.ly/lYHUCD http://bit.ly/iGJuWu Tejada slick play
http://bit.ly/mru5Gb http://bit.ly/kuA8ak Fowler RBI single
http://bit.ly/lprCvk http://bit.ly/lCE32x Tracy on the Rockies' victory
http://bit.ly/kqyHYF http://bit.ly/l4Ahp8 Sanchez great play
http://bit.ly/mkno56 http://bit.ly/l2P2W7 Giants nab Morales at home
http://bit.ly/mk90Iw http://bit.ly/jA3tpX Morales reaches on Giants' error
http://bit.ly/k7fhmN http://bit.ly/lnHCeK Torres' solo homer
http://bit.ly/jxEGOK http://bit.ly/lqbjxm Smith solo homer
http://bit.ly/jrwbp7 http://bit.ly/jmcNZR Schierholtz two-run shot
http://bit.ly/jz9CT2 http://bit.ly/iJLc6B Tejada scores on wild pitch
http://bit.ly/lJcMHF http://bit.ly/l5TAxb Tulo two-run single

教士 (SD) VS 響尾蛇 (ARI) (8 : 4)

>>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<<

http://bit.ly/kJOqvK http://bit.ly/ma4Cqd Upton solo shot
http://bit.ly/mMSvFj http://bit.ly/j9IvBm Kid mirrors coach signs
http://bit.ly/lEVFZ1 http://bit.ly/lOdgQB Maybin leaves with injury
http://bit.ly/jTCHdt http://bit.ly/lLzs0w Recap: SD 8, ARI 4
http://bit.ly/kEJm5K http://bit.ly/jFEUSZ Bartlett two-run double
http://bit.ly/k4AMGt http://bit.ly/lGPeKE Headley RBI single
http://bit.ly/kM83MG http://bit.ly/ipV4q2 Ludwick diving catch
http://bit.ly/jT98HM http://bit.ly/mvPGRn Ludwick two-run homer
http://bit.ly/jZpohj http://bit.ly/jnWyIQ Gibson on the D-back loss
http://bit.ly/kBdWoA http://bit.ly/jEpjwV Phillips hit on backswing
http://bit.ly/ktXrRP http://bit.ly/jTZT3c Padres turn two
http://bit.ly/kmWoI4 http://bit.ly/jx3zTx Ludwick sac fly
http://bit.ly/kJ2ZzW http://bit.ly/kvA5z1 Mora RBI single
http://bit.ly/iJEALQ http://bit.ly/l3NXnC Blanco second homer
http://bit.ly/iohFSH http://bit.ly/m4ri7w Blanco solo homer
http://bit.ly/l934R3 http://bit.ly/lYsQ43 Maybin RBI single

天使 (LAA) VS 運動家 (OAK) (4 : 5)

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http://bit.ly/jtpthi http://bit.ly/kZ5gy9 DeJesus scores on error
http://bit.ly/iG7ywa http://bit.ly/lbUxbg Pennington RBI single
http://bit.ly/iTyqd1 http://bit.ly/kDlDiR Barton game-tying single
http://bit.ly/lXHY18 http://bit.ly/k9ZpPb Callaspo RBI groundout
http://bit.ly/lmPN4h http://bit.ly/kfFaIs Recap: LAA 4, OAK 5
http://bit.ly/jwJ60q http://bit.ly/l57i5M Geren on the A soggy victory
http://bit.ly/l4fLlF http://bit.ly/kSdjY7 Suzuki scores walk-off run
http://bit.ly/kgUJG1 http://bit.ly/kLbHYg Trumbo sacrifice fly
http://bit.ly/mQbacH http://bit.ly/lSOp6b Willingham single
http://bit.ly/lULpRG http://bit.ly/lQCHdV Kendrick two-run single
http://bit.ly/kyUMPj http://bit.ly/kbs3SP Willingham sacrifice fly
http://bit.ly/kITMkR http://bit.ly/jhppBU Angels fall on walk off

釀酒人 (MIL) VS 洛杉磯道奇 (LAD) (2 : 1)

>>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<<

http://bit.ly/lGIw4x http://bit.ly/mS5gSd McGehee nice play
http://bit.ly/jkmrBH http://bit.ly/jUBNgj Marcum stellar start
http://bit.ly/kXLNfV http://bit.ly/jtRX9I Recap: MIL 2, LAD 1
http://bit.ly/lgB8Wp http://bit.ly/kvvuQM Marcum walk
http://bit.ly/kqxD2G http://bit.ly/jPFGgv Weeks' RBI single
http://bit.ly/mUI37L http://bit.ly/ijuOSG Kemp sacrifice fly
http://bit.ly/mg1ZH8 http://bit.ly/iTuWHR Dodgers turn two
http://bit.ly/lbEQbb http://bit.ly/jmcRcL Gibbons' tough catch
http://bit.ly/kdMoqt http://bit.ly/kFDkPU Gomez robs Uribe of a homer
http://bit.ly/l9054I http://bit.ly/jxTqtS Fielder RBI single
http://bit.ly/lJuv8U http://bit.ly/jCPNLU Loney foul catch

雙城 (MIN) VS 水手 (SEA) (2 : 5)

>>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<<

http://bit.ly/l6h3V3 http://bit.ly/mzwOnA Kennedy solo blast
http://bit.ly/jq57au http://bit.ly/ilqK99 Twins turn two
http://bit.ly/lDNVfG http://bit.ly/mlyQDY Valencia RBI groundout
http://bit.ly/mA6JsG http://bit.ly/mKJgs8 Baker eight strikeouts
http://bit.ly/jJTPCi http://bit.ly/jdrqh6 Pineda dominant start
http://bit.ly/igolpk http://bit.ly/khiadn Recap: MIN 2, SEA 5
http://bit.ly/mBDLyu http://bit.ly/j19Hb6 Peguero solo homer
http://bit.ly/m2qb1d http://bit.ly/iO4HmN Butera nabs Ichiro
http://bit.ly/iK8qk0 http://bit.ly/mr8YfW Kubel scores on error
http://bit.ly/jfvdW8 http://bit.ly/ieYQG7 Smoak RBI double
http://bit.ly/jvqdTU http://bit.ly/k8Ifjb Cust RBI double


>>>>>>>線上版<<<<<<< >>>>>>>下載版<<<<<<<

http://bit.ly/m7JRtd http://bit.ly/mIPCT7 Recap: NYY 5, TB 6
http://bit.ly/mqhrL8 http://bit.ly/jKz7Z7 Recap: PHI 1, STL 3
http://bit.ly/jp1W4E http://bit.ly/iq7bcR Recap: PIT 2, WAS 4
http://bit.ly/iARmlX http://bit.ly/kToZmi Recap: TOR 4, DET 2
http://bit.ly/iRQVcE http://bit.ly/mm4p0P Recap: BAL 7, BOS 8
http://bit.ly/kNVD14 http://bit.ly/lFeO20 Recap: CHC 4, CIN 7
http://bit.ly/kptvBL http://bit.ly/kKLAZZ Recap: FLA 2, NYM 1
http://bit.ly/kGgnnP http://bit.ly/mjI0cO Recap: HOU 2, ATL 3
http://bit.ly/iwgP0c http://bit.ly/iJiEeU Recap: CLE 19, KC 1
http://bit.ly/lynZ8e http://bit.ly/lwaVAR Recap: Tex 4, Cws 0
http://bit.ly/mgYXRK http://bit.ly/mlQM3W Recap: SF 4, COL 7
http://bit.ly/jTCHdt http://bit.ly/lLzs0w Recap: SD 8, ARI 4
http://bit.ly/lmPN4h http://bit.ly/kfFaIs Recap: LAA 4, OAK 5
http://bit.ly/kXLNfV http://bit.ly/jtRX9I Recap: MIL 2, LAD 1
http://bit.ly/igolpk http://bit.ly/khiadn Recap: MIN 2, SEA 5
http://bit.ly/mcPGPB http://bit.ly/k4ZQiQ 今日五大好球
http://bit.ly/j7QOZC http://bit.ly/kNJf6k 上週十大HR
http://bit.ly/lrDu2V http://bit.ly/m7r3KK 今日快速掃描
http://bit.ly/kT7cBj http://bit.ly/iVasu1 76秒今日快掃Nice Play

http://blog.xuite.net/baseballman/blog MLB/NBA每日線上高光 & 線上Top10

http://nbafilm.summerhost.info NBA官網 + ESPN官網 每日即時線上影片


All Comments

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2011-05-19T01:16
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2011-05-21T18:02
19= =......
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2011-05-22T08:20
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2011-05-26T11:34
19分是怎麼回事= = 不過我想條子的30分更是過分XD
William avatar
By William
at 2011-05-30T07:28
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2011-06-02T12:14
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2011-06-07T10:25
有金寶 XD
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2011-06-07T12:52
有洛磯巨人的recap嗎 謝謝!!!
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2011-06-10T08:17
http://bit.ly/lFTvx7 Recap: SF 4, COL 7
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2011-06-12T02:49
五大好球 第五名那球是不是落地了
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2011-06-16T20:51
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2011-06-18T09:08
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2011-06-18T21:37
請問有教士響尾蛇的recap嗎 謝謝!!!
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2011-06-21T04:07
http://bit.ly/lLzs0w 有的 我在等76秒精華出來 一起update
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2011-06-26T02:50
19:1 居然Soria還要上班 ~?
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2011-06-29T05:39
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2011-07-01T23:26
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2011-07-04T20:58
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2011-07-09T17:16
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2011-07-14T05:38
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2011-07-18T18:25
樓上.... 看了有點想吐= =
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2011-07-22T10:23
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2011-07-23T05:47
George avatar
By George
at 2011-07-27T05:00
感覺他很傷心因為大都會輸球 可是為什麼有外星人的FU...
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2011-07-31T19:52
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2011-08-02T02:49
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2011-08-03T20:30
http://ppt.cc/qDSu <<慢動作看一下球的地置
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2011-08-07T06:24
很明顯的落地..WERTH 那球
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2011-08-08T03:21
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2011-08-10T18:41
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2011-08-13T03:11
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2011-08-13T15:56
http://0rz.tw/GqqDK (這個面具也太大了吧~~)
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2011-08-15T12:21
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2011-08-17T19:13
原來是面具!!!!~哈哈哈哈哈哈 我還以為外星人咧~XD
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2011-08-21T03:45
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2011-08-21T23:26
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2011-08-26T16:17
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2011-08-30T02:21
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2011-09-01T01:47
rob 這詞用的真棒
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2011-09-03T12:53


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2011-05-17T12:36
首先先跟各位板友道歉,翻譯錯誤的問題 雖然這篇跟MLB沒關係,但我引起糾紛實在有必要發一篇道歉文 事實上是我請U大來幫忙的,造成U大困擾,再一次抱歉 簡單說明自己本意, 有時候看到一篇很好玩的文章,基於想跟板友分享的目的,所以就貼了 當時那英文不難,所以翻了也沒出多大的包 第一次碰翻譯是因為abc大貼那 ...

05/16 BAL at BOS Boxscore

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2011-05-17T11:54
╭──────┬─────────────┬────╮ Baltimore │GAME #041 │1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 │ R H E│ Boston ├──────┼─────────────┼────┤ (19-21) │Balt ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2011-05-17T11:23
好吧 JJ 5IP 1ER Pelfrey 7IP 1ER 九局打完1:1 要加班了 重點是....Hu上了 九下滿壘2出局 一球死....差點穿出二游... AVG 0.05 T口T 上場守二壘 - ...


Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2011-05-17T10:32
http://hichannel.hinet.net/live.do?id=411 Twins Mariners CF Denard Span (L) RF Ichiro Suzuki (L) SS Trevor Pl ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2011-05-17T10:22
Brewers Dodgers 2B Rickie Weeks (R) SS Jamey Carroll (R) CF Carlos Gomez (R) 2B Aaron ...